Texas. Hello again como estan? And now for our barrio award winning headline
Leave the
lights on, no one is home.
program bans adults.
And finally some dare good news.
Now that
this gay thing came around again, it seems that more and more barrio men and
some women are coming out of the closet then staying in it. This conclusion was
determined but our own gay person Veronica la lesbian, who by the way spends
the majority of her time at bars. Si says Veronica look barrio raza have never
said anything about women dancing together for as far back as we can remember. Heck
even on the internet you see more and more men dancing together, so the real
question is, who cares?
After several
hours of discussion about how to handle poor sport parents, the Barrio Young
program director determine que they were going to ban all adults from the ages
of 23 to 99 from attending any off the summer programs being offered. They will
be allowed to sit at the park parking lot to wait for their children. The program
director told us que they were very tired of them poor sport parents trying to
live their youth life again through their children.
That was the
case yesterday when two barrio residents found it easy to break into la family
Cortez, who they though were on vacation. But their big surprise was that they
never left for vacation but had loaned their two cars to relatives for the weekend.
So when the two fools broken in they were surprised to meet up with Cortez
seven pit bulls, and eighteen cats, that had been trained to go into an attack
mode. But the time the Cortez walked downstairs the two barrio residents were
found standing on top of the kitchen table with a broom stick fighting off them
pets. Charges will be filed.
Ok there you
have raza, have a great Tejano day and don’t forget to watch out for children
this summer.
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