Friday, March 29, 2013

hejola special easter report for 03292013

Hejola special Easter report for 03292013.


Kingsville,tx. Hello again I am Veronica La Lesbian con our special Easter report for 03292013.

Recycle Easter hunt huge success.

Gay Tejano bar ready for Easter.

And finally some darn good Easter news.

We all have good days and some better days, but this year we will try to make it a happy Easter to all our followers and we are hoping que Jack the Giant Rabbits come by this year and brings you what you want for Easter. Now with that in mind how much should a person really spend on Easter? Since its just one of many reasons to spend that hard earned money, you tell me.

Late last night Arnold Moore Perez the owner of the newly open Tejano gay bar announced que anyone dress like a fairy, bunny, and even a playboy bunny, and a playgirl bunny would drink for free for about ten minutes after that all drinks will be half prices. In addition anyone dress like a Tejano bunny would drink free, and that meant even if they weren’t Tejano want to be.

And finally, This year’s el barrio community center had its annual Recycle Easter Can Hunt was a great success, says el barrio person in charge of the center. We have over 150 children under the age 20 and had over 300 persons older than 21 showed up for this year’s hunt. We don’t have the name of this year’s winner on who collected the most cans but I am sure there were chingos.

Ok raza have a great Tejano gay day and for those gringitos refusing to admit que they want to be Tejano and not mexican, stay drunk and stay home and don’t say nothing for awhile.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

exclusive interview con Grupo Gabbel Jose Lazo, 2013


Exclusive interview con Grupo Gabbel, Jose Lazo, 2013.


Las Milpas, Texas. Hello I am Blanca Blanch Blanco con on the road again interview. This week our creator takes us to Las Milpas, to meet Up con the member of el Grupo Gabbel, Jose Lazo, and now for that interview.


Bbb: hello Mr. Lazo can you give me a hand off this bicycle?

Jl; Sure!!! Blanca


BBB: Jose, a little bit about el Grupo Gabbel ?

Jl: Grupo Gabbel started Oct. 2010 in Las Milpas Tx and it started as a hobby with some friends thinking we will always be ready for our own parties or even for our family parties. Play at local clubs,quinceneras, weddings etc. But things change when we recorded a song call "Dime Porque" which we made a video of the song thats when people started telling us we had a good onda and we can do something different. We send our song to a radio station in CC,Tx and it hit the #1 spot for 5 weeks in a row, and then when we recorded our second song call "Eres"it hit the #1 spot in less then 2 weeks also in CC,TX that's when it gave us hopes and we no longer saw it as a hobby!!


BBB: Why the name Gabbel?

Jl: When we were looking for a name for the band we notice that everyone name we came out with was taken so I put my family's initials and came out with it So the name is my daughter Gisselle my wife Blanca and our last name Lazo . So name is very special for me, Plus the little hammer of the judge is called gavel so it has the final say so, so Gabbel is here to give the final say so too..haha... and how i stated its my family so Gabbel is Gratitud,Amor,Bondad,Belles,Esperanza,Lialtad

simplemente Gabbel!!!


BBB:Why pink shirts?

Jl: We started in Oct Brest Cancer Awareness month so we do it as a tribute to those who've fought the battle against cancer.So many of our shirts have pink and we even have three sets of pink shirts!!!


BBB: we understand that you record for RoRecords Reel Tracks, can you tell us about how did this come about?

Jl: Some times when u have a dream of having a label for your band you start sending singles to lots of label but in back of your mind you are saying "no one will look at our music" and I was wrong because 3 days later for my 33rd birthday I got a call from RoRecords offering us a great contract. And we are happy we took the contract because we had been offer two prior contracts from other label and we were waiting for the best one and we GOT IT!!!!


BBB: do you guys do lots of traveling?

Jl: Yes we do for now we have been traveling around Texas like Dallas,Houston,CC,Pecos,San Antonio,Abiline,Sweetwaters,

Channelview,and many other cities here in the state of Texas.


BBB: from all the past performances, is there one that still stands out in your mind?

JL:Yes, we got invited to a Jamaica in CC and we were the closing show we never thought we had that many followers in CC and when we started with our two hit songs and having most of the crowd singing our songs its just and experience that we will never forget!!!


BBB: someone described your sounds to smooth Tejano and a bit de norterno, would you agree?

Jl:Yes , I love tejano and I grow up listing to Tejano but when my band started Tejano was not that popular any more well Here in Las Milpas so norteno was more of the music people wanted to listen to so Alfonso (Lead singer) and I wanted to make something different and something that we can hit both markets Norteno and Tejano at the same time and I guess its working!!!


BBB: how difficult is it now a days to decided which gig to play base on the economic, travel, lodging, and food, ex….?

Jl:It is very very difficult because been a new band and not been well known they don't want to pay much, they don't trust us or they just don't want to pay, but we try our best to save as much money as we can we can go to dollar menu burgers, all of us going on the same car to save gas,sleeping one hotel room some on the bed and some on the floor, all we want is perform and

take our music to all over the place and do what we love to do MUSIC!!!


BBB: when you growing up did you ever think que you would be where you are con la onda tejana?

Jl: NEVER!! I remember when I was smaller I was in a church choir and I was one of the principle voices and I saw myself giving a concert to God and all his follower, when my church took us to Austin,El Campo,CC, and other cities to perform I saw myself doing it for many years but here we are.


BBB: when you younger what type of music did you listen to and who were your major influnces?

Jl:TEJANO and some little norteno but mostly it was Tejano, and my favorite band was La Mafia when they came out with that

song "Estas Tocando Fuego" and "Nuestra Cancion" WOW!!! Jimmy Gonzalez which we had the honor of sharing stage with him and Los Palominos which I will love to share stage with, both La mafia and Palominos I still go to their concerts when I can!!


BBB: has there ever been a time that you guys performed at a place and want to go back later?

Jl: Diamante Negro in Houston , we have perform with Voz de Mando, Toppaz, and Ramon Ayala and we are going back soon so we respect them for what they have been doing for us!!!


BBB:Where do you see Grupo Gabbel five years from  now?

Jl: I have a strong feeling that with our record label (RoRecords) five years from know we will be in big tours and sharing stage with big bands. And many albums with many hit songs


BBB: if you were asked to speak to a group of young people what encouraging words would you tell them?

Jl: Never stop dreaming , follow your dreams that Dreams come True." Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready

to pay the price to make them come true" Leon J Suenes


BBB: and finally is there any thing you would like to share with your fan base from around the world?

Jl:Well to look out for our music, Y que nuestra musica llege hasta sus corazones!!!


BBB: well Jose thanks and now can you give me a big Tejano hand back on this bicycle?

Jl; Sure and dont speed because cops are around the corner!!


BBB: well there you have a young breed of tejanos. Hey raza eat your heart out.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

hejola report for 03272013

Hejola report for 03272013.
Kingsville,tx. Hello again como estan todos, I am bill diaz con todays award winning barrio headline news:
New barrio what would “Jesus loves tejanos too” t- shirts.
 A new gift idea comes to life.
And finally, a new cell phone company comes into services.
“Le cell phone” a new imported cell phone sold by again the only cell phone services in hood, Pancho tele services. Mr. pancho the owner of this cell phone tells us que this new cell phone can almost do anything except wash your car. It has at least 2000 functions and a customer can even take a shower and still use it. So if you can hear me now, I am in the shower, that person at the other end is probably using “le cell phone”.
It seems que since there isn’t enough money going around que la familia Martinez decided to create a nice little gift pack to give out next holiday. The gift pack is called “nothing inside pack’. Si you read it right its nothing. It’s a new tread, mr. Martinez told this reporter, it’s about time que we did something con nothing, so I decided to create this little box that contains nothing inside. It’s so much easier this way, he went on.  The brain will send a message to itself, asking you what could be in this box labeled nothing inside. Chinga.
El barrio only t-shirt and printing company on this side of the tracks announced today que their new t-shirt “ Jesus loves tejanos too”  will go on sell on line this week. El japon Jimenez the Korean owner of the company tells us que he wanted all those self appointed tejano leaders que Jesus was on our side and still is , even though the Houston livestock show didn’t have real tejano acts. Pesse hejola.
Ok raza there you have it for today,

Monday, March 25, 2013

hejola report for 03252013

Hejola report for 03252013.


Kingsville,tx. Hello I am Jonathon barrio, bill Diaz took the week off, and now for today’s headline news:


Out of control vato crashes into barrio family home con su bicycle.

El primo gets busted across the track con su personal problems.

And finally Augustine Lacrosse wins lawsuit.



Last week we learned que convicted trash and toilet paper guy Augustine Lacrosse was awarded $5,000, lawsuit against the other side of the city jail officials. Its seems que Mr. lacrosse, who is serving time for toilet papering the city and county courthouse and the whole 700 block of west Richard, fell out of the back of a van transporting prisoners to a work side somewhere in the county, breaking bones in his face and knocking out his only tooth he had left. Mr. Lacrosse told us que he was real happy and couldn’t wait to get out and fix his teeth con the money he got and some lettuce.



Yesterday afternoon el primo david Ruiz a convicted male prostitute, was finally picked up by eastside police on several arrest warrants for indecent exposure against him/her in our side of the tracks as a male. And another warrants for el primo him/her in the other side of the tracks as a female. El primo was asked what was wrong with him, and he told us que nothing, only that he had been smoking lettuce.


 And finally, this morning it was reported que el chuco Morales drove his bicycle of out of control crashing into la familia Cava’s bedroom. There were no serious injuries but the bicycle was total and the damage was less than $10.00. No charges will be filed against el chuco but the constable tells us que etsa vato will be walking for a while. Oh by the way some lettuce was found on him.


Well raza there you have it for todays hejola headline news. I am Jonathon barrios, and have a great tejano day.

Friday, March 22, 2013

barrio stock market report for 03222013

o1. IF YOU GAMBLE, THAT IS YOUR FIRST MISTAKE. HOW CAN YOU GAMBLE ALL THAT DOE WHEN WE HAVE SO LITTLE OF It, furthermore, the chances of getting busted are for sure.


Thursday, March 21, 2013

paris del helles daily report for 03212013

Paris del helles daily report for 03212013.


Paris, France here is our French vato, that guy that like to wewe in your car, our own

news correspondent Francisco Delgado De Gaulle.


(Hello again my friend how are we doing  today) Bonjour encore mon ami comment allons nous aujourd'hui.


Now for news that happened this week here in Paris, France:

La police de ville a demandé à fermer l'approvisionnement en eau à une toilette de débordement.

(City police asked to close water supply to an overflowing toilet),


(Some marijuana seeds found in jacket left in the high school)

quelques graines de marijuana ont trouvé dans la veste gauche dans le lycée


(And finally a cow was found walking along Main Street)

et finalement une vache s'est avérée marcher le long de la rue principale.


The police were called to see if they could assist a family with turning off the water supply to an overflowing toilet, but could not go because they were busy doing police work like they should. The complaint was filed and later dropped.


Yesterday afternoon at a local  officials tell us that Marijuana seeds were found in the pocket of a jacket left in the high school attendance office. School records show that the last person in the school attendance office was maria del fueza who happens to be the daughter of the school attendances director. The police were asked to question the young woman and her parent. In this case her dad was called in since Mrs. del fueza was going to determined if the young del fueza was going to be expelled from school. No comments or results have been released to the public concerning this matter.


And finally a rare animal appeared on one of the busy streets here in paris yesterday morning. A cow was reported to have blocking traffic for about two hours when it was mooing too loudly at the other cars that were trying to avoid from hitting it.  The cow owners, a small farmer, came an loaded the moo-er into a truck an hauled it back to the farm. City Officials and cow owner don’t really know how the cow got to the city.


Well my many friends in the state wish you the best Easter one can have. Good day.


La police s'est appelée pour voir si elles pourraient aider une famille avec la rotation outre de l'approvisionnement en eau à une toilette de débordement, mais ne pourrait pas aller parce qu'elles étaient occupées à police faire travaillent comme elles devraient. Le conforme a été classé et plus tard laissé tomber. Hier après-midi à une école locale, les fonctionnaires d'école nous disent que des graines de marijuana ont été trouvées dans la poche d'une veste gauche dans le bureau de assistance de lycée. Les disques d'école prouvent que la dernière personne dans le bureau de scolarité était Maria del fueza qui s'avère justement être la fille du directeur d'attendances d'école. La police a été invitée à remettre en cause la jeune femme et son parent. Dans ce cas-ci son papa s'est appelé dedans puisque Mme del fueza allait au determind si le jeune del fueza allait être expulsé de l'école. Aucun commentaire ou résultat n'a été libéré au public au sujet de cette matière. Et finalement un animal rare est apparu sur une des rues occupées ici à Paris hier matin. On a rapporté qu'une vache a bloquer le traffice pendant environ deux heures où il mooing trop fort aux autres voitures qui essayaient d'éviter de le frapper. Les propriétaires de vache, un petit fermier, sont venus chargé MOO-HEU dans un camion transporté il de nouveau à la ferme. La ville Officals et le propriétaire de vache ne savent pas vraiment la vache est arrivée à la ville. Jaillissent mes beaucoup d'amis dans le souhait d'état vous que meilleure Pâques une peut avoir. Bonjour.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

hejola report for 03202013

 hejolia report for 03202013.


Kingsville, tx. Now from our 1978 ford whatever here is Alcardio Samudio.

Heveano raza, I am Alcardio Samudio, Bill is on assignment.

Well como estan an its spring break, and man did we see naked people at the beach. What is it con los tongs que the young women wear now days. I would like to see my commadre in one. She said she would love to wear one pero esta a little bit big.

Now con the headline news:

Vacationing gringo en hood ticketed for camping in the hood,

Construction worker and property surveyors find marijuana garden,

And yet weird woman chased from behind mall.

The residents of 411 west Richard called el constable cadena to come an check out a trailer parked next to their home. El constable cadena reports stated que every night this week, a gringo man in long shorts y long brown socks or a winter Texan drives up in front of a los Casanovas home at 411 west Richard Street, and unhooks a tanned  tarp-topped trailer and comes back later to sleep in it.  Well last night el constable was able to catch esta  gringo and ticketed for camping in town, and was asked que please stay on the other side of the tracks.

In other news, Yesterday afternoon a call to 811 took el constable cadena to 300 block of west wells where a private surveyor and his helper found a marijuana garden. They both didn’t know whose it was but the property that was being survey was owned by martin h. Cantu who is serving five years in the county jail across the track. El constable cadena was not persuaded and took the two workers in for more questioning.

And finally, a call to el constable office regarding a woman in a black trench coat hanging out for hours behind the Westinghouse barrio mall was acting kind of weird. Once the constable and the mall security showed up the woman had left the area. But some folks who saw the woman said que she was only wearing that black trench coat con UN g-sting underneath.


Well folks that is it for today. Don’t for.  Good day.

Monday, March 18, 2013

hejola report for 03182013

hejola report for 03182013.




Hello again, y como estan todos. Well I am bill Diaz and was it a crazy weekend. You know youth baseball can be bad for our health and also very dangerous. Now let’s get down to our barrio headline news:


Several arrested at youth t-ball game.

Two coaches strap it on at another t-ball game,

And domestic problems hamper youth t-ball games.


It seems que el commpadre just can’t get over la commander dating another vato. Yesterday afternoon at our barrio youth t-ball game el compadre hector Cantu, attacked el primo George g cantu after he saw his ex wife to be con esta george. Somehow and from somewhere el commpadre must have found a tee-ball stand and he hit el primo hector over the head with it , and with the same swing he managed to knock out la commadre also. Before he, el commpadre knew it, there was at least seven parents on our commadre who suffered several blows to his head and some cuts and bruises on his legs and hits from all the folks wanting to kick his butt. Before you know they had el commpadre pinned down on the third base line waiting to for the cops to arrive. After it was over, el commpadre was rushed to el hospital where he was being observed after the pre medics claimed que he also suffered a heart attack. El constable cadena will not file charges against el compadre claiming que he already is suffered enough. Oh by the way la commadre was taken to our st. paul’s medical center for observation.


At the same time at another field its seems que you can’t put two coaches together and coach one team. Well that’s the case  two vatos trying to save money on the entry fee. Joe Perez y martin Cruz agreed to put both of their seasonal teams together to make one team for this special tournament. Well for some reason or another at the bottom of the third inning out of nowhere the umpire had to call time and the cops due to the fact  que Mr. Perez y Mr. Cruz were strapping it on inside the dugout. Before things got under control at least 15 parents had to jump in and stop the fight inside the dugout. By the time el constable cadena could answer the call, the fight had already been broken up and some of the parents had left the field with their children. The two coaches were picked up this morning and were arrested for fighting at a public park. Oh by the way both coaches have been removed and banned for coaching again tball for at least five long years.


And finally, two parents were arrested after one parent was yelling at another parent from the bleachers. Before you knew it, the both were strapping it on underneath the bleachers. While several parents were screaming and yelling at them to stop. Before anyone knew there were people throwing rocks and stuff at both parents. Again el constable cadena did not make it on time to stop this fight. Both parents were restrained until el constable got there and were arrested.


Ok raza have a great tejano day and stay united

Friday, March 15, 2013

barrio stock market report for 03152013



Barrio stock market special edition: “el future de la barbaco de cabeza 2014”.



Kingsville, tx. Once again I am urbano yosabatodo. I am here today covering this very important seminar being held here at the Westinghouse barrio mall second level, and at the cona Lozano cash and carry sport complex convention center. “el future de la barbaco de cabeza 2014” convention is being held and we have over 200 barrio people that have something to do con the production of barbacoa.  Assisting me today is my new assistant my younger brother Franciso Pancho yosabatodo.


Si urbano thank you for hiring me brother and I wont let you down. Well raza we have a great turn out today on this very important barrio issue : la barbaco de cabeza. It seems que todo esto started con the esta farmer named mr rubio y su idea de raising llama in the hood to replace beef. That is what this seminar is all about today.


The organizer of this convention is mr. j.p. weeks owner of weeks cattle and sheep inc. located on the edge of eastside and Westside. So one could say que mr. weeks farm is on both sides of the tracks. Mr. weeks is the largest provider of beef here in the hood and has the biggest dinner in town specializing en barbacoa de cabeza. The number of folks attendance was great and it included from small taco stand owners to large restaurants that rely on mr weeks beer.


Some of the issues that were dealt with are the following:


A.   mad cow disease: el dr. chon chingo chon specializing in gringo dieases told the audience que esta cosa de mad cow was a gringo thing and wouldn’t effect la raza due to the fact que muchos over cook the meat anyhow. In addition he said que there was no proof que esta mad cow was no where never our hood.  Neverless in town.

B.   The increase of sales and production : Manuel Gonzales a tamale broker spoke on the potential la barbacoa market still had in the hood. He also pointed out que many tamale makers were using more beer than deer meat now a days, making beef the number one meat in the hood, he told us que not even pork could compare its sales to beef.

C.   Livestock and slaughter house in the hood : el senior henry Garcia owner of the largest slaughter house in the hood names Garica’s slaughter house told us que the number of livestock that is produce is higher than even. He pointed out to us que his company has done its very best to make sure que none of his cattle has made contact con esa pincha cow dieases.  In being able to protect the rest of the herd, he has hired several gringos that can spot a mad cow.

D.   The future of beef in the hood: el senor H.P. morgan soliz told the large crowd que it made no differences if the llama meat was to come into the hood it wont effect the price nor the percentage of beef being sold now in the hood.

E.    Increase of barrio taco stands: Pete Cruz Mata president of el barrio welcome wagon told the crowd que in the last two years a total of 35 percentage of the taco stands had closed their down. For what reason, he pointed out que poor management skill and lack of training in keep good sales records. This could really hurt a business.

F.   Protection of livestock in the hood : el ojo barrio private eye gave his new security concept on how one can protect their livestock. Base on el constable report for the fiscal 2011/2012, it shows que 110 folks had being arrested for stealing or trespassing onto barrio farmland. And that about 25 head of cattle had being stolen or missing in this same period compared to the number of llamas that had been either shot or poisoned . so as you can see says el ojo barrio private eye que it is very important that every single barrio farmer to hire or establish their own guards. In addtion he offered a 20 percent discount on his next classes on how to be a barrio private eye y your own security.


So at the end of the day several goals were established and hope to implement this plan within the next three years. Copy of their plan will not be made public until this group decides when and how much will it cost. I am fransico yosabatodo and now back to my older brother urbano.


Thanks frank, well there you have it folks, the future of la barbacoa de cabeza is really on your hands. I am urbano. Remember if you cant eat it don’t buy it..

Thursday, March 14, 2013

hejola report for 03132013

Hejola report 03132013.
Kingsville, TX. Olay raza from my back yard swimming pool. I am alcardio samuido, filling in for the boys. Well raza it has been a long weekend con todo la shooting and terror in our hood, we felt que we would give it a break and give you some good news, but right before we do that I would like to express our sadness about the death of our good friend panzone calien...te. We will have a special on this sometime this week. But now lets get to our barrio headline news:

Barrio community garden group looking for members,
One-legged vato finds the other missing leg,
And finally fishing line nearly kills la commadre Rosie.

Yesterday afternoon los vato locos volunteers firefighters were called to the corner of wells and alice street where it was reported by el constable cadena que la commadre Rosie was being treated for neck and head injuries. It seems que el compadre hector Cantu had laid out his fishing line in the back yard and la commadre didn’t see it and nearly killed herself. La commadre had razor burn type of bruises around her neck and head. She was taken to st. pauls barrio medical center at the mall for treatment.

In other good news, el vato pedro Estrada had some real good news this past Sunday when he was trying to walk back from church. It seems que pedro had lost his left leg a few years ago and was given a plastic one to replace it. Well pedro known for losing chit, lost his left plastic leg a few days ago. But as he walked back from church he found it in a ditch near his home. It seems que now he remembered on how it got there.

And finally our barrio community garden group is looking for a few good honest hard working persons that love to work outside and stay up late at night. The barrio group is looking for new members to help them watch the crops in a few weeks. Present members are kind of worried que los crack heads in the hood might just beat them to this years crops. If interested and own a pellet gun, please contact us at cchwnn@netscape for application. We believe you will have a good time.

We raza there you have it, have a great spring break and remember the children are out of school, so drive very careful in the hood. I am alcardio samudio, have a great tejano day.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

hejola report for 03132013

Hejola report 03132013.


Kingsville, TX. Olay raza from my back yard swimming pool. I am alcardio samuido, filling in for the boys. Well raza it has been a long weekend con todo la shooting and terror in our hood, we felt que we would give it a break and give you some good news, but right before we do that I would like to express our sadness about the death of our good friend panzone caliente. We will have a special on this sometime this week. But now lets get to our barrio headline news:


Barrio community garden group looking for members,

One-legged vato finds the other missing leg,

And finally fishing line nearly kills la commadre Rosie.


Yesterday afternoon los vato locos volunteers firefighters were called to the corner of wells and alice street where it was reported by el constable cadena que la commadre Rosie was being treated for neck and head injuries. It seems que el compadre hector Cantu had laid out his fishing line in the back yard and la commadre didn’t see it and nearly killed herself. La commadre had razor burn type of bruises around her neck and head. She was taken to st. pauls barrio medical center at the mall for treatment.


In other good news, el vato pedro Estrada had some real good news this past Sunday when he was trying to walk back from church. It seems que pedro had  lost his left leg a few years ago and was given a plastic one to replace it. Well pedro known for losing chit, lost his left  plastic leg a few days ago. But as he walked back from church he found it in a ditch near his home. It seems que now he remembered on how it got there.


And finally our barrio community garden group is looking for a few good honest hard working persons that love to work outside and stay up late at night. The barrio group is looking for new members to help them watch the crops in a few weeks. Present members are kind of worried que los crack heads in the hood might just beat them to this years crops. If interested and own a pellet gun, please contact us at cchwnn@netscape for application. We believe you will have a good time.


We raza there you have it, have a great spring break and remember the children are out of school, so drive very careful in the hood. I am alcardio samudio, have  a great tejano day. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

cchwnn: interview done in 2012.

Chicano cable hot wired news network interview done in 2012.


Kingsville,tx. Hello again I am Daniel the creator con a summary of Tejano related matter interview for 2012. Again I want to thank the few that have support us thru out this nine years de puro party. Again thanks and god bless all  us.

ruben cubillos

tejano all star radio

el padrino 2012

exclusive interivew con Tony Guerrero, la sombra 2012


exclusive interview con frank salazar de tejano music awards 2012.

Exclusive interview con el web jefe ( Tejano Journal) Abel Hernandez,2012. ?The end of an era.

exclusive interview con Ilyssa Saenz, 2012.

exclusive interview con Briana Lokura, 2012.

exclusive interview con Mallorie, 2012


exclusive interview con el grupo DANO, 2012.

exclusive interview con tejano RoZe 2012.

exclusive interview con grupo Maldad,2012.

exclusive interview con Jerry Lopez 2012.

exclusive interview con Elias Arredondo, 2012.

exclusive interivew con Johnny Hernandez, 2012.


exclusive interview con Juan Sifuentes jr. 2012.

exclusive interview con lazaro perez 2012.

chicano cable hot wired news network person of the year Frank Salazar, 2013

Chicano cable hot wired news network our person of the year 2013 “ Frank Salazar”.


Kingsville,tx. Hello again mi raza as you can see the stress of being chicano con an open mind is very difficult when you have tejanos but not chicanos. Believe me there is a differences.  As we move along into 2013, we are working on dedicating our efforts for the betterment of la onda y la raza in general.

Now the criteria we used were based on their continuous input into la onda tejana. The ability to withstand criticism on issue one believes in and being able to tolerate all kind of positive and negative remarks based on their stands. In addition being able to provide ideas either good or bad and understanding that many might not go along. Yet this person kept it coming and even as we speak this person strives to do something positive for la onda tejana.

We are proud to announce our person of the year for 2013, is Mr. Frank Salazar, del TEJANO MUSIC AWARDS. For his efforts on making things happen and continues to do what he believes in , congratulations  Mr. Salazar for the all the time and the ability to rally folks around in doing a great job.

hejola report for 03122013

Hejola report for 03122013.


Kingsville,tx. Hello raza how are we doing, I am Veronica la Lesbian con today’s award winning barrio headline news:

Barrio prepare for taqucaha day.

Ten tejanos gays arrested at bar.

And now some good news.

Today a handful of tejanos went out and gather around 2 tons of recycle cans for this year’s barrio recycle can hunt which replaced easter bunny eggs. Do you have few cans you want to donate?

Late last night ten Tejano gays persons were arrested for not using the right bathroom. It seems que el barrio had already gotten a letter from the city que the only Tejano gay bar needed to have at least three bathrooms: men, women and whatever. The owners of the Tejano gay bar said que he didn’t know about this matter and said que he had plans on fixing it. Two tons of fun bar was shut down after this incident. But plans to reopen sooner than later.

Yesterday the organizers of the third annual Taqucha day is schedule for this weekend. Here all the owners of taquchas will be given an opportunity to give ideas on how to preserve taquchas. It’s time that we took a stand con los taquchas and the way they have been treated. The leader of so call taquchas told us que he wasn’t real sure of what direction they were headed. But once we get enough taqucaha owners we will go from there.

And by the way see you all at fanfare.

exclusive interview con Jorge David Marroquin, 2013

Exclusive interview con Jorge David Marroquin,2013.
Toledo, Ohio. Hello as I dig myself out of this snow storm, I am blanca blanch blanco con on the road again interview. Today I am half frozen but here to interview a Tejano star, Jorge David Marroquin, coooooold. Now for that interview.
Bbb: hello Jorge can you give me a hug and a hand off this bicycle?
JD: Absouluetly! How about a warm cup of coffee as


BBB: how long have you been in the music business?
Jd; I started playing the accordion at 14yrs of age. My father traded a bajo for a 2 line horner accordion. By age 16 I was playing with a local band here in Toledo & at age 19 I started my own band with my brother. We gigged for about 3 years together & I was given an opportunity to join one of the hottest bands in the Midwest at the time, Joe Ybarra y Sangre Nueva. At the time I joined, Sangre Nueva had already made a name for themselves throughout the country.

This gave me an opportunity to travel with artist like Little Joe, Aldaberto, Rey Reyna, & others. While with them in the early 90's we toured throughout Texas several times. Life as a musician & having a young family was difficult so I was faced with a decision to be a musician or a family man.

The decision was easy...So in 1995 I stopped playing in the music scene & got involved with our church & started helping with our worship band. Fast-forward to 2010...the opportunity presented itself to put together a Tejano Christian CD. I worked with Rolando Revilla, a tremendous producer here in the Midwest to make this happen.

January of 2011 I released my first solo CD entitled "The Time Is Now". I wanted to be able to express to our Tejano fans, artist, & musicians that despite what some may think, God loves Tejano music! Over the next 2 years tremendous opportunities presented themselves. I was introduced to multi-Grammy award winning producer Bob Gallarza & that is when "Caminos Del Alma" was born.


BBB; can we say it’s a dream come true or when you were a kid was there something else you wanted to do?
Jd: This is definitely one of my dreams I am living. I am the youngest of 11 children (8 sisters & 2 brothers) & I can remember Saturday mornings in the late 70's early 80's my mom & dad would leave to the stores & leave instructions to my sisters to clean the house.

We lived in an all anglo neighborhood & by 10AM on Saturday mornings our house would smell like fresh Pine-Sol & music blaring from the lp's with the likes of Jimmy Edward (my all time favorite), Latin Breed, Joe Bravo, Joe Jama just to name a few...I can remember at 6/7 yrs old singing to the lp's. I loved the full orchesta sound! So yes to be able to build a project that has the full orchesta sound, WOW a dream come true it is...

BBB: I see you have a new cd and video release, can you tell a little bit about that ( Buenas Raza!!!!!!!!!!!! Hot off the Press.....Some New Onda Tejana Musica....desde Ohio......A Bob Gallarza production.....Presenta Mr. Jorge David Marroquin!!!!!!!!!!! Lo Mas Nuevo de La Onda y Con un Fuete Explosivo Sonido de Aquellas.......Check it Out....There's more where this came from....Muy Pronto a La Vente!!!!!!!!!!!)?wow ?

Jd: Yes. We just released the 1st single, Solo Contigo, on March 4, 2013. It's incredible the response we have received. We are receiving air play throughout the country & Mexico, both internet & radio. I just received a message Sunday March 10 that we landed the #2 spot on Tejano 4 Life charts. We are planning a CD release sometime in April both in San Antonio & Toledo.



BBB: tell us how BoB Gallarza productions found you and how does it feel working with them?

Jd; First of all, Bob is one of the best at what he does. So many people can duplicate what he does but to have the creativity to arrange & produce from scratch is incredible. We were introduced when I completed my first project in January 2011. After talking for a couple of months I flew to Houston to meet with Bob. I shared my vision with Bob & what I wanted to do with this next project. In March of 2011 we made it official to start the project & signed a contract. I knew working with Bob would be difficult because we were 1200 miles away from each other but it felt right. So to answer your question, I am blessed to have the opportunity to work with his team. He has produced for some of the best in Tejano music & for this I am humbled.


BBB: do you think Tejano is dying?
Jd: I don't think "dying" is the right word. Our music will never die. Are we struggling? Yes. In my opinion there are many issues we face in the Tejano industry. One of them is keeping our music alive through our children. It's good to listen to different genres of music but we cannot let our children lose sight of our roots.



BBB; can we say it’s a dream come true or when you were a kid was there something else you wanted to do?
Jd: This is definitely one of my dreams I am living. I am the youngest of 11 children (8 sisters & 2 brothers) & I can remember Saturday mornings in the late 70's early 80's my mom & dad would leave to the stores & leave instructions to my sisters to clean the house. We lived in an all anglo neighborhood & by 10AM on Saturday mornings our house would smell like fresh Pine-Sol & music blaring from the lp's with the likes of Jimmy Edward (my all time favorite), Latin Breed, Joe Bravo, Joe Jama just to name a few...I can remember at 6/7 yrs old singing to the lp's. I loved the full orchesta sound! So yes to be able to build a project that has the full orchesta sound, WOW a dream come true it is...


BBB: do you believe in UFO’s or Vamnpires?
Jd; Haha! No sir. I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. I know without a shadow of a doubt that He is my Savior & because of my faith in Him, I have eternal life.


BBB: do you plan on touring texas any time soon?
Jd: Yes. I will be performing @ Fan Fair & Fiesta this year. Through my ministry I have been blessed to be invited many different places throughout the world. I think I have a unique opportunity as I spread the gospel to also spread Tejano music in areas that have never heard it. My wife & I will be moving to San Antonio this coming August.

BBB: why would a person quit his job and start a onda career, don’t you think that’s kind of risky?
Jd: Absolutely it is risky! Just ask our artists that are traveling full time. Our industry is no different then any other business. You can be the best at what you do but if you don't have a big customer base it will be difficult to survive.

BBB: living in Ohio, gee sir is there any Tejano clubs here?
Jd; Toledo has 2 clubs that have live music. One has live music every Saturday night & the other usually has live music once a month. We are fortunate to have a few promoters that will have multiple events every year that are all Tejano. Starting Memorial day weekend throughout the summers we have multiple festivals that feature Tejano Artists (including headliners from Texas).


BBB: if given the chance to speak with a group of young people, what would you tell them about life?
Jd: You have control of your life. Regardless of what you are told, how you are treated, or what people think, you are the only one in control of your life. Sometimes is seems though we've been dealt a bad hand in life, but this is what I live by...God will only allow that which we can handle. If you put God first in all you do, it doesn't matter how many times you fail or make mistakes you can always come back to Him & you start brand new. How incredible is that? He will always show you unconditional love...

BBB: and finally is there anything you would like to share with your fans from around the world?
Jd: I would just say thank you for your support of Tejano music. I am humbled to the response I have received. I am just living the destiny God has called me to live. I would not feel right finishing this interview without expressing to all of you the love God has for you. God does not look at yesterday He only looks at your present & future. Everyone of you have a destiny & God has promised to give you the desires of your heart according to His will & purpose for your life. If God can use me...He surely can use you! God bless you all & I look forward to seeing you soon.

BBB: well sir I quess its time to hit the road, can you give me a hand back on this frozen bicycle and would you mine if I stayed overnight?
JD: Certainly, whatever you need...

BBB: well after spending a few warm nights here in ohio I find it so cool que la onda is here , I am BBB con on the road again interviews.