Tuesday, June 26, 2018


Hejola report  for 06262018


Kingsville,texas. Hello there my friends and what in world wide of sports are we doing today, I am Frankie tuxedo Zuniga con today’ award winning barrio headline news:

Some good news:

Yesterday we were told that several Tejano organizations have agreed to acknowledge gay Tejano artists. This is great news for the only Tejano bar “ two tons of Fun”.
Easy Bunny, the manager of this bar tells us now there they can bring in real Tejano music into their bar. Its great move we think. Now we can all  see our compadres y commadres getting down con few good polkas.. oh yea. Keep it gay vato.

 Increase of ice block on the move:
Keep it Cool, a new barrio ice making company is hitting it big this past few weeks, with their old fashion but new trend on keep cool this summer. The deal is that this company has re-cycle old fashion water cooler and has convert them into modern day air conditions with a catch to it. You have to add a block of ice, which keeps the air it blows cool. The owners tell us that that block of ice can last up to two or three hours. Now the plus behind this is that you can also water your yard with the melted ice. “ keep it cool” tell us that blocks of ice are going fast and are still at that give away price.

Barrio members prepare for a long hot summer.
We just informed que the complete Westside of our hood was in the edge of night? That means that if some of the barrio folks don’t make payments on their past electric bills the whole darn Westside might just get shut down, says el electric guy Ben Cases. Yes, he told us que some folks like that air conditioner but forget que some one got to pay for that luxury .

 Ok raza have a cool day and stay cool because if you aint cool you aint shit.

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