Friday, January 13, 2017

hejola report for 01132017


Hejola report for 02132017.


Kingsville,tx. Hello raza como estan, I am Bill Diaz con our barrio award winning headline news:

Tamale brokers arrested.

No stopping the barrio violence.

And finally some good news.

We all want some good news once in a while so we found some just a few minutes ago.  Now for the rest of the stories:

Yesterday evening for some reason or another a fight broke out at the only Tejano gay bar. The constable to us que it was very unusually the boyz and girls really ever fight. Now they might yell, scream, and push a bit but to get into an all out brawl is very unusual. The constable had to arrest la suzie aka Mario Munoz, y la perri aka Ben Morales, both of them were arrested and taking to jail.

 Yesterday afternoon several tamale brokers were arrested as they made their way up to the front of the room where a press conference discussing the new tamale organization was going on. In their efforts to disrupt the conferences they threw tamales, tortillas, and few American sandals at the folks sitting on the stage. El constable had to arrest Manuel Gonzales, Juan Gonzales, Pedro Gonzales, Johnnie Gonzales and Lulu Gonzales all brokers for the Gonzales Tamales and Tortillas franchise. Charge will be filed.

Ok raza  don’t forget about ash Wednesday and not to be confessed with big ass Wendy. Have a great Tejano day.

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