Hejola report fo 01232017.
Kingsville, Texas. hello again I am Bill Diaz con today’s award winning
barrio headline news:
Barrio women take to the street in protest.
Sales go down on hair dye.
And finally some sad news.
Please note the comments or things talked about are just make
believe and if you believe that this real news than you are a bigger moron that
we are!!!
Ten barrio women were rushed to the St. Paul’s Medical
center at the mall when they started losing their hair or found lots of bald
spots after using that new cherry red look. One barrio expert on hair dye told
us que many don’t realize que too much dye can affect your brain and your hair
roots. As of now barrio leaders are looking into banning any type of hair dye
(cherry red) during to the fact que they look ridicules, thinking that they
look great, in which they should be working on construction sites as warning
After all this trouble this past weekend about women dying
their hair, many barrio stores stopped selling any color dye to any women due to the fact que they might come an
protest their shops for no legal reason or might cause problems there. So now
the barrio women wanting to have that new look will have to travel across the
tracks to purchase this highly regarded item. An insider from across the tracks
told us que they will be having giant sells on whatever color you are looking
for prices that have been jacked up at least 50 percent.
It seems that every single woman that has colored it’s hair
cherry red walked the streets this pasted Sunday protesting our comments about
how barrio women want to look like that new Russian spy living at the white
house. Gloria Gomez the most cherry red dye head in the hood told us que the
CChwnn had no rights talking about how women paint their hair nor did it have a
right to make fun of those that do paint or dye their hair whatever color they
want. She said that the cherry red made her look more beautiful than any other
red dye hair in the hood. We here and you there felt que in reality she look
ridiculous especially being a dark skin chicana! There were no more comments
concerning this matter are the huge crowd of 7 left the area. Hey Red! But many
of them were considering applying for a construction road sign…
Ok red have a great day and really should take that job.
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