Monday, June 25, 2018

hejola report for 06252018

Hejola report for 06252018.
kingsvilleTexas. Hello again I am Francisco Delgado del Gaulle, con today’s award winning headline news:
Vato staggering along west Richard, local residents call constables office.
Earlier this morning a barrio resident living at the 300 west Richard st. call the constable cadena office wanting to report que a vato had just passed her home and he seemed to be staggering. Once the constable got there it seems que he had already spoken to this dude twice this evening. Constable cadena stated que he had already determined que esta vato was not intoxicated.
Homeless family asked to move, no camping allowed inside the city barrio limits.
A  police unit from across the tracks, stopped an inspected a car that was parked in a no parking zone. It seems que this people were napping in their car on third and wells street. Well somehow or another this car somehow qualified as a campers the police report indicated. And since this side of town had already passed a new municipal code, outlawing no camping in the hood. The people were asked to move on or be hauled and tow to jail.

La commadre de la commadre hit by truck. 

Last night los vatos locos volunteer firefighters were called on an 811 call. Its seems que la commadre Susana, call 811 after her commadre GIGI got hit by a passing truck while she stood in the middle of the street. Before the vatos could get there it seems que la commadre managed to get up and she got her self-checked into the hospital. But before constable cadena could get there, it seems que la commadre had already checked herself out of the hospital. The constable report stated que the truck was not damage.

Thank you Francisco. Well there you have it for today, I am bill diaz, and have a great day.

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