Monday, December 14, 2015

hejola report for 12142015



Hejola report for 12142015.


Kingsville,Texas. hello raza I am Bill Diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news:

Barrio gringitos prepare for something.

Gringitos try and take over the hood but shows their asses.

And finally some darn good news.

You know we use the term gringitos literally, but it’s alright due to the fact que the gringitos are amoung us and always will, but it’s all right once they realize que they had it all wrong, thing will look a lot brighter for them.

It seems that there are several Tejanos, Latinos, Mexicans, Chicanos and whatever you want to call yourself still believe all the chit they hear on TV  and still believe que we should do something about things that their not sure about any more. These were some of the comments made at a barrio meeting held last night. It was real sad that the only ones that believe we had a bunch of freeloaders in the hood were the ones that were the freeloaders. You know that there is something real wrong when you get our own to believe that and are willing to show their asses to others in public.

Yesterday our own redneck, Russell Ruff Redneck, yes the one that married la prima, Martha Gonzales Martinez Munoz, showed how worried he is that he build a moat around his property and didn’t have a building permit. So once the city and barrio city inspectors when over and saw the damages he did to his property and the folks living next door decided to bring in their own equipment and covered it up just like that. Mr. Redneck will be fined and have to pay for all the damage he did. Mr. Redneck told us que it was un-American and que he was going to do something about it. La prima told us que we really shouldn’t be listening to her husband; he hadn’t taken his medication in a few days.

Ok raza and for those gringitos that think they are more American that you and me “ god bless la raza” , and let me  hear an AMEN.

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