Wednesday, June 10, 2015

hejola report for 06102015


 Hejola report for 06102015.


Kingsville, Texas. Hello again I am Johnnie el Quemon con today’s award winning barrio headline news:

Chicken farm owners hire armed guards.

Barrio music award winner Lil Red and Her four Mariachi dudes cause a small riot.

And now some more or less good news for those wanting to see Freak Shows now banned.

Barrio leaders today signed a new city rule that would ban any type of show that was not normal or better known as freak show. The reason was of course the death of Johnny the train puller Yuma accident. This new law will be in affect 2025, which brings us up to that ugly accident. El barrio Johnny the train puller Yuma suffered a terrible accident when he was demonstration on how he could pull a 20 ton railroad car with is teeth. It seems that many did not realize que Mr. Yuma had a metal rod with a hook attached to his mouth, drilled through the back of his mouth onto a steel plate found outside the back of his head. Somehow the railroad car mover while Mr. Yuma was trying to adjust his mouth onto the metal hook inside his mouth. Well the pressure of a 20 ton railroad car jerked the whole jaw, teeth, rod, hook, the plate behind his head along con his spinal cord out of his body, killing him right on the spot. Members of the audience tried to put his spinal cord back in him but died while they tried.

Gloria Guerra mall manager, every time we bring Lil Red and her four Mariachi dude there is always trouble that follows. It seems that at least 20 person got arrested while she was driving into the mall area. El constable and his barrio task force 666 sealed off the whole mall area until lil red left after her one hour performances last night. The mall is closed for now due to some damages done by her fans. More details as they arrive.

It was announced that the new owner of Los Pollos del barrio has hired armed men to guard their farm and armed escorts to make sure that all them chickens get to where they are headed to. In several years you might recall que many of the former chicken owned trucks had been hit by terrorist, and have allowed many of its prize chickens to make a getaway. Mr. Pollo tells us que every guard will be armed with two arms.

Ok raza have a great Tejano chicken day.

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