Hejola report
for 12012015.
Texas, hello raza I am Johnnie el quemon con today’s award winning barrio
headline news:
Barrio members
not going to church as often.
Barrio residents
on high alert for terrorist during the holidays.
Christmas stuff
stolen from several front yards.
The increase
of stolen stuff has hit the highest level since back in 1984. El constable told
us que this year’s favor stolen ideas are the following:
1. The Christmas lights,the ones you can’t
2. Potted tresses the ones you can’t
3. Path lights and yard stakes, the ones
you can’t afford.
4. Christmas inflatables, yes the ones
you can’t afford.
5. And of course the oversized décor,
for sure the ones you can’t afford.
So the constable tells us que there are several ways to prevent folks
from stealing your chit, he pointed out that you might want to but el Constable
Cadena human life size poster of him, standing in your front lawn.
Well it’s
that time again to bring family members back to the hood to visit for the
holidays, el constable cadena told us que he is prepared to provide security services
to those family members knowing que chit is going hit the fan as soon as those
beloved family members spend time with your family. So let’s stop the terror
and hire a watch man for your home for the holidays.
A study done
by some vato told us que it seems que less barrio resident are attending church
compared to 20 years ago. In his study he indicated several reasons why and
here are a few:
1. Pass the basket more than three times
per mass.
2. Ministers ask us to pay up for air conditioner
for his office.
3. Services are too long.
4. They play too much rock and roll now.
5. Not enough singing.
6. Smells like candles are burning.
7. Talks about politics.
8. Have too many committees meeting to
go to.
9. Can’t afford 10 percent of my wages
to the church.
Anyhow the
author told us que there were more but could not publish them.
Ok raza what
ever you do don’t talk about my mama.
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