Monday, March 16, 2015

hejola report for 03162015


Hejola report for 03162015.


Kingsville, Texas, hello again a I am bill diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news:

Breaking news about the premier news about La Gringa Novela.

More excitement for barrio spring barrio breakers.

And now for some darn good news.

The constable has told  us que they will double the number of police officers on duty this week to make sure que those spring breakers traveling through the hood slow down, and avoid any kind of major issues with our law dogs. You see here in the hood we don’t take credit cards for your fines. The number of extra officers will told of two, if you drink don’t drive and if you drive don’t drink.

Today we were totally shocked to hear that our creator has decided to cancel United States the release of our new news La Gringa Novela  several more days, but instead has agreed to broadcast that novella from one of our international offices in Paris, France and co-hots Francisco Delegado De Gaulle, and now a few words from Francisco in Paris:

Bonjour, je suis Francisco Delegado De Gaulle, retransmission en direct de Paris (France), le premier ministre ouverture de "LA GRINGA NOVELA, c' est comme pour de vrai et vous vous pensez vu et entendu tout, écrit par une GRINGA pour ceux veulent à être GRINGAS venant le 16 mars. Nos Six épisodes de drame et d'excitation, hébergé par belle Binacka Blanco et elle est plus qu'heureuse de partager cet événement, le premier épisode sera le titre "dancing with the stars, un pas loin d'être parfait". Comme promis, elle sera publiée demain après-midi et afte qu'une fois par semaine tous les lundis, donc détendre et boire quelques bières et lire La Gringa Novela. Merci.


Hello I am Francisco Delegado De Gaulle, live coverage from the premier opening of “LA GRINGA NOVELA, IT’S LIKE FOR REAL, AND YOU THINK YOU SEEN AND HEARD EVERYTHING, WRITTEN BY A GRINGA FOR THOSE WANT TO BE GRINGAS COMING ON MARCH 16. Our  Six episodes of drama and excitement, Hosted by Beautiful Binacka Blanco and she is more than happy to share this event, the first episode will be title “ dancing with the stars a step away from being perfect”. As we promised it will be published tomorrow afternoon and after that every Monday, so kick    back and drink a few beers and read La Gringa Novela. Thank you.


Barrio spring break 2015, For those that don’t have children, grandchildren or anyone or know anyone that goes to college or school shouldn’t be that excited for spring break 2015. Look if you don’t have any of the above or never less a job what are you so excited about spring break, aren’t you already on a yearly spring break. Think about?

Ok raza have a great spring break and drive con chingos de caution.

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