Wednesday, November 4, 2015

hejola report for 11052015

Hejola report for 11052015.


Kingsville, Texas. hello raza how are we doing today, I am maria la Bandia con this afternoon award winning barrio headline news:

Historical moment: Old barrio resident gets what he orders.

Increase of drug paranoid in the hood.

And now some darn good news.

How many times have we ask our lord que forgive and I won’t do it again? Chingos of times, so what have we learned from all this?

El constable Cadena told us the other day que there must be some real good stuff going around the hood que makes many of the drug users think someone is watching them, knocking on their doors late at night, or even following them or looking into their homes.  He told us que within the last few weeks he has gotten calls at all hours of the night of people asking him if he or someone is watching them. Of course he has arrested many of them callers but is real worried que someone has the good stuff that he don’t know about.

It was not too long ago que we could only buy stuff con that yearly catalog that came in the mail from  those national chain stores. One case was el old Perez, age 85, told us que it is some much easier to order stuff now a days like it was before. He told us the first time he ordered something from one of that catalog was a beautiful woman in her underwear and bra. He immediately order and didn’t indicate what size or color. He thought that he had bought the woman demonstrating the bra and underwear, but instead got the underwear and the bra, which in fact he still had.

Ok raza have a great day.

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