Friday, September 25, 2009

barrio stock market report for 09252009

Cchwnn: barrio stock market report for 09252009.Cchwnn.Kingsville,tx. Hi I am La China Cano de china Nuevo Leon. Now from our trading post, our living room, right next to my room, which is next to my creators room here is Urbano Yosabatodo.Ok thanks for that great introduction. Hello again raza I am urbano yosabatodo con el best stock market report ever seen or read, I think that’s how it goes. Our report today is sponsor by vato super glue; it will never let you down.As a barrio broker with nearly a decade of experience in the stock market, that’s eating the stuff we monitor, I'm always looking for better information, better stock picks, and of course better return for my barrio friends and customers. We here, and you there, are that broker and more, offering you, si you, the barrio investor different types of barrio investment with a solution to and almost any problem you might have. Really any problem you may have regardless if its stock issue or not. But we do Nurture the winners, and cry con los losers!El barrio stock market trading systems has been optimized for maximum gains. We here and you there try to focus on carefully maintaining winning positions on real things that matter to you the barrio consumer and avoid cutting losses shorter in which you can’t lose here. Our position and strategies have proven means to long term financial success in our barrio market. Now for that award winning barrio stock market.Los tamales: Los tamales are the big winners for the end of this quarter.Never rush to take a profit, but if you practices Patience and a consistent, and a well-executed system are two key elements in identifying and ultimately HOLDING winning positions that can show profits in excess of 100% in the tamale market. Look since los tamales are out of season in which we believe que more and more folks are eating tamales regularly its time to buy them now and freeze for Christmas and those coming holidays. Los tamales end this quarter at $5.50 a dozen and believe us raza are expected to take a jump up to$6.00 a dozen within the next 30 to 45 days. Buy raza buy.Los taquitos: Los taquitos, Whether you are a top broker here at the barrio stock market, or just a plan JOSE or even just a part-time barrio investor looking to lock in better barrio gains or better barrio reward on a no-risk ratios, los taquitos marker has something for you. This year has been a good year for many small barrio restaurants and stores. We the big rush we had a few weeks ago y el susto con all this rain gave us here, los taquitos remain pretty stable during all month. Muchos of los owners of this business told us que sales were great and wish que more storms would come more often. Los taquitos remained at $1.45 each and coffee is extra in many places. We still ask or want to know how many refills can a person get on a cup of coffee? Las tortillas: Las tortillas have had major problems this past few months. Thanks to el QUAPO, A prominent Technical Analysts, one who has eaten millions of tortillas, just like you and me. But el QUAPO tells us que we should keep focusing on the underlining price and volume action of la tortilla stocks. He tell us que muchas tortilla companies really care about the quality and it really matters to them . well la company “Suerte Y Paz,” tell us que It’s not what something is fundamentally worth, but rather what people are willing to pay for it. What matters is regarding the tortilla market is not to make mucho pedo on how bad or how good they are. There is no disagreement on what price our tortilla stock market opened or closed at on any given day, but we still believe it’s the quality what counts. There is no disagreement in the number of tortillas that are found stuck to each other in a pack but the traded hands is what matters. Las tortillas ended this quarter at $1.10 cent to $1.35 a dozen. La barbacoa de cabeza: La barbacoa market has taken a big jump lately, now that we have been telling raza que that mad cow disease only effects gringos. Look raza, we have been eating beef for the longest time and there aint never anybody told us about how beef can affect your brain. Heck man I didn’t even know cows got mad, now I seen a bull try to gore my grandfather, once in a pen. But that was my grandfather fault. Never ever enter a pen full of cows and bulls that havent eaten in days con a sack full of range-cubes. You know that stuff you feed cattle. Anyway the price of beef didn’t really go up too much this past few weeks. But It seem que people are buying more beef now that ever. We have to thank this year football season, especially now que los cowboys are winning some games, it makes la raza in the hood go out and buy more. La barbacoa de cabeza remained stable at $5.50 a lb. For the end of this quarter. Las empanadas: Las empanadas, we got a real nasty letter the other day about how wrong we were con pineapples. They told us que we need to get our information right and that pineapples do not grow on trees, YOU MEAN THEY DON’T. WOW /oh well, we missed one. The price of pumpkin, sweet potatoes and I guess pineapples (I still think they grow on trees) took a dive on price this past quarter. It still hasn’t rain enough and has forced lots of empanada makers to cross the track and go buy their goods at the bigger markets over there. Which has had a big butt impact here in the hood with our smaller barrio farmers market. You just can’t find them here says an empanada broker. It’s still so dry que many of us are for sure going to jack up the price come this last quarter of the year. The prices of las empanadas are $.65 cent each .we will never ever see then at four for a dollar. And finally cheap beer. Well yesterday we spend a bit too much on beer and got away from the cheap beer section and bought that beer that cost a bit more. But we have noticed que it really don’t matter how expensive the beer is it’s still going to mess with you in the morning. Cheap beer ended the quarter at $4.65 a six-pack. Please note we never will mention any brand due to the fact que they don’t give us any free beer nor samples. Ok raza there you have it and have a great day.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

hejola report a revisit the tortilla war for2005.

Hejola report a re-visit “the tortilla war for 2005/2009.


Hello raza I am Daniel lopez the creator for this wacky world of mine. Today we have a revisit of the original tamale war of 1997.It first started as a city commissioner got food poisoning from eating tamales that were label wrong. Anyhow to make a long story short all charges were dropped and the city was unable to pass a city law forbidding raza or anyone to make tamales at home.

Anyhow now it seems que we have another battle in the hood and that is the tortilla war of 2005. Now with that in mind let;s go to urbano yosabatodo.

Ok Daniel and once again he comes out from coming his dark room at the end of the hallway.

The tortilla war of 2005 has all of us really uneasy. It seems que in the past few weeks we have being reporting from our barrio stock market about las tortillas. We have discovered que large increases of tortillas have been found stuck to each other. So we found it interesting to write about it and investigate.

Well as you might have read that our readers and tortilla makers found it not funny at all. So the result of all this is the following:

Some tortilla companies have either layoff or fired several hood workers and that has increased the number of unemployed in the hood. The price of tortillas has gone up due to the fact que the quality control of each company was not being affected and forced to hire new people from across the tracks.

In addition, we have had several rituals in front of our office lately. For what reason, well they tell us que? They. The question is who are they? This past week we had to hire a security to watch over our center due to fact que folks are really pissed off at us.

And last but not least we have had several things stolen or missing from our office and front lawn. For example, that lawn status of that black dude holding a lamp, well the lamp is gone. Our old computer we put outside to dry up due to my drinking problem, its gone. And to make matters worse, someone took some white paint and painted over our red sign that said vato volunteer firefighters on our 1979 ford whatever and painted the words : kiss my >>>>>>.

And to add to this several thousand of eggs have been thrown at our front porch and making our flies and roach problems worse then what it is. And on and on and on. Look raza our job, well my job is to report on our barrio stock market and things that really matter to us. And that is food. So in most cases we keep you, the consumer informed, Regardless if you use cash or food stamps.

So now we have a domestic war on our hands raza. Look we here and you there, have a responsibility and that is to made you, the barrio consumer aware about the quality of tortillas and why almost ever brand we bought we found some many tortilla stuck to each other, que, we had to say something about it. Now the end result is that folks in the hood got laid off and we have folks that got fired.

And one positive note came out of this matter, the quality control show a better tortilla. Now all these protesters and the complaints against us, Well raza, I am not sure if we will ever satisfy everyone but I am darn sure que we did a great job and we continue to keep you informed on the status of this big mess. Now back to Daniel.

Ok dude thanks. Well folks there we have the tortilla war of 2005. We will continue to keep you informed on this matter

Again thanks and remmmer, you remmer, your business is our business and my business is none of your business.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

2009 barrio commadre boxing match series 09222009

WESTINGHOUSE BARRIO MALL AREA; Now with that guy that never says no to a free beer here is david duran.
Heaveno raza I am david duran. Today our news cast takes us back westinghouse barrio mall where WE will interview Mr. Pete Diaz, our new barrio boxing commissioner. Here to discuss the up-coming Commadre Boxing Matches schedule for this coming Friday sept 25, right here at our center stage of our mall. Now here i.
Como esta MR. Diaz, doing great mr Duran.
As the new boxing commissioner I am proud to say que we have been working really hard this past five months establishing the needed boxing clubs here in town and the surround areas. The 5 or more boxing clubs here on our side of the tracks and one just opened at the other side of the tracks have been certified as boxing clubs and will the pool for our upcoming matches. We are hoping que we will have enough action Jackson to continue this great tradition, Commadre Boxing Matches ever Friday nights at the barrio mall .
Yes this years our COMMADRE BOXING MATCHES series will have a final match sometime in november to end this year’s boxing season. And one finally point david is that we have established the first “ WORLD COMMADRE BOXING CHAMPION TITLE. So we do have lots of boxing still to come.
Well thank you mr. Diaz and there you have it raza for today . La COMMADRE BOXING MATCHES are coming back to town and be looking for your commadres name on the boxing card. From the westinghouse barrio mall I am david duran.

2009 barrio commadre boxing match series 09222009

WESTINGHOUSE BARRIO MALL AREA; Now with that guy that never says no to a free beer here is david duran.
Heaveno raza I am david duran. Today our news cast takes us back westinghouse barrio mall where WE will interview Mr. Pete Diaz, our new barrio boxing commissioner. Here to discuss the up-coming Commadre Boxing Matches schedule for this coming Friday sept 25, right here at our center stage of our mall. Now here i.
Como esta MR. Diaz, doing great mr Duran.
As the new boxing commissioner I am proud to say que we have been working really hard this past five months establishing the needed boxing clubs here in town and the surround areas. The 5 or more boxing clubs here on our side of the tracks and one just opened at the other side of the tracks have been certified as boxing clubs and will the pool for our upcoming matches. We are hoping que we will have enough action Jackson to continue this great tradition, Commadre Boxing Matches ever Friday nights at the barrio mall .
Yes this years our COMMADRE BOXING MATCHES series will have a final match sometime in november to end this year’s boxing season. And one finally point david is that we have established the first “ WORLD COMMADRE BOXING CHAMPION TITLE. So we do have lots of boxing still to come.
Well thank you mr. Diaz and there you have it raza for today . La COMMADRE BOXING MATCHES are coming back to town and be looking for your commadres name on the boxing card. From the westinghouse barrio mall I am david duran.

hejola report for 09172009

Hejola report for 09222009.Cchwnn.Kingsville,tx. Now from our command post here is David Duran,como estan mi amigo, I am David Duran.Now con our award winning headline news:Internet becoming addicted for barrio members,“Money can buy happiness con mi homme ” results of barrio study,and barrio farm animal still causing problems,Constable cadena responded to a barrio resident motorist's call and to assist them with a chicken that had flown into a car and become tangled in its windshield wipers . And constable cadena was again was called to the home of los martinez in which they wanted to report que 50 pigeons had been stolen or flown away. It seems que at least 7 of the pigeons had been killed by passing cars. It is very important que all the folks in the hood need to move their farm animal out of the city limits.Yesterday afternoon Maria Mary Jane Gomez Garcia Gonzales announced her new book called “money can buy happiness”. An econometric study of "happiness" found that a if a barrio member would have a successful marriage it should would brings such a level of joy that those without it would need an additional $10,000 to compensate. She conclude que Money can buy happiness (but each unit of it is very expensive) by increasing the frequency of sex con el compadre or commadre from monthly to at least weekly this would bring the same happiness as a $500 raise; and those who must buy their sex are the least happy of all. Especially at $50.00 a bang.And finally many barrio men and barrio women from the hood have recently have become "addicted" to the Internet and longed for their computers. Said the official, Benny Goodman martinez, "For people who play (Internet) games all night and don't have any friends, don't have any hobbies, and some don’t even come to work anymore, and when they do it’s a very big shock, having to work con other people. There you have it folks. Have a good day, I am David Duran con el cchwnn barrio news.

Monday, September 21, 2009

spookys westside warrior news network 09212009.

Spook’s Westside warrior’s news 09212009.
Kingsville,tx. Now rollin' in his 1978 ford whatever low rider. Here iz our soul brudda Lewis mojo Lewis,
Hello ag'in an' now fo' dat heavy news from da hood;
Hood member arrested fo' trying ta rob bank,
Barrio member social service license revoked afta pulling out his gat in da office.
And hood member acts as his own lawyer, calls brudda as uh character witness.
Yesterday afternoon at da federal court across da tracks, accused bank robber Arturo Perez, 63 acting as his own lawyer, called his ex- brother- law Juan Ramos, as uh character witness. The only problem wuz dat Juan Ramos had already pleaded guilty ta being con Perez partner on four other robberies. Ramos wuz asked if Perez had ever committed any crimes, well predictably, Ramos responded, “yeah, ya wuz wiff me on four different bank robberies, Perez, ya know dat.” Perez wuz sentenced ta ten years o' hard labor.
It seems que da Texas dept o' health an' human services agency yesterday revoked da license o' mental health therapist Dr. Alan Carpenter based on an incident in which he, After receiving uh memo denying him his own key ta da office supply cabinet, pulled out uh .22-caliber handgun an' fired several shots at da document·
And finally uh 38-year-old nig wuz arrested
Last week afta allegedly trying ta rob uh Bank del Barrio sub-station. Baltimore Williams told constable cadena que he merely intended ta he..p repay da national debt. Mr. Williams wuz taken ta uh mental ward fo' observation. He will be charged wiff robbery afta he iz released from da center.
Well folks dere ya gots it an' gots uh pimp-tight one.
From Deep South o' Westside o' hood, I be Lewis mojo Lewis…

Friday, September 18, 2009

barrio stock market report for 09182009

Barrio stock market report for 09182009.Cchwnn.Kingsville, tx. Urbano Yosabatodo con todays award winning barrio stock market report, Let’s get down to business raza, its mid-year, and we have lots of things going on.Los taquitos are stable at $1.29 each at most restaurants unless there is a special. Cup of coffee is not include in some places. We know que in the dallas/ft.wt area can be found a 2 for $1.25…. oh well we will never know….Las empanadas is the one que has kept us monitoring. First of all we will never ever again see them at 4 for a dollar. Second going rate for one is .89 cent each. In some convenient stores you can find them at 4 for $1.79, it’s really really unstable.Los tamales have dropped on price this quarter. The going price is $5.50 and have dropped from the holiday prices of $6.00 a dozen. It’s just a matter of time before we will see the raise back to holiday prices. And finally, that market we cant say has had consumers complaining que there is never enough… but yet everyone always has some. Dimes are dimes .On the issue of drinking beer, we love cheap beer, $4.25 a six pack Ok raza it’s the weekend god be with you and rememmer if you drink don’t drive and if you drive do drink, the cops need the money.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

hejola report for 09172009

Hejola report for 09172009.
Kingsville,tx. Now back from the nearest Eastern part of the good old USA, here is own man with the plan, Bill Diaz.
Heaveno raza como estan? We just got back and are we tired. It was a long fly back, and my arms still hurt, but here we are. Now for today award winning head-line news:
Garage sales permits go up,
20% of the hood members move first of the month,
And WESTINGHOUSE BARRIO MALL approves barrio storage units.
WESTINGHOUSE BARRIO MALL management approved a barrio storage unit to be built extend two more floors. The mall will now house three floors of puro storage rooms for rent. La families Zapata family owners of the new proposed Barrio storage units, will open 30 Barrio storage units. It’s a great place to storage that stuff one don’t need or being hauling around for years. Los Zapata’s say que la raza is always looking for storage space. Excess to the third floor is still being planned, “It’s no problem building the storage units on the third floor, the trouble is how to get your stuff up there” says the assistant to the assistant mall manager. Several options are being considers on how to drive onto the third floor.
In other news, it was estimated que at least one out of five barrio family members move at the first of the month. After driving around the hood this weekend, my god was it busy. I swear it was mad out there today. Raze coming and going, going and coming and some not every coming back.The results of our estimates did not indicate reason why people move, but I am sure que there are many reasons. We could list a list of reason, we would, but we’re moving right now.
And finally, the barrios fathers and mothers have been picketing city hall on the ridiculous increase in obtaining a garage sales permit. Like we mention a few weeks ago que the new price increase was schedule to be in affect come September first. Well it’s here says a barrio member wanting to have a garage sale next weekend.. It’s outrageous and un- American to charges so much on so little return. The new fee is $100 per for a two day permit or a percentage of the sales.….huh…..hejolia…
Ok raza there you have and you should be glad que you don’t live here.
From our command post in Kingsville, Texas I am Bill Diaz, good day“your business is our business and my business is none of your business”.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

hejola report for 09162009

Hejola report for 09162009.
Kingsville, tx. hello raza I am la china cano de china nuevo leon. Before we start our report I must admit one thing, my creation was made by an idea my creator daniel lopez, got from his grandmother. His grandmother was a modest person and lived all her life en un rancho just north on hwy 281 about fourteen miles from alice tx. Her name was patrocina cano lopez. So in her memory I named this reporter La China Cano de china nuevo leon.
Now that we have cleared this up lets go to paris, france con our staff person Francisco delgado de gaulle, are you there frank? Now for our Paris del helles daily here is Francisco Delgado de Gaulle our correspondent from Paris France.
bonjour encore pour Paris del helles quotidien, je suis Francisco Delgado de Gaulle votre correspondant à Paris France. nous sommes très excités ici à Paris sachant que le que ce week-end est un nouveau niveau des gens du pays et de l'état de bâche et des événements nationaux et mondiaux en introduisant dans la vie plusieurs de nos personnes de personnel. je veux juste savoir quand I sera une vraie personne ici à Paris que nous avons été dans la pleine alerte étant donné qu'il y a eu un bon nombre de tuer dans notre guerre sur la terreur. soyez ainsi raza. postérieur sûr et non désolé de Paris France que je suis franciso.
Thank you Francisco Delgado de gaulle con that report. Now let’s go to our two pals traveling the world in 80 days con david duran y vernoica la lesbian, are you guys there.
hello eu sou con do duran de david meu lesbian do la do Veronica do amigo. nós temos apenas aires chegados dos buenos, Argentina. é um lugar grande aqui. nós tivemos que manter nosso português acima de um bocado pequeno, mas além daquele é um place.tomorrow que buetiful nós planeamos em um desengate do rio acima do rio de parana até o asuncion Paraguai. assim para agora tenha um dia grande do tejano. hola soy david duran con mi amiga vernoica la lesbian. tenemos apenas Buenos Aires llegado, la Argentina. es un gran lugar aquí. tuvimos que guardar nuestro portugués para arriba un poco, pero además de ése es un place.tomorrow buetiful que planeamos en un viaje del río encima del río de Paraná hasta el asuncion Paraguay. tan para ahora tenga un gran día del tejano.
Ok guy’s thanks again. Gee it must feel good traveling the world and not even leaving your home. Oh well life is good and going to get better this weekend. Ok ok now let’s go to our headline news:

Increase off blonde hair in the hood,
Swimming pool missing,
And finally no barrio stock market report tomorrow.

We were just informed que we have the day off tomorrow so we will bring the barrio stock market later this afternoon.
Also the barrio 8-ball lotto has informed us que the winning number this week is: 7898759865486578565845355957661236547896. If you have any of this number in your driver licenses you might be a winner. Just contact us at our webpage for your $50.00 non valuable gift.
In other news a local vato who keeps track of things like the other group of folks named let me put the finger on you group have reported to us que a large amount of vatos have colored or dye their hair blond. What seems to be a new trend in the hood says la commadre maria gaza who happens to own a beauty shop in the Westinghouse barrio mall. Si estos vatos want to be blonde hejola.
And finally yesterday sometime during the day a backyard swimming pool was stolen from 528 west Richard, and it seemed que those robbers couldn’t remove the pool pump so they stole the one next door to the pool. So now the constable cadena is seeking your help in solving this problem. If anyone has knowledge of a small back yard pool color royal blue with a white color water pump please call us.
Ok raza thanks again and see you all in alice tx.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

westinghouse barrio mall newsletter for 09152009

Westinghouse barrio mall newsletter for 09152009.
Now lets go to our girl Gloria Guerra at the mall.
Como estan todos de me tejano friends. It just around the corner and we are preparing for our sept 16 fest here at the mall. We have been on line more than four year come this date and man that is wild and crazy.
Here is our make believe schedule for this event this coming Wednesday on the net:
This year’s main liner is Country Pancho y County leroy will take the main stage at around 8:30 pm on sept 16 main stage here at the mall. They will be performing music from their last two cd/s: two vatos on the prowl and dos vatos lost in the black hills. So check them out. Also performing are Cristina y los Cream Puffs, Janie y Las Masotas, in addition all our stores will be having a one percent discount on anything and everything you buy. So come on down.
But for now let’s go to our general fideo vermicelli with his report.
Si raza, here I am again on the main stage of our mall. Coming the first of october we will start La Commadre boxing matches again . el commissioner has gotten approval from our local law dogs and city commission to restart those matches.
So raza if you have a web site and have a few commadres that want to strap it on let us know and submit their names and we will arrange for their matches. Send names and website to :, name of la commadre and the who she represents. Back to you gloria.
Oh yea fideo, we are sure glad to hear that. Alright raza keep that in mind la commadre boxing matches coming real soon. Ok now let’s go to our pair of reporters on tour around the world in 80 days with veronica la lesbian y david duran in there way to south american. Are you there?
¿hola mi raza cómo somos que hacen hoy? soy veroncia la lesbiana y aquí con mi compinche david duran que esté tan dormidos que estamos a bordo líneas aéreas de 757 de un chicano y en nuestra manera a la parte más inferior de Suramérica. llegaremos algunos donde pronto y tan pronto como sepamos dónde le dejaré todo saber y ahora de nuevo a gloria en kingsville en alguna parte.
Thanks again to both of you all and see you all soon. Well there you have it raza see you all soon.

Monday, September 14, 2009

hejola report for 09142009

Hejola report for 09142009.
Kingsville, tex. hello again and I a bill diaz con an additional special coverage :
barrio members are needed to find shooting suspect, dressed like a referee,
Ice cream driver arrested after shooting customer.
Healing licking cow found inside city limits.
And finally,Two non-residents arrested for robbing Lopez stop and shop
Two men were arrested yesterday and charged with robbing Lopez stop and shop. The constable report stated que they had a glitch in their getaway plan. These two guys hopped on mountain bikes to make their exit, but they were apparently unfamiliar with the concept of a gearshift, and both men rode away in first gear (or perhaps second), and to add to this dilemma the tires were flat.They rode away so slowly that one witness followed them easily on foot, and a store guard got close enough to shoot one of them in the arm. They were quickly surrendered and arrested. Local residents are worried about the increase of crime from non-barrio residents. It seems que we all have to keep our eyes open now a days. They are coming from all over the place and make our hood unsafe for all of us.
A large number of persons have been pilgrimage this day, to the home and farm inside the city limits of the family Trevino. It seems que a mystical cow that was born in a sacred commune, according to a folk-healer report.
Word got out after the wife of the cow's owner said she was cured of a chronic illness, and other success stories followed by cow’s licking its face, and now the owner is charging 50 cents per lick. But, warned the owner, "the cow won't lick people who won't put in their money." By the way the family Trevino is offering a reward for a missing cow, if you have any information on it please contac us. City officials have moved in and shut the Trevino operation down earlier today. Say que they didn’t have a permit for lick cow inside the city limits. It is also apparent que this folks had not hear about the city law prohibiting farm animal inside the city limits. Folks were given one year to clean their act.
Yesterday afternoon it was reported que several shoots had been fired. By the time we got there constable cadena had arrested the Ice cream truck driver Juantio Leal, 35. His was arrested came after he ended an altercation with a 22-year-old woman customer who wanted a refund on a nutty bubby. Leal told the customer que no refunds once you open the pack. The customer started call Mr. Leal lots of ugly named say a kid waiting in line and saw Mr. Leal allegedly pulling out his handgun and firing two shots at the woman's feet (one shot of which ricocheted and hit her collarbone). He will be charged and no refund was given to the customer.
All this week the police from across the tracks have been hunting for basketball referee after the man ended a confrontation with a coach, after the referee had called a foul on one of this players. The referee who has had encounters us with this coach pulling out a gun and shoots the coach in the stomach. The conditions of the coach were unknown, nor the where about of the referee. Constable cadena is asking for our assistance and want you to call us if you have seen a man wearing a white shirt con black stripe and wearing black pants, and black shoes and goes by the name of “hey ref”….
Ok raza got to go, from our command post, have a nice day..

Thursday, September 10, 2009

westside warrior news network 09102009

Westside warrior news network 09102009.
Kingsville, tx. Whats up raza I am lewis mojo lewis con this week’s wwnn news. Let’s all hope que the rain stop soon, how many roaches can we take?
Now for our award winning headline news:
Five folks released after false arrest for drugs.
Two more bags of weed found in middle of street.
And finally small fire calls two fire units.
Yesterday after noon los vatos loco volunteer firefighters were called to assist at a backyard apartment fire at the corner of third and wells. It seems que the small fire which los vatos locos were able to maintain until the real fire guys showed up from across the tracks. No one was injured, but a few vatos lost some of its stuff while trying to fight this dog house fames.
In other news five folks were released after this weekend’s sting on crack houses in the hood. The five folks names were not released but the official word was que they were having a pray session at this trail house. A law suit could results from this embarking event.

And finally la commadre ninfa Jimenez reported to el constable cadena que she had found several bags of weed. In this case marijuana, she located it in the middle of third and well’s street here in the hood. Once she was asked to describe the shit she stated hell I don’t know it’s just green and tops and smells kinda good. El constable took the weed to the center for observation and wanted to make sure it was weed. Pesse.
Well there you have folks for this week’s news, remember keep it low and keep tight.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

westinghouse barrio mall newsletter for 09092009.

Westinghouse barrio mall newsletter for 09092009.
Kingsville,tx. Hello raza como estan and are we getting ready for the tejano roots thing come this November. Are you ready?
Well I am Gloria Guerra the mall manager now going into our fifth year and we have seen everything here. This sept 16 fest will be the best one yet this year, so lets get to the action, first of all lets go to our man of all season Frankie tuxedo zungia con his report.
Si Gloria its going to be a best here at the cona Lozano cash and carry sports complex. We have several concerts set for this weekend here at the complex. Here is the line up:

For sept. 13, and sept 14,2008. the cost will be $5. 00 car load of folks. So come on down:

Las nopales del valley featuring Ludia.

So raza if you are in the hood come on down, and now back to Gloria.

Ok Frankie, now lets go to alcardio samuido inside the main stage of the mall.

Si Gloria besides all the conjuntos at the complex we have lots of action and we have lots of thing going on here. Besides the clown fest and the barrio ingenuity union members having their barrio plane show it should be an exciting one. Here is the line up for inside the mall area:

. Harrycore Ramirez del group hardcore Mary ramirez u su conjunto.
Lisa right eye ( solo artist ).
Los crazy dudes from NY, NY.
Littie micky y sus flojos from Galveston.
Berta y su hijas de rancho allegra de Houston Tex.
Margarita con a “H”de la pulga del Alamo.
la movida de Federico hinojosa de Laredo, tex..
DON PEDRO “el pelon cara de nopal”.
Bucky Lopez from grupo 'Los tejano bucks' .
So lets go back to Gloria.
Chinga alcardio we have lots of things going on here folks and finally let me share a few words with you. In our time and day we have lots to look forward too. Many times we are so hang up on our own lives we forget to smell the fresh air that surround us everyday. If we were to act the way we feel inside our heart, we would live in a such better world.
Just a reminder the only deals we lose are the ones we don’t know about. I am Gloria Guerra.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

westinghouse barrio newsletter for 09032009

Westinghouse barrio mall newsletter for 09032009.
Kingsville, tx. Como estan I am Gloria Guerra con the Westinghouse barrio mall news letter. Si its been real busy here now that all the sales and going back to school. First lets go to our friend alcardio samuido con some very interesting stuff..
Si Gloria, I am alcardio samudio con Ben Casey Garza owner of texas caps. Mr garza tells us que he has a lot of invisible caps for sale and wants everybody to know que they are here in town now and going fast. So if for some reason or another you have not purchased that invisible baseball cap come on down . honesty Gloria I can’t really see them.
Ok thanks al and that report about the invisible baseball caps going fast, now lest go con Frankie tuxedo zungia at our cona Lozano stop and shop sports complex.
Hello there I am Frankie and here at our complex sport center getting ready for this year’s sept 16th Mexican independents day fly bye. Many many folks have been arriving early and we expect a large crowd. But right now we have to go back to Gloria.
Ok now let’s go to our third floor at the mall con ramon ruiz the owner of el barrio zoo and its new creators.

Si Gloria I am ramon ruiz con a very special little white roach I found yesterday on the way over here passed that chemical planet. It’s a rare little guy and I plan on keep it alive. So as you can see this white cocaroacha is a new thing here at the barrio zoo.

Ok thanks folks well there you have it and I am Gloria guerrra.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

hejola report for 09022009

Hejola report for sept 2,2009.
Kingsville, TX. Once again and we are back I am bill Diaz. Our creator has been very ill and there is a lesson to be learned here, brush whatever teeth you have left. Anyhow we are back and now no more reruns nor old stories but our award winning barrio headline news:
Higher education gets higher for barrio members who want an education based on our undercover story con el ojo barrio private eye.
Increase of roaches reported con toda esta water.
And finally, more mix married move into the hood.
La prima Christina y su brother little Henry acuna moved back into the hood con su new black husband y su white kids and little Henry con su boyfriend. It was really a no big surprise to see them back since both graduated college. Welcome cousins. This is just to add to that study that was done in the hood a few years ago regarding this issue. Lets not get into it but just acknowledge the hood isn’t what it uses to bee.
All day today we have been getting calls on what to do con tantos cocarachos or roach something like that. Since the spring invasion of los Alaskan roaches along con los Cambodia roaches y those that don’t have a name are on the upraise. We had to contact our local vato that sprays home con left over #### he gets from the high school anyhow he tells us que you can be as clean as you want pero no de tanto anyhow just keep buying those roach hotels and sooner or later they all will be filled.

And finally our barrio investigator went underground to see how much more does it cost to go to college if your barrio? Based on 1970 information which we believe is pretty accurate is que cost of education cost more, chingos more says el ojo barrio private.

Si raza we are in big#####trouble and if panchito y panchita cant read and write and you are determined to put them through college, go ahead, it’s the American dream. We determined que based on our scientific studies that’s seventeen years of studies we have determined that the average barrio kid that will get a college degree regardless of how long will cost them 32,000 in puro pincha loans that include both student and in some cases parent loans if your cedit good. You ask me what to do ojo , well that’s another story.

Ok ojo thanks an welcome back, well raza there you have it, its good to be back an don’t just stand there and let them use us , don’t just stand there and think it don’t include u… don’t just stand there and ask yourself I ll do it later. I am bill diaz an have a real great real tejano day.

Your business is our business and my business is none of your business

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

hejola report for 09012009

Hejolia report for 09012009.
Kingsville,tx. Now from our command post, Veronica la Lesbian.
Hi, raza como estan, now con the most trusted news service, today's award winning barrio head line news:
La comadre Thelma released after running over her three year old son.
Justice of the peace Judge Eloy Falcon still in trouble.
Penis charm Lawsuit dropped,
La family of the late Juan Pistolas filed a wrongful-death lawsuit last year against “The Other Side nightclub” which is located on this side of the tracks, charging que el senior Pistolas had choked to death on a miniature plastic penis that allegedly had been placed into his drink glass as a prank by an employee. The club owner of the other side nightclub said Mr. Pistolas merely suffered a seizure and that the penis charm was found on the floor beside Mr. Pistolas body, based on the constable cadena report and pictures taken of the body.
Through the years, justice of the peace Judge Eloy Falcon, who was removed from the bench last week, seems to be in more trouble. It appears that Judge Falcon is certainly one of the least friendly judges for small time criminals. It has been note for example, in 2003, he convicted two jay walker, Maria Gonzales 64 and Maria Gomez 65, were re-sentenced by a jury of their peers, the judge recommend after an appeals court said their original sentences totaling 6,475 years were based on faulty jury instructions and needed to be evaluated and sentence should be based on the crime.

Armed with the proper instructions, the jury again took the judges recommendation a then tacked an additional 260 centuries onto the sentences: a total of 21,250 years for Gonzales and 11,250 for Gomez. The whole case has been dropped and the two elderly women paid a small fine.
And finally, La comadre Thelma Munoz, a 31-year-old woman who lives at the corner of third and wells street was arrested and released after she ran over her 3 year old son. Ms Munoz said que she felt a mysterious bump as she was pulling out of her driveway, and to help determine what it was, she said, she drove over it again, and then a third time. It was her 3-year-old son, who suffered a broken leg. There will be no need to report to any authorizes says constable cadena, it was just a freak accident.
Ok raza there we have and we will see you real soon and remember keep it tejano.