Thursday, September 20, 2012

hejola report for 0920212

Hejola report for 0920212.


Kingsville,tx. Hello again, I am bill diaz con todays award winning barrio headline news;

Esta vato loco arrested.

Cowboy protest continues.

And finally, some good news.

Oh yea we all looking for some good news once in awhile and that was the word we got that la family lopez got yesterday. It seems que one of the lopez family member gave out a hot check for $250 and all the family wished was that their school check was in the mail in order to avoid the extra fee’s a bounced check is charged ( $75.).  Well low and behold, the check came in the mail and all was back to normal at the lopez home. Thank god there is a god. Now folks is that good news or what.

A handful of gay men and gay women and some tejanos were asked to leave the building they have been protesting form several days now. It seems que many in the hood don’t believe a word the city is saying about being able to dress like a cowboy during the weekend. As you might remember this pasted weekend was a real harsh one for many cowboy fans. The leader of this group Leroy Cumbia Jones, tells this reporter, look we don’t care if the boy’s win or not, but let us dress up like cowboys or cowgirls during the weekend without being harassed.  The city leaders will review this matter sometime in 2033.

Yesterday afternoon, esta vato loco was arrested at a campaign fund raiser, when he was address some major issue for his re-election this coming November. El constable was not made aware of the warrant esta vato loco had from a few years back. The police from across the tracks arrested him and took him to jail over there. El constable cadena will file a complaint con our local county judge against those men in black for not working in a cooperative way. Oh by the way the where about of esta vato loco is unknown?


Ok raza have a great day.

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