barrio stock market report for 09142012.
Kingsville,tx. Hi I am La China Cano de china Nuevo
Leon. Now from our trading post, our
living room, right next to my room, which is next to my creators room here is
Urbano Yosabatodo.
Ok thanks for that great introduction. Hello again raza, I
am urbano yosabatodo con el best stock market report ever seen or read, I think
that’s how it goes. Our report today is sponsor by “vato super glue”; it will
never let you down.
As a barrio broker with
nearly a decade of experience in the stock market, that’s eating the stuff we
monitor, I'm always looking for better information, better stock picks, and of
course better return for my barrio friends and customers few dollars.
We here, and you there, are that brokers and more, offering
you, si you, the barrio investor different types of barrio investment with a
solution to and almost any problem you might have. Really any problem you may
have regardless if its stock issue or not. But we do Nurture the winners, and
sometime cry con los losers!
El barrio stock market trading systems has been optimized
for maximum gains. We here and you there try to focus on carefully maintaining
winning positions on real things that matter to you the barrio consumer and
avoid cutting losses shorter in which you can’t lose here. Our position and
strategies have proven means to long term financial success in our barrio
Now for that award winning barrio stock market.
Los tamales: Los tamales are the big winners for the end of
this quarter.
Never rush to take a profit, but if you practices Patience
and a consistent, and a well-executed system are two key elements in
identifying and ultimately HOLDING winning positions that can show profits in
excess of 100% in the tamale market. Look since los tamales are out of season
in which we believe que more and more folks are eating tamales regularly it’s
time to buy them now and freeze for Christmas and those coming holidays. Los
tamales end this quarter at $6.50 a dozen and believe us raza are expected to take
a jump up to$6.75 a dozen within the next 30 to 45 days. Buy raza buy.
Los taquitos: Los taquitos, Whether you are a top broker
here at the barrio stock market, or just a plan JOSE or even just a part-time
barrio investor looking to lock in better barrio gains or better barrio reward
on a no-risk ratios, los taquitos marker has something for you. This year has
been a good year for many small barrio restaurants and stores. We the big rush
we had a few weeks ago y el susto con all this rain gave us here, los taquitos
remain pretty stable during all month. Muchos of los owners of this business
told us que sales were great and wish que more storms would come more often.
Los taquitos remained at $1.45 each and coffee is extra in many places. We
still ask or want to know how many refills can a person get on a cup of coffee?
Las tortillas: Las tortillas have had major problems these
past few months. Thanks to el QUAPO, A prominent Technical Analysts, one who
has eaten millions of tortillas, just like you and me. But el QUAPO tells us
que we should keep focusing on the underlining price and volume action of la tortilla
stocks. He tell us que muchas tortilla companies really care about the quality
and it really matters to them . Well la company “Suerte Y Paz,” tell us que It’s not what something is fundamentally
worth, but rather what people are willing to pay for it. What matters are
regarding the tortilla market is not to make mucho pedo on how bad or how good
they are. There is no disagreement on what price our tortilla stock market
opened or closed at on any given day, but we still believe it’s the quality what
counts. There is no disagreement in the number of tortillas that are found
stuck to each other in a pack but the traded is what matters. Las tortillas
ended this quarter at $1.10 cent to $1.35 a dozen.
La barbacoa de cabeza: La barbacoa market has taken a big
jump lately, now that we have been telling raza que that mad cow disease only
effects gringos. Look raza, we have been eating beef for the longest time and
there aint never anybody told us about how beef can affect your brain.
Heck man I didn’t even know cows got mad, now I seen a bull
try to gore my grandfather, once in a cow pen. But that was my grandfather
fault. Never ever enter a pen full of cows and bulls that havent eaten in days
con a sack full of range-cubes. You know that stuff you feed cattle. Anyway the
price of beef didn’t really go up too much this past few weeks. But It seem que
people are buying more beef now that ever. We have to thank this year football
season, especially now que los cowboys are winning some games, it makes la raza
in the hood go out and buy more. La barbacoa de cabeza remained stable at $5.50
a lb. For the end of this quarter.
Las empanadas: Las empanadas, we got a real nasty letter the
other day about how wrong we were con pineapples. They told us que we need to
get our information right and that pineapples do not grow on trees, YOU MEAN
THEY DON’T. WOW /oh well, we missed one. The price of pumpkin, sweet potatoes
and I guess pineapples (I still think they grow on trees) took a dive on price
this past quarter.
It still hasn’t rain
enough and has forced lots of empanada makers to cross the track and go buy
their goods at the bigger markets over there. Which has had a big butt impact
here in the hood with our smaller barrio farmers market. You just can’t find
them here says an empanada broker. It’s still so dry que many of us are for
sure going to jack up the price come this last quarter of the year. The prices
of las empanadas are $.85 cent each , we will never ever see then at four for a
And finally cheap beer. Well yesterday we spend a bit too
much on beer and got away from the cheap beer section and bought that beer that
cost a bit more. But we have noticed que it really don’t matter how expensive
the beer is it’s still going to mess with you in the morning. Cheap beer ended
the quarter at $4.65 a six-pack. Please note we never will mention any brand
due to the fact que they don’t give us any free beer nor samples.
Ok raza there you have it and have a great day. And be ware
Tejano Journal is on the move.
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