Tuesday, November 10, 2015

hejola report for 11102015


Hejola report for 11102015.


Kingsville, Texas, hello raza I am Urbando Yosabatodo con today’s award winning barrio headline news:

El compadre found lying.

Local taverns owners all agreed they would ask drunks to go home early

And finally , elderly persons wanting someone to claim them this coming income tax year.

A total of twenty-two elderly folks signed up for this year come and claim me on your income tax for 2015 or take an elder person to live with you only for the holidays. Si folks this people are waiting for someone to come by our center and take them over to your home for the holidays and you can use them as exemptions for next year’s income tax or have that relative that you always wanted around, but don’t have any. El senior Juanito Utley de La Raza income service and home care barrio style, serving almost every chicano elderly in the hood, says que this is a great service que estos viejitos are doing to help you, si you, the barrio consumer can save money on your 2015 income taxes an avoid paying the government any taxes you might owe this coming year, or replaces that relative you can’t stand for very long with a more understanding one. For more information concerning this matter or pictures of los viejitos up for holiday adoption just call that’s all.

Yesterday tavern owners gathered at our local community center to discuss the major problems concerning the increase of drunks and the problems they were causing lately. It seems que since football season is half way over, more and more drunks have been coming out into the public taverns says one owner. Another owner also second that comment. The organization of cantinas y dancehall all agreed that these kinds of problems are just what we don’t need. After a few minutes of discussing these problems, it was determined que ten barrio residents were pointed out as the ones causing problems. So it was agreed by this organization que whenever these persons showed up at their bars they were going to be asked to leave and would refuse to service them. They were all sure que all of the problems would also go away, well in theory.

It was a sad afternoon yesterday at the only barrio center for educating liars had a close encounter when one of the students lied about being a liar. El Compadre Segundo told a school Administer que he lied about his school application that he was a compulsive liar and que he had cheated and fibbed all his life. Well after a few relatives showed up to testified about his lying, he  turned out to be the most honest person ever born. He was asked to leave the school premises and never come back liar.

Ok raza pants on fire.

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