Tuesday, September 27, 2016

hejola report for 09272016.



Hejola report for 9/27/2016.


Kingsville,tx. Hello raza I am bill diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news;

More good news adds to the old bad news.

Sock dance schedule for this weekend.

And finally winter baseball brings out the same bull chitter.

Yesterday  at one of our young baseball game a group of unsportmanship parents and coaches were allowed to enter this year baseball classic, in the past this same parents and team members had been barred from coming over to our side of the tracks to play ball. But after a few inns that seems to be going well an umpire made a good call but against estos ways. After 30minutes  f complainting about calls and pitches and far and foul balls, the baseball committee agree to give this a- holes their entre fee back and told them to get the hell out this park and don’t look back until the door hits on the way out. no charges will be filed.

El centro for old chicanos will be holding their annual sock dance at the same location they have held it for the last 30 years. But this year a few rules have been changed, one was que you will have be at least 67 years old to get in and you must be able to dance a few songs, or you will asked to leave the hall. And this will be the first time ever that you can bring your own baby bottle and diapers.

Yesterday la senoria Mary Perez was awarded $1000 from a contest she entered. After her name was posted inside our barrio newspaper of when and why the award was going to be given to her. That’s the good news, now the bad news. When she showed up to the award center, almost all her 250 relatives and some she hadn’t seen in years showed up to see if they were going to be given of the piece of the award, were  very disapppointed on the results when it was announced que she was only going to get $15 and some changes due to the fact que she owned money to the government. Mary told us que she was glad to have won the award and now owes less that she did to the government.


Ok raza play ball and have fun.

Monday, September 26, 2016

hejola report for 09262016

Hejola report for 09262016.


Kingsville,texas. hello again I am Bill Diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news:

El compadre Trevino arrested again.

Yet another compadre arrested for stealing women underwear since 1995.

And finally el compadre Juan  janitor arrested.

Juan Lopez was arrested this past weekend in possession of a suspected stolen human brain that he stole from a medical research center located across the tracks. The brain was found under his ex-wife front porch that had been laced with his marijuana home embalming fluid. He will go to court in a few weeks. It was kind of funny says el constable because Juan was already known in the hood for “Brain Dead Juan”.

El compadre Ernesto Martinez believe he had gotten away with stealing womens underwear since 1995, but just last week he suffered a heart attack, and on his deathbed, in a fit of remorse, told a guard at the hospital the he had been the man stealing underwear and had to get it off his chest before he died. However the folks at the st. pauls medical center saved him and wanted to take his confession back. He was arrested yesterday and facing several years in for robbery and burglary.

And finally Its seems that some relatives never learn, after spending several months, than weeks, than days and a few hours behind bars. El compadre had that bad habit of asking women for piggyback rides. He was arrested twice in three days.

Ok raza have a great day.

Friday, September 23, 2016

barrio stock market for 09232016.

Barrio stock market for 09232016.


Kingsville,tx. Once again mi raza como estan. Well I am more than sure que you heard del todo pedo going on here at our hood con raza standing up con esta way the CAMPHOR PHENIQUE VATO! But that is another story that we will address sometime in the near future. But for now let’s talk about investments.

 I am urbano yosabatodo, If the rest of you barrio investors don't mind, I would just like to address the powerful barrio members in the financial world for a few seconds. I know you're busy in counting all that money, and I don't mean to take up too much of your valuable barrio time, but some mothers and a few commadres have send me one small request. You see, I am here and you are there, but they want you to know if we can expand our trading report to twice a week? Well the answer is no freaking way.

Now With the growing democratization of our barrio stock market, many of you barrio traders are clamoring for longer sessions.

Meanwhile, several other companies in the hood have tried to creating their own private stock exchanges that will allow  barrio trading their stocks 24 hours a day. As more and more barrio folks get wired to our barrio market, the demand for 24-hour trading is getting harder to ignore, unless you are doing drugs and go to a 24 hours open stores. With everyone from your grandmother, to your friends and even your paperboy involved in our barrio stock market it has become our most likely investment (what the hell did that mean).

Los tamales:

The problem facing los tamales is que we have not heard from our old tamale guy in a while since his wife passed away,and are not too happy con the new guy. One of the major problems facing monetary barrio tamale makers is not our stock market but our stock market instability- in which may you barrio tamale makers are managing to take this task on making your own instead of focusing on financial stability by buying them and getting ready for the holidays. Los tamales ended the week at $6.75 a dozen, up a bit from last week.

Las tortillas:

The declining increase of raza not making their own has increase the risk premium on all homemade tortillas or better known as the private credit sector. The difference in the two is that on is regulated by the government and the other is a creditworthy private market, with no government intervention. The real economy damage here will happen this coming winter if we don’t regulate the homemakers and the declining in the number of tortillas they are making. If we do not limit the amount of tortillas one makes at home it could squeeze higher prices of tortillas to its non maker tortillas, mostly likely to damage the "real" barrio economy. Furthermore, the world flour trade has dropped 25 percent in just the past six years as the global market dynamics have changed.  Our barrio does not see any expanding milling facilities and are relaying on more imported flour from new, private, quality-conscious mills from other counties. We feel que lots of small tortilla companies in the hood tend to buy small amount of flour and avoid the monolithic, government buyers that preferred large quantities for deferred shipment.  Las tortillas ended the week at an all high price of $1.25 a package.


Las empanadas :

The empanada convention did demonstrate que el barrio consumer, yes those locos that protested and caused all the riots and damage at our closed Westinghouse barrio mall, will stand up for their rights for more filled empanadas. The local barrio community gardens group will continue its efforts to provide those local empanada makers the vegetables and fruit need to make them things. Las empanadas ended the week at $ .69 cent each.

La barbacoa de cavesa:

Well it was made official today and will be announced sometime next week que the first batch of llama meat will be in our local barrio stores within two months. All the llamas farmers are real happy and are gearing up for this new beef market in the hood (a foot note please, la  llama is primarily used in the Andes and in Peru as a pack animal or for meat. The word "jerky" that we use today to refer to beef jerky, is one of the few words in our language originating from the Quechua language. "Ch'arki" is the name of the llama meat which was salted and sun-dried.The taste is somewhere between beef and lamb, though closer to beef. Many describe it as a lighter sweeter beef). La barbacoa de cavesa ended the week at $5.50 lb.

Cheap beer: well if things couldn’t get worse. El barrio has been hit up again con that home made stuff and has lots of raza in a buzz. I’ts just a matter of time the constable will bust this illegal beer makers, cheap beer ended the week at $4.95 a six pack.


Barrio want ads:

Item 54682: two used womens g- strings for sale. Not sure what size but look pretty big.

Item 65321: ten pounds of oregano for sale, looks like weed but not.. make offer. Please be warned que you could get stopped by the cops.

Item 548201: Easter chickens and ducks for sale. Still have a bit of color on them, make offer for all the stock.

Item 85694: used women clothing. Some kinky stuff but looks like all bras. Make offer.

Barrio realtors report. We just found out que the corner of third and wells street is for sale. Make offer.

Well there you have it and have a great day.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

hejola report for 092202016

Hejolia report for 092202016.


Kingsville,Texas. hello come estan? I am David polar bear Duran con today’s award winning barrio headline news:

Died employee sued.

Large number of cats and dogs gone missing.

A fight breaks out at the adult softball complex and chingos arrested.

Why can’t we just have fun says the youngest park director Maria Mary Munoz. MS Munoz pointed out that this pass few days several fights and arguments have been happening at the adult complex que the city and county cops have arrested more this year than previous years. I think she said that every time a person or persons misbehave they will be arrested and spanked if need to. You see she said sometime we just need to get their attention!

El constable cadena is asking for your help in trying to determine what has happened to at least 25 cats and 30 dogs within the last 48 hours. He told this reporter que it was so unusually that some many had got missing. Look he said I don’t mind at list 5 or 6 but this many has the whole community in a state of stock and despair and that to me only means trouble. so for now on he is going to ask community that do own pets to lock them up during the night until this matter is solved. He will provide the barrio an update on his results of this investigation in ten to eleven years.

Several years ago el compadre Munoz who was the only employee paid to go get breakfast tacos is being sued due to the fact that he never brought or delivered the breakfast tacos back after he suffered deathly heart attack. The lawyer for the group el senor Benito Garcia told us que “looks only because he died don’t mean he couldn’t have brought them breakfast tacos after all”. The case will go to a trial sometime 2022.

Ok raza keep those cards and letters coming!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

hejola report for 092102016

Hejola report for 09212016.


Kingsville,tx. Como estan I am bill diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news.

Several Tejano gays and Tejano lesbians arrested a birthday party.

Two illegal aliens found in the hood.

And finally another vato arrested for ride bicycle without tires.

It seems que estos way don’t get the message, yesterday after noon el senor pancho Gonzales Gonzales was arrested and taken to the funny farm for observation. It seems que the cops didn’t mind him riding his bicycle without tires but when they noticed que he was sitting on the seat without a seat that is what made him stop and see what was going on. Pancho was arrested for dwi and pi and et.

In other news our constable cadena tells us que two more illegal aliens were found at the corner of third and wells street. It seems que estos dos were kinda lost and were looking for directions to Houston, texas. The only problem was que they asked an undercover cop and spoke french.

And finally we knew que shit was going to hit the fan when a bunch of gay vatos dressed like men and women raided a birthday party for lesbians only. Pesse como estos vatos looked like lesbians and were dress like men they didn’t see anything wrong with that.  Well the a fight started when one of the vatos kissed another vato who was a lesbian and her or his loved didn’t like that and slapped each other around. Before you know it all hell broke loose. When the dust settled the whole place was wrecked and ten whatever were arrested.

Well as you can see it was an excited night. I am bill diaz.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

hejola report for 09202016

Hejolia report for 09202016.


Kingsville,tx. Now from our command post, Veronica la Lesbian.

Hi, raza como estan, now con the most trusted news service, today's award winning barrio head line news:

La comadre Thelma released after running over her three year old son.

Justice of the peace Judge Eloy Falcon still in trouble.

Penis charm Lawsuit dropped,

La family of the late Juan Pistolas filed a wrongful-death lawsuit last year against “The Other Side nightclub” which is located on this side of the tracks, charging que el senior Pistolas had choked to death on a miniature plastic penis that allegedly had been placed into his drink glass as a prank by an employee. The club owner of the other side nightclub said Mr. Pistolas merely suffered a seizure and that the penis charm was found on the floor beside Mr. Pistolas body, based on the constable cadena report and pictures taken of the body.

Through the years, justice of the peace Judge Eloy Falcon, who was removed from the bench last week, seems to be in more trouble. It appears that Judge Falcon is certainly one of the least friendly judges for small time criminals. It has been note for example, in 2003, he convicted two jay walker, Maria Gonzales 64 and Maria Gomez 65, were re-sentenced by a jury of their peers, the judge recommend after an appeals court said their original sentences totaling 6,475 years were based on faulty jury instructions and needed to be evaluated and sentence should be based on the crime.

Armed with the proper instructions, the jury again took the judges recommendation a then tacked an additional 260 centuries onto the sentences: a total of 21,250 years for Gonzales and 11,250 for Gomez. The whole case has been dropped and the two elderly women paid a small fine.

And finally, La commadre Thelma Munoz, a 31-year-old woman who lives at the corner of third and wells street was arrested and released after she ran over her 3 year old son. Ms Munoz said que she felt a mysterious bump as she was pulling out of her driveway, and to help determine what it was, she said, she drove over it again, and then a third time. It was her 3-year-old son, who suffered a broken leg. There will be no need to report to any authorizes says constable cadena, it was just a freak accident.

Ok raza there we have and we will see you real soon and remember keep it tejano.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

hejola report for 09152016



Hejola report for 09152016.


Kingsville,tx. Hello raza como estan, I am bill diaz con our award winning barrio headline news:

Barrio man body found buried.

Barrio burglar injured while on the prowl.

And finally barrio cat woman sadden by large amount of taquchas .

We all know that ever hood has a cat woman somewhere in the hood. Well here in our hood our middle age women was alarmed yesterday evening when she went out to feed her tribe of cats (18) and noticed a few new ones. It was dark and was not wearing her glasses, So she started to feed what looked like small baby cats, but instead she was feeding a group of baby taquchas. Once her friend from across the street asked her what she was doing, she didn’t realize que they were baby taquchas, she made a run for her front porch and got her shot gun and took several shots at them things. After the dust settle she killed at least three taquchas, but injuired 8 cats, two dogs and a few windows were blown out from her home. No charges will be filed.

El compadre Henry Flores, was arrested late last night after he had broken into an apartment building under construction. The report states que after el compadre Flores had ran shack the first floor and had loaded his van with chingos de goodies, he decided to check out the second floor. But instead of calling it a night he entered the second floor and accidentally fell out a window resulting in a broken back, hip and arm. He was found in the morning by some construction workers and was rushed to st. paul’s medical center. Charges will be filed. BY the way el constable is asking to see if anyone has seen his van with the words written on the side “ here we come again”?

In other news, Yesterday afternoon la commadre  Juanita Saenz was arrested for trying to hide her boyfriend’s body in her back yard after he collapsed in bed. El constable is not really sure what happened but is investigating this crime.  But all indications, the constable stated, pointed that they were having ruff sex. Now the real question is who called the constable?

Ok raza con raspas that do read this barrio news. What in the world is wrong with you?

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

hejola report for 09142016.

Hejola report for 09142016.


Kingsville, Tx, hello raza como estan I am Bill Diaz, back from a long holiday, but for now let’s get to that award winning barrio headline news:

Cat owner owned by cat.

Barrio man victim of medical exam.

And finally barrio resident turns himself in.

Yesterday during the day, Daniel Ruiz, turned himself in after authorities released a surveillance tape of a break in and vandalism at the corner bar off third and wells street. The camera showed a large man, breaking into the tavern. Mr. Ruiz, a big man confessed to going on a drunken prowl with his friends, but said only remembered the break in only when he saw the video and recognized his distinctive image from the back, including several inches of his butt crack.

Sometime around noon el senor Mr. John Mora, entered el constable cadena’s office to report que he had been victimized by a barrio medical exam, which was conducted in back of a 1978 ford stationwagon, By a lone doctor wearing a white lab coat. Mr. Mora claims que this Lone doctor used toothpicks for acupuncture pressure points, and who was prescribed a container of dietary pills with an expiration date of Feb.2000. He claims that he paid $75.00 for the treatment and is not sure he got his money’s worth. The constable will investigate this matter.

And finally, la commadre Maryland Ocha was taken too el barrio st. paul’s medical center by los vato locos’ volunteer fire fighters for treatment after she lose the fight with her house cat. Ms. Ocha who was armed with a 12inch butcher knife took on the angry beast. But somehow the attacking cat caused her to lose her balance and fell on the 12 inch blade. No charge will be filed against the cat.

Ok raza have a great tejano day.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

westside warrior news network for 09132016.

Westside warrior news network 09132016.


Kingsville, tx. Whats up raza I am lewis mojo lewis con this week’s wwnn news. Let’s all hope que the rain stop soon, how many roaches can we take?

Now for our award winning headline news:

Five folks released after false arrest for drugs.

Two more bags of weed found in middle of street.

And finally small fire calls two fire units.

Yesterday after noon los vatos loco volunteer firefighters were called to assist at a backyard apartment fire at the corner of third and wells. It seems que the small fire which los vatos locos were able to maintain the fire with their 8 buckets until the real fire guys showed up from across the tracks. No one was injured, but a few vatos lost some of its stuff while trying to fight this dog house fames.

In other news five folks were released after this weekend’s sting on crack houses in the hood. The five folks names were not released but the official word was que they were having a pray session at this trailer house. A law suit could results from this embarking event.

And finally la commadre ninfa Jimenez reported to el constable cadena que she had found several bags of weed. In this case marijuana, she located it in the middle of third and well’s street here in the hood. Once she was asked to describe the shit she stated hell I don’t know it’s just green and tops and smells kinda good. El constable took the weed to the center for observation and wanted to make sure it was weed. Pesse.

Well there you have folks for this week’s news, remember keep it low and keep tight.

Monday, September 12, 2016

hejola report for 09122016.

Hejola report for 09122016.


 Kingsville, TX. Hello raza how are we doing today? I am Bill Diaz con today’s barrio award winning headline news:

 Rain keeps drunk off the street.

 Two ducks and two cats, and two dogs got arrested.

 And finally some good news.

 The little old lady in the hood was very sad que her big plans for this year’s hummer bird fest was cut short when the county came over and asked her about the 220 bird feeders she had lay out in two acres at the public park and her home. She was told that she needed to get a permit and didn’t have one so she was forced to bring down 218 feeders. She was very disappointed but did say que she was happy one way or another.

The owner of two ducks and two cats and two dogs were all arrested yesterday when the constable noticed they were stuck in some alley. The small car cut up into looking like a truck was stuck so far in the mud que the owner tied ropes and string to the two ducks and two cats and two dogs tried to pull his small car out. He the constable had to arrest then all due to not having a tow permit. More Charges are pending.

El constable reported to us today que this weekend was the lowest of drunken he has arrested in many years. He told us que this weekend he either arrested or took home a handful of drunken compared to a bus load like other weekends. He said it should rain more often.

 Ok raza have a great Tejano day.

Friday, September 9, 2016

barrio stock market report for 09092016.

barrio stock market report for 09092016.


Kingsville, TX. Hello again, I am Urbano Yosabatodo, before we go anywhere, didn’t we report a few months ago que things were all going to go up in prices, well no shit. I heard that on one of those major TV programs where an economics reported. Just to emphasize que we are on top on present day issues dealing con our money. Look many barely have funds unless you’re a faith healer or a director of some sort. But the bottom line is we need to monitor our expensive and layaway for Xmas. Now our barrio stock market report.

Los tamales:

Los tamales, if there is any way to beat el tamale market for this coming Xmas season we insist that you buy now. Most tamale brokers are selling their stock at a real low rate this month but preparing to launch an increase on price before you know it. If you can try to scoop up as much as you measurably can, all this will guarantee a whole lot of tamales for this Xmas season. Oh by the way the tamale guy came back. Los tamales ended the week at $7.50 a dozen a dollar up from last week.

Las tortillas:

With the increase of wheat and gain this market has suffered a bit this month. Since the start of this third quarter, las tortillas have gotten much better. In terms of not too many found stuck together like a  few years ago. Who says nobody reads our barrio stock market report? The tortilla war of 1998/2005/2009/2016 really made differences with this market. Las tortillas ended the week at $1.25v a pack.

Las empanadas:

June and July and Augusts really helped el barrio community garden group. After signing an agreement con local bakers, el barrio community gardens agreed to provide them with fresh fruit to be used to fill them empanadas a few months ago at a convention held at the old mall. Like we said all this rain has really had a good impact on our local el barrio community growers and their crops.  Las empanadas ended the week at $.59 each. We think the prices might go up a bit.

Los taquitos:

Los taquitos did real good this week. There were no signs of them going either way. But since the price of beans y tortillas y whatever you wanted to make put in them were pretty stable. Again one of the major factors is que muchos are making their own taquitos at home and taking el lunch to work.  Los taquitos ended the week at $1.45 each and coffee is extra in most cases. Oh by the way we have noticed that some taquitos are falling apart when you eat them, we will do some investigation on why?


La barbacoa de cabesa:

Well we see que the llama case was solved a few weeks ago and llama meat will be at your local barrio butchers sooner than what you think. Llama meat is a good investment for those that want less fat but more filing.  Making all la barbacoa de cabessa making as much profit as possible, pesse hejola. La barbacoa de cabesa ended the week at $7.50 a two dollar increase from last year at this time.

Alcohol consummation report:

Well here is a new twist in drinking beer. There is a vato right now as I write trying to create the perfect recycle beer machine. He wants to see if he can recycle beer folks leave in their can or bottle. You know that half a beer you didn’t finish last night. More on that down the road. Cheap beer ended the week at $4.75 a six pack.


Barrio want ads:

 #524612: women bras all sizes and shapes for cup to a massive 48 plus. Make offer on the whole lot.

#76786: shoes and boots for sale. Someone said que they could be the ones that Nancy Sinatra wore, which I doubt. Make offer on twenty three pairs.

#877656: Easter chickens and ducks still available for sale. Some are in good health and some are not, you decided, make offer. MANY are still in full living color!



Barrio realtors report con Francisco lopez;

 Si brother las cosas couldn’t not be better in the barrio housing market. Our brothers and sisters tell us que not too many  have moved this month due to the start of this federal fiscal year or better known the rent is due! But all an all things look good. There are several lots for sale, that’s if you have a boat.

Ok raza there you have it for this week’s barrio stock market report. I am urbano yosabatodo. Have a great day, or even better a great tejano day.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

hejola report a re-visit the tortilla war fo 2005/2009/2016

Hejola report a re-visit “the tortilla war for 2005/2009/2016.


Kingsville,Texas. Hello raza I am Daniel lopez the creator for this wacky world of mine. Today we have a revisit of the original tamale war of 1997.It first started as a city commissioner got food poisoning from eating tamales that were label wrong. Anyhow to make a long story short all charges were dropped and the city was unable to pass a city law forbidding raza or anyone to make tamales at home.

Anyhow now it seems que we have another battle in the hood and that is the tortilla war of 2005. Now with that in mind let;s go to urbano yosabatodo.

Ok Daniel and once again he comes out from coming his dark room at the end of the hallway.

The tortilla war of 2005 has all of us really uneasy. It seems que in the past few weeks we have being reporting from our barrio stock market about las tortillas. We have discovered que large increases of tortillas have been found stuck to each other. So we found it interesting to write about it and investigate.

Well as you might have read that our readers and tortilla makers found it not funny at all. So the result of all this is the following:

Some tortilla companies have either layoff or fired several hood workers and that has increased the number of unemployed in the hood. The price of tortillas has gone up due to the fact que the quality control of each company was not being affected and forced to hire new people from across the tracks.

In addition, we have had several rituals in front of our office lately. For what reason, well they tell us que? They. The question is who are they? This past week we had to hire a security to watch over our center due to fact que folks (they) are really pissed off at us.

And last but not least we have had several things stolen or missing from our office and front lawn. For example, that lawn status of that black dude holding a lamp, well the lamp is gone. Our old computer we put outside to dry up due to my drinking problem, its gone. And to make matters worse, someone took some white paint and painted over our red sign that said vato volunteer firefighters on our 1979 ford whatever and painted the words : kiss my >>>>>>.

And to add to this several thousand of eggs have been thrown at our front porch and making our flies and roach problems worse then what it is. And on and on and on. Look raza our job, well my job is to report on our barrio stock market and things that really matter to us. And that is food. So in most cases we keep you, the consumer informed, Regardless if you use cash or food stamps.

So now we have a domestic war on our hands raza. Look we here and you there, have a responsibility and that is to made you, the barrio consumer aware about the quality of tortillas and why almost ever brand we bought we found some many tortilla stuck to each other, que, we had to say something about it. Now the end result is that folks in the hood got laid off and we have folks that got fired.
And one positive note came out of this matter, the quality control show a better tortilla. Now all these protesters and the complaints against us, Well raza, I am not sure if we will ever satisfy everyone but I am darn sure que we did a great job and we continue to keep you informed on the status of this big mess. Now back to Daniel.

Ok dude thanks. Well folks there we have the tortilla war of 2005. We will continue to keep you informed on this matter

Again thanks and remmmer, you remmer, your business is our business and my business is none of your business.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

hejola report for 09072016

Hejola report for 09072016.


 Kingsville,tx. Hello again raza I am David Duran the man con the plan. I am here today because Bill Diaz is on a vacation, again. Now for our award winning barrio headline news:

 He isn’t crazy, he don’t get a check.

 Barrio cops raid wrong home but still bust someone.

 And finally so good news.

 We wrote on the matter of our public officials asking for a raise. Wel...l it seems that some of the officials asking for a raise have either withdrew their request or just plan quit. It’s so easy for those elected officials to claim que the same official at the next county makes more than they do. Well we have an answer for them: move over there.

 Yesterday el constable and his barrio 666 troopers were implementing what they learned at a workshop they went a few weeks ago but using new techniques on how to bust some good folks. Well it turned out that they must have been on a break when how to real know if you are going to bust someone, facts!!! Well I quess, they raided this home and it turned out that it was the wrong house, so instead of leaving looking like a bunch of fools they continued their bust by taking away 15 goats they had in the back yard, which the residents had hired to eat all the tall grass they had from all this rain. Charges will be filed.


 This weekend was our first mental illness clinic and review. The idea behind this event was to inform folks about how many people think about other people being either mentally ill or just plain crazy. Well one of our own, barrio Dr Chuy Yosatodo, told the crowd que we in the hood should really stop tell people they are crazy or mentally ill! Unless you are aware he or she is getting a check. Unless they are getting a check they ain’t crazy, it’s a simple as that.


 Ok raza have a great Tejano day

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

hejola report for 09062016


Hejola report for 09062016.


Kingsville, tx. Hello again I am bill diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news:

Barrio penny store gets sued.

Barrio donor gets award.

And finally seven vato burger gets robbed.

The family of the late Pablo Lozano filed a lawsuit late last night over the fatal head injuries he received when a bicycle knocked him down in a Barrio penny store parking lot late last year. The driver of the bicycle, Jimmy Moore, who was trying to get away from Mr. Lozano, was not sued. Based on the lawsuit, the cause of the fatal injuries was the negligence by the penny store, because it had mindlessly placed its tip jar in full view on a counter, thus provoke Moore into snatching up the money and make a run out the door, which inspired Lozano, as a good Samaritan, to chase moore and try to retrieve the employee’s tip jar back. The lawsuit will go to court sometime around 2033.

Yesterday evening at our local barrio youth club el senor Marcos Garcia an elite donor of the youth club was honor during half time of a basketball game for his contribution to the club was nowhere around to accept his award, due to the fact que he was ejected from the stands in the first half of the game for harassing a volunteer referee about the officiating.

And finally, The Seven Vato Burger at the corner of third and wells was robbed by seven persons, well actually six men and one woman. Shortly after were arrested somewhere down the street. It seems that one of the seven persons involved with the robbery was an employee and son of the owner, el senior Sixto Kid. Charges will be filed.

Ok raza see you all later gator.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

hejola report for 09012016


Hejola report for 09012016.


Kingsville,texas. Hello again I am bill Diaz con today’s barrio award winning headline news:

Senior citizen basketball final score was close.

More riots are expected this weekend.

And finally so darn good news.

Since gas prices are lower and our great president really has nothing to do with we encourage all of you don’t drink and drive because john law will lock your silly butt up.  And for those that can’t afford a turkey for this coming holidays  a chicken will do just burned it a bit to give it that dark look. Have a great one ,and peace and love my friend.

As we all know que this weekend will bring in lots of relatives que we either don’t like or really don’t  care for pero como it’s a holiday I think we can survive. That’s the warning que el constable cadena has given everyone in the hood “look don’t be starting chit con los primos ok no butts or ifs, if we find out that someone is starting chit you all going to jail”!

Yesterday a very low profile championship end of summer league basketball game was held at the only barrio senior citizens center. The game was between Los Viejitos de la calle vs. Los vatos mas Viejitos del barrio. Please note that the age group for this game was 80 years and over. The final score after one hour of well let’s say walking back and forth was Los Viejitos del barrio  scored 7 points vs. the actually winner Los vatos mas Viejitos scored 9 points. The team Capitan Angel Flores age 91 say “chinga it was hell of a game”.  The loser Capitan Luis Gaytan age 87 say it was kind of an unfair game for us, due to the fact que they had more 90 year olds than we did. You know he said que experiences count while you on that court.

Ok raza don’t forget we love, we care, and send money.