Thursday, February 11, 2016

hejola report for 2112016

Hejola report for 2/11/2016.


Kingsville, Texas. hello raza I am Urbano yosabatodo con today’s award winning barrio headline news:

Weird woman chased from behind mall.

Ten chickens and five turkeys terrorize birthday party.

Increase of barrio fires on the rise this past weekend.

And now some good news.

How easy it is for many of us that hit it good forget about the hard times many of us go through, don’t get too discouraged. There is an old saying don’t burn all the bridges on the way up because in some cases you might need to cross them later. So don’t worry about tattoo, don’t worry about how folks spend their food stamps or monthly check, its none of your freaking business. Oh by the way don’t try to use the old it’s my taxes. Well we all pay taxes regardless what income level we are, raza!

Los vato’s locos volunteer firefighters were real busy this past weekend with an array of fires. It all started late Friday night when la familia de Carmen Gonzales called los loco’s to report a small fire in one of her bedrooms that he son started while trying to kill a cockroach. Early Saturday morning la familia de Hermimia Recio called 918 to report a fire she accidentally started trying to kill a swarm of killer bees, burring down her home to the ground. Than mid-day Saturday, la familia de Javier Escobar accidentally caused severe fire damage to their brand new Jonnie Walters home while trying to install a water heater. And finally Sunday morning Ben Torres from Torres used tires and rims called 918 reporting a big fire at his shop. How the fire started los vatos locos weren’t sure but they did manage to get there on time to see the whole dang place burn down. It was reported que one of los volunteers told someone there que “what could they do con only eight buckets”?


Having live chickens and turkeys at an adult birthday party wasn’t a good idea after all. La familia Gomez felt que having this extra activity for adults and children to chase around would look like lots of fun, until the chickens and the turkeys held their ground and started chasing the party goers around the back and front yard. Since the constable was not working this week, they, the party goers had to shoot all ten chickens and all five turkeys. The good thing was that they were able to cook most of this that afternoon. No injuries to the real folks.

Someone called el constable office regarding a woman in a black trench coat hanging out for hours behind the Westinghouse barrio mall was acting kind of weird. Once the constable and the mall security showed up the woman had left the area. But some folks who saw the woman said que she was only wearing that black trench coat con UN g-sting underneath.Dang commadre.

Dang have a great Tejano day, not you gringitos. You have a greater day,lol.

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