Monday, October 31, 2011

hejola report for 10312011

Hejola Halloween special report 10312011.
Kingsville, TX. Now that gobbler of all gobblers here is veronica la lesbian. Hi, now for our award winning barrio headline news:
Gay parade make big splash.
Real tejano protest next year’s theme.
And finally, trick or treat females arrested at the corner of wells and third.
A few commadres made it a point to do their very best in complying with Halloween tradition. They took it on their own to give out tricks to male and females wanting a trick for some treats. The constable didn’t find it very funny, so he decided to arrest all eight females but didn’t arrest the only male in the group. Esa vato was drunk and was dressed like a woman without his knowledge’s say el constable. He was released at the scene of the crime. But later was arrested because he didn’t leave the area nor go home. Charges will be filed.
Yesterday was third annual Queers and Lesbian Halloween parade down third and wells. It was very exciting event says one of the participants dress like a woman, wrapped around a fruit cookie. I love this barrio, it’s the only place we can be ourselves. This year’s theme was to dress up as a cookie monster. Everything went smooth until you get a few drunks barrio members not knowing the differences from real men and women never the less a cookie monster. But besides that it was a great event and we plan on having another next year. Our theme next year will be Let’s go Tejano..

The committee of let me put the finger on you, russel redneck told a group of well known tejano’s que tejano’s were not a group that gays should be messing with. The statement came right after it was announced que that was going to be next year’s theme. We aint going to stand for it believe me we will do what we need to do to stop this nonsense.
Ok raza remember you are never too old to dress like a hooker, but if you do stay home.

Friday, October 28, 2011

barrio stock market report for 10282011

barrio stock market and realtors report for 10282011.
Kingsville,tx. Once again como estan raza? Si its Friday and the end is near. Don’t you just love those fools that preach que the end is near, or this and that. Heck man has survived mucho mas que now, so let’s all tell us ourself, I just love life.
Anyway, how did this discussion start I don’t know. Now let’s talk about the confidence we have had over the last two months. First lots of folks spend so much money here lately waiting for those darn storms that never got here. Our assessments of the current barrio conditions remain positive.
But we are bit worried que a significant amount of raza will have a real hard winter this year with the much higher home heating bills . And to add to this the less number of barrio members not going out as much due to the increase of gasoline and a additional fee just to pump air or water for your car. .
All this might just take some cheer out of the upcoming holiday season. We recommend to all business in the hood que to avoid a blue Christmas, they need to lure shoppers con chingos de sales and discounts, starting now.
Now for now our award winning barrio stock market report:
Las tortillas:
Well la tortilla war of 2005 has not move either this way or that way and continues to see a slow start in rehiring barrio members that got layoff a few months ago. “Las tortillas in a can” own by a gringo company from across the tracks sales have increase at least 3 percent says ceo/ged/abe/esl/ Don Miller. Oh yea them folks over there are sure eating them tortillas. Las tortillas ended the week at $.55 cents to $1.25 a dozen.

Las empanadas:
Las empanada consumer has not or even made an effort to confront those claiming que their empanadas are at an over rated price, but state que son fresh. Those claiming que their empanadas are better than those over there, have shown an increase of 18.5 percent. What type of an attitude should barrio consumers get watching this companies increase the price of empanadas when actually are filled with less filling. Las empanadas ended the week at $.69 cents each and that cup of coffee is extra.

Los taquitos:
Los taquitos board of consumer here in our hood have demonstrated que the price of taquitos has plummeted down to as low one has seen in a long time. There are several reasons why says manuel Gonzales a barrio consumer. Si now que there are more than ten taco stands in the hood its better for all of now. Todos de estos want our business but realize que they have to lower the price of taquitos. Tejano tacos one new barrio taco small resturant is leading the way in doing this by dropping the price to $.99 cents each and a free cup of coffee. This has really effected other larger taco stands and barrio restaurants, which tell us que its declined on sells has been around 10 percent up to 15 percent in some cases. Los taquitos ended the week at a very stable price of $.99 cent each.

Los tamales:
Los tamales have plummeted up to $6.00 a dozen, and Christmas not even here. Consumers are being warrant que los tamales are on the rise and if you are aware of anyone or any place selling them cheaper I would buy them now and freeze for later. Los tamales ended the week at $6.00 a dozen., buy raza buy.

La barbacoa de cabeza:
La barbacoa de cabeza has had consumer real excited here in the hood. Since the day que we mention que llamas will be the new beef in the hood for the future the employment picture looks real good. While those that claim que there are no jobs and our hood unemployment rate is at its lowest of 22 percent ( please note this number is based on our block alone). But we see it different now que las llamas will create plentiful of jobs here in the hood. From the farm to the slaughter house, somewhere down that chain we need people says el senor rubio owner of our new llama rancho in the edge of the hood. La barbacoa de cabeza ended the week at $6.65 lbs.

Cheap beer:
Cheap beer took a small jump down to $2.99 a six pack. But beer consumers really don’t mind now que many are staying home.

Well raza there you have it and now for our realtor report.

Our hood has had a large number of apartments vacant. Many of the barrio owners of this apartments or homes don’t live here in town or live across the tracks.
In most cases many owners hired or let folks that live in their apartments manage them and all the owner does is pick up the rent. Many complaints have been filed against this owner in que the folks they leave in charge don’t do the work needed to keep this apartments or homes up to standards.
From missing water heaters to stolen air conditioners have been reported and most of these items have been stolen by those in charge.

Well raza there you have, and remember if you cant eat it don’t buy it.

exclusive interview con rancho alegre entertainment, Baldomero f. alvarez 2011

Exclusive interview con Rancho Alegre Entertainment, Baldomero F. Alvarez, 2011.
Austin, texas, hello again mi friends, I am Santa Cecilia la que te canta con on the road again interviews. This week my bicycle takes me to the heart of our lone star state, Austin, Texas, to meet up con a man that has really amazed me con su on line radio Rancho Alegre Entertainment. Now let us get to that interview.
SC: Hello Baldomero, how are you doing sir, by the way can you help me get off this bicycle?
BA: Ha, I need help myself.
SC: one of the things that caught my eye con the Rancho Alegre radio was the actually name. can you tell us how that came about?
BA: First of all, I’d like to thank you for this interview. I am used to doing
the interviewing, so this is a change. And I’d like to thank my staff: Piper,
who does the technical stuff, web editing, etc., and Laura, who does the
photography and stuff.

So back to your question. The name, Rancho Alegre Radio. Well you see, I
come from a large family. There were 9 of us
kids plus my parents. Each one of them influenced me with a different type
of music….from my mother Maria Bernadina
Alvarez Cuellar I got Conjunto, from my dad Guadalupe Orsaval Cuellar Sr.,
I got NorteƱo, from my brothers I got Orquesta,from my sisters I got Rock
n Roll and Country, my grandparents gave me Mariachi and so on. And
when the family would get together, it was always on a rancho, putting a
hog in the ground and dancing and singing. It was a time that was
alegre, so when I was left in charge of the family property I named
it…“Rancho Alegre Land of Hope and Dreams USA,” or
Rancho Alegre for short.

SC: how long have you been on line now sir?
BA: Our website and catalog has been around almost 4 years now,
Rancho Alegre Radio started August of 2010, and we started the taped
interview early 2011. And please call me Frank or Baldomero.

SC: being born in Alice, Texas, and knowing the Rancho Alegre area myself, it seems that lots of your music you jam to are conjunto from that area, is there any reason that is?
BA: Yes, my biggest influence in music was Ruben Naranjo. I was the
youngest. And when my brothers and sisters were all out of the house, and
my mom and dad would go to dance halls, it was either stay with a sitter or go to the dances. Ruben was the first band I ever saw live. That and
being that Alice, Texas was one of the birth places of tejano
music is the reason I honor it also.

SC: why do you think your radio program is different from the dozens of other on line radios and their own style of music?

BA: We’re different because we play Conjunto, and old school Tejano,
stuff that radio and other internet stations stay away from due to recording
quality. The way I see it, I have old pictures of my parents that are not
good quality, but it
does not mean I do not cherish them. Plus with us, there are no
commercials, you got the play list the listener can control,
or the show we record. And we archive our interviews and shows, so you
can listen or re-listen as often as you like. Plus
other stations stick to new Tejano. We play the new stuff also (if it’s good),
but we never forget the old.

SC: from the number of interview you have conducted, which one stands out in your mind?
BA: q-6 Tough one….Chano Cadena. It was like we knew each other for
years. We still call each other just to check up on one another. Awesome
man, and I wish I lived closer to him to be able to visit more often.

SC: what is in the future of Rancho Alegre Entertainment for 2012?
BA: To continue to get signatures from as many people as possible to
present to radio station owners who have forgotten the Tejanos and have
switched formats from Tejano to Banda formats. Nothing against Mexican
music, but we
deserve to have stations too, so we will knock on every exec’s door til we
get our share of Tejano stations

SC: if given the opportunity to speak with a group of young people, what encouraging would you tell them?

BA: I would tell them to be true to yourself, learn of your past, cherish
your culture, speak Tex-Mex Spanish, get educated, learn to play music,
it’s a beautiful thing. No one can take our culture away.

SC: finally, what would like to share with your world wide fans?
BA: q-9 Keep supporting Tejano Conjunto music. Don’t let our culture fade
away. Thank you for your support. I hope you all enjoy our interviews. We
interview anyone who is in the music biz, no matter how big or small. If
you are a new band, don’t be shy give us a ring, we’ll talk to you. Oh and a
special shout out to our troops. We love you and pray for your
safe return, and thank you so much for all you have done and continue to
do for not only the U.S. but all around the world.

SC: well sir I want to thank you for your time and can you please give me a hand on getting back on this bicycle and point me south towards the freeway?

BA: No, thank you, and I would help you back on your bike, but I can’t
strain myself, I got chorro, you understand.

SC: again raza this is the best job a woman like me could have, I am Santa Cecilia la que te canta.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

hejola report for 10272011

Hejola report for 10272011.
Kingsville,tx. Hello again I am Bill Diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news:
Barrio store owners close deal con workers.
Two get arrested after announcement made for better benefits.
And finally all 40 or more barrio conjuntos join new barrio union.
After several hours talking con the leaders of the barrio award winning conjuntos, a deal was cut where all 40 or more barrio conjuntos leaders and managers would be required to have health insurances for its all its band members on an annual bases. The cost would be offset by band members would be required to pay a monthly insurance fee. Many are happy now that all the conjunto have come together to solve some of their main issues. We have a long way to go says one of the conjunto leaders but says que he will take the bull by the horn and provide his band members with the insurance company that has agreed to work with them.
Two men and several dogs were taken in when they seems to have cross a line that the constable had laid out before those special meeting held at the center for better workers. Both men and their pets were very upset con the deal that was made without an employee input. Besides that no provisions were made for their pets or family members to benefit from this bull shit deal.
Yesterday at the center for better workers, an office that helps raza get jobs reported yesterday que they had struck a deal con lots of barrio employer in making better benefits for their employees. The some important part of the deal that was made public was that employee would get greater discount on stuff they buy and a chicken at the end of every month, along con cheese and bread. Most of the employees told us que it was better que nothing.
Ok raza have a great day.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

barriio westinghouse barrio mall 10252011

Westinghouse barrio mall newsletter for 10252011.
We will try to keep you informed on the programs going on here at the mall. And also provide everyone with more details on the stores and the ownership. So hang tight and bee looking for our newsletter. And information on the great deal one can find here.
All stores on the first level have announced que there will be a 15% discount on everything and all services render here for exception of the medical center and the funeral home.
La commadre boxing matches will be back on Thursday. There are five matches on this week’s card and except to see you all there.
the second floor is making room for a new private eye academic schedule to open soon.After visiting con el ojo junior barrio private eye, he said que the lawyers had agreed to lease some space on the second floor to open his private academic named after his missing father el ojo sr. barrio private eye.Junior said que the school would open its doors on Jan. 2 of 2012.
And on the third and fourth floor we have space for retards from metro areas. If you are on please contact your local barrio union for help. Esa.

Monday, October 24, 2011

hejola report 10242011

Hejola report for 10242011.
Kingsville, TX. Hello raza como estan, and now for our award winning barrio headline news:
Barrio motor vehicle office closed for a week after three different accidents.
This past week was not a very lucky week for our barrio motor vehicle office, says el constable cadena. This past week the office found itself under attack from barrio residents trying to get a driver licenses.
The first incident happen when el jefe, Gomer Pile Morales, age 89, crashed into the front of the office , when he tried to stop his car traveling 5 mph. leaving a five foot hole on one of the office’s walls.
Gus Perez age 12 lost control of his parent’s car when he drove his grandfather to renew his driver’s license. He crashed into the other side of the office, also leaving a ten foot hole in the wall.
And finally, Melinda Rodriquez, a driving tester, was killed when she tried to parallel park right next to the barrio motor vehicle office when the whole build clasped on her car killing while she sat in it. The constable told us que he wasn’t sure if the building clasped on her due to all the hits it took during the week or just pure bad luck.
An investigation will be done on all the above accidents.
Ok raza got to go and have a great tejano day.

Friday, October 21, 2011

barrio stock market report for 10212011

Barrio stock market report for 10212011.
Kingsville,tx. Hello again mi raza, Urbano yosabatodo, here is our barrio stock market report for today:
Oh well..Los tamales dropped to its low cost of $5. 00 a dozen, couldn’t believe it so we jumped on it./ But remain stable in big towns of 50 people or more. Buy raza buy.
Las empandas were at 89 cent each at the end of the week.
Los taquitos are still pretty stable at .99 cents to 1.29 cent each. The worst thing we worry about is the price of coffee….. how many refill can one get I am sure que it will come to a limit of no more than two …… I am sure
And that cheap beer, gone up the price of real beer,,, good bye cheap beer and hell-0 heaveno malt beer. Ended the week at $2.99 cents a six pack.
Las tortillas remain stable at $1.25 a package.
La barbacoa de cabeza ended the week at $6.00 a six pack.
Ok raza got to go an spend my stampas.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

hejola report for 10202011

Hejola report for 10202011.
Kingsville,tx. Hello again, Gloria Guerra here, Bill Diaz is on vacation. But for now our award winning barrio headline news:
Barrio man charged in trying to kill his brother and sister.
Barrio dogs and residents not safe in the hood.
And finally, barrio man warned not to be wearing Halloween outfits all year round.
Ben Perez, age 56, was warned by el constable cadena que he better stop wearing his different home made Halloween outfits in public, due to all the complaints he has been getting. It seem que his outfits have been frightening children and elderly around the mall areas, says el constable. In one complain he tried to look like an angel, by wearing a white tutu and wings. No charges will be filed, but if we get another complaint says el constable, then we are going to have to ask him to take a trip to lalala land center for evaluation on his mental status.
Within the last ten days more dogs and barrio residents have been shot. El constable told this reporter que several barrio residents had fired gun shots at either their own pets or dogs next door. One case reporter was la familia Gomez, where el senior Gomez was so pissed off at his third wife, that he decided to shoot her pet Chihuahua, instead shot his wife once in the head when she tried to save her pet from Mr. Gomez. In another case, says el constable, is when Rudy Percales fired his gun twice at their family dog as he made a getaway but instead hit his wife once and then the dog with the second bullet killing both victims. Charges will be filed against all of the living above.
Yesterday afternoon el constable cadena arrested Mark Garcia, age 94, in attempted murder of his younger brother, Carlos Garcia, age 87, and his only living sister Caroline Garcia Pena Martinez Gonzales, age 80, when he tried to run them over with his motorized wheelchair. Mark claims que them two were trying to steal is retirement check, so he decided to take the law into his own hands. Charges will be filed. Oh by the way Carlos and Caroline will also be charged.
Ok raza got to go now.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

hejola report for 10192011

Hejola report for 10192011.
Kingsville,tx. Now back from the Farest Eastern part of our good old county, here is own man with the plan, Bill Diaz.
Heaveno raza como estan? We just got back and are we tired. It was a long fly back, and may arms are hurting. Now for today award winning barrio headline news:
Garage sales permits go up,
20% of the hood members move first of the month,
And WESTINGHOUSE BARRIO MALL approves another barrio storage units.
WESTINGHOUSE BARRIO MALL management approved a barrio storage unit to be built on the new the fourth floor being planned to be build in the mall. La families Zapata family owners of the new proposed Barrio storage units, will open 30 Barrio storage units. It’s a great place to storage that stuff one don’t need or being hauling around for years. Los Zapata’s say que la raza is always looking for storage space. Excess to the third floor is still being planned, “It’s no problem building the storage units on the fourth floor, the trouble is how to get your stuff up there” says the assistant to the assistant to the assistance mall manager. Several options are being considers on how to drive onto the fourth floor.
In other news, it was estimated que at least one out of five barrio family members move at the first of the month. After driving around the hood this weekend, my god was it busy. I swear it was mad out there today. Raze coming and going, going and coming and some not every coming back.
The results of our estimates did not indicate reason why people move, but I am sure que there are many reasons. We could list a list of reason, but why would we have too, when we don’t have the time right now, dude to the fact que we’re moving right now.

And finally, the barrios fathers and mothers have been picketing city hall on the ridiculous increase in obtaining a garage sales permit. Like we mention a few weeks ago que the new price increase was schedule to be in affect come November first. Well it’s here and now what says a barrio member wanting to have a garage sale next weekend.. It’s outrageous and un- American to charges so much on so little return. The new fee is $100 per for a two day permit or a percentage of the sales.….huh…..hejolia…oh the question came up if this new permit included front yard sales, back yard sales, front room sales, and side walk sales.

Ok raza there you have and you should be glad que you don’t live here.

hejola report for 10192011

Hejola report for 10192011.
Kingsville,tx. Now back from the Farest Eastern part of our good old county, here is own man with the plan, Bill Diaz.
Heaveno raza como estan? We just got back and are we tired. It was a long fly back, and may arms are hurting. Now for today award winning barrio headline news:
Garage sales permits go up,
20% of the hood members move first of the month,
And WESTINGHOUSE BARRIO MALL approves another barrio storage units.
WESTINGHOUSE BARRIO MALL management approved a barrio storage unit to be built on the new the fourth floor being planned to be build in the mall. La families Zapata family owners of the new proposed Barrio storage units, will open 30 Barrio storage units. It’s a great place to storage that stuff one don’t need or being hauling around for years. Los Zapata’s say que la raza is always looking for storage space. Excess to the third floor is still being planned, “It’s no problem building the storage units on the fourth floor, the trouble is how to get your stuff up there” says the assistant to the assistant to the assistance mall manager. Several options are being considers on how to drive onto the fourth floor.
In other news, it was estimated que at least one out of five barrio family members move at the first of the month. After driving around the hood this weekend, my god was it busy. I swear it was mad out there today. Raze coming and going, going and coming and some not every coming back.
The results of our estimates did not indicate reason why people move, but I am sure que there are many reasons. We could list a list of reason, but why would we have too, when we don’t have the time right now, dude to the fact que we’re moving right now.

And finally, the barrios fathers and mothers have been picketing city hall on the ridiculous increase in obtaining a garage sales permit. Like we mention a few weeks ago que the new price increase was schedule to be in affect come November first. Well it’s here and now what says a barrio member wanting to have a garage sale next weekend.. It’s outrageous and un- American to charges so much on so little return. The new fee is $100 per for a two day permit or a percentage of the sales.….huh…..hejolia…oh the question came up if this new permit included front yard sales, back yard sales, front room sales, and side walk sales.

Ok raza there you have and you should be glad que you don’t live here.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

hejola report for 10182011

Hejola report for 10182011.
Kingsville,tx. Hello raza bill diaz back from a short vacation, and now our award winning barrio headline news:
New Barrio B phone on sale “never be lonely again”.

Barrio prepare for Christmas.

And finally a sad story ends in happiness.

El gato cantu had been missing for at least 14 days, and the owners were real worried que something must have happened to it. They went as far and checked on the animal control unit to make sure that they hadn’t picked poor gato up. Well they didn’t. But the mystery ended early Saturday morning when a good friend of the family reported to them que el gato cantu had been run over and was lying in the middle of the street. After care review among its friends 62 percent said it was el gato and the rest told the family it could be. The happy ended of this story was que el gato cantu had been found. Once the family decided que it was el gato, they all gather and walked across the street to bring him home. But to no prevail, someone or something had already picked the cat up and that gato was gone. The mystery continues.

Barrio leaders are encouraging city and county leaders to bring out the 1958 Christmas decorations that were found a few years back at a county warehouse. A few years ago the leaders left those lights on the phone poles for about 8 months and barrio crime was down by at least 80 percent. We are just hoping que they meet our request and put them light back up as soon as they can. It makes the barrio look happy and jolly.

Yesterday Nancy Garza the owner of barrio cell phones and other stuff introduced the new Barrio B phone, yes the one that talks too you. The cell phone theme “never be lonely again” has many more features than that new phone that just came out a few days ago. One of the best features says Nancy is que she, your cell phone can carry a real good conversation with you. Here are a few examples what this phone can do for you:
Human: hello phone how are you?
B phone: why?
Human: does this dress look good on me?
B phone: yea if you lose 100 pounds.
Human: wow can you see also?
B phone: sure if you didn’t block my view.
Anyhow get your B phone now, and never be lonely again.

Ok raza have a great tejano day.

Monday, October 17, 2011

hejola report for 10172011

Hejola report for 10172011.
Kingsville,tx. now the man of the hour Bill Diaz. Como estan and now for our award winning barrio headline news:
grandmother wants her stuff back,
larger number of dogs missing in the hood,
and the hood prepare for the Halloween 2011.

the police were called in today at the home of enrique lopez Garcia, it seems que mrs garcia was on her last operation and didnt plan to make it... well it seems que the dr said que she was to too weak for the operation and didnt real need it.. with that in mind mrs GARCIA, is asking all her sons, daughters and grandkids to return all the stuff she gave away right before she went into the hospital. a court hearing is schedule for two weeks.
a large number of dogs have been reported missing to our barrio command post. we are not really sure who, or what is doing this, but if you have an leads into this matter please contact us at our command post.
PUBLIC NOTICEl last week’s winner of el barrio 8 ball lotto went to felipe garcia. the winner of the grand price of $2.00 dollars.
AND finally, el Westinghouse barrio mall is planning a big Halloween fest this coming oct. 31. Lots of prizes and food, so come on down and make sure to wear that freaky mask.

from our command post. I am Bill Diaz, good day

hejola report for 10172011

Hejola report for 10172011.
Kingsville,tx. now the man of the hour Bill Diaz. Como estan and now for our award winning barrio headline news:
grandmother wants her stuff back,
larger number of dogs missing in the hood,
and the hood prepare for the Halloween 2011.

the police were called in today at the home of enrique lopez Garcia, it seems que mrs garcia was on her last operation and didnt plan to make it... well it seems que the dr said que she was to too weak for the operation and didnt real need it.. with that in mind mrs GARCIA, is asking all her sons, daughters and grandkids to return all the stuff she gave away right before she went into the hospital. a court hearing is schedule for two weeks.
a large number of dogs have been reported missing to our barrio command post. we are not really sure who, or what is doing this, but if you have an leads into this matter please contact us at our command post.
PUBLIC NOTICEl last week’s winner of el barrio 8 ball lotto went to felipe garcia. the winner of the grand price of $2.00 dollars.
AND finally, el Westinghouse barrio mall is planning a big Halloween fest this coming oct. 31. Lots of prizes and food, so come on down and make sure to wear that freaky mask.

from our command post. I am Bill Diaz, good day

Friday, October 14, 2011

hejola report for 10142011

Hejola report for 10142011.
Kingsville,tx. Hello my friends, Maria la vandia here con today’s award winning barrio headline news, but first let us start off que our topic today will deal with an idea a friend of ours mention to us yesterday, retired prostitutes. So with that in mind let us go to our news:
Rally for retired prostitutes association a success.
Retired prostitutes plan garage and back yard sale for this weekend.
And finally the old hoe has burned down yesterday.
It was considered a historical marker for some and for others a pain in the rear. But that’s all history now that , since that old house burned down late last night . Los vato loco’s volunteer firefighters got there a few hours too late to assist in trying to save the only old hoe house in the county. The house owned by Mateo Morales, or the late Morales, who died about ten years ago never re-open its doors. The home was a well known house for prostitutes and many other illegal activities. The constable told this reporter que they will investigate the fire but are really glad that old hoe home burned down.
Retired prostitutes association has plan a garage and back yard sale this coming weekend. Lots of kinky clothing will be up for grab and you could get lots of hot and great deals, just be aware that many of the sizes labels might not be the size as indicated. But besides that you will find some great deals. The sales will be held at the corner of wells and Third Street, a well known corner in the old days for prostitutes hanging out. So come on by an see if you can recognize some of the old girls. Please notice all sales will be final.
Yesterday was the second annual retired prostitutes association conference held in two weeks, where at least 10 well known retired prostitutes gather to talk about the good ole days. It was a ball says one of the oles; it was nice to see all the girls for back then and now. Another rally is schedule for next year. If you have ever been a prostitute or charged for a favor, please contact us. Please note you must be at least 60 years or older.
Ok raza have a great tejano weekend. You too ..

Thursday, October 13, 2011

hejola report for 10132011

Hejola report for 10132011.
Kingsville, tx. Hello Vernocia La lesbian con today’s award winning barrio headline news, bill is on vacation.
Protest gains support.
Local mariachi band busted for trespassing and shot at.
And finally, big dreams for a little guy fail.
Pancho Garza a small frame man, failed again in his effort to break the barrio world record for eating instant popcorn. The present record is claimed by Juanita Diaz, a very large woman, who has eating 32 packages of instant popcorn in less than one hour. Pancho had to be taken to the St. Paul medical health center for treatment when he was on his third package of popcorn, when one of the unpop kernels got lodges in his throat and was unable to continue his quest.
This past weekend el barrio mariachis de Pete Munoz, were hired to play a few late evening song to his wife who had just turned 59 years old. But instead the mariachi band were shot at and were arrested after the owner of the home next door, James Brown the owner of the home, claimed que he shot several time at that group of bandits and called el constable to get down here as soon as possible due to the fact que he thought que the Mexican army had invaded the hood. El constable made the arrest of this some called group of terrorists down Third Street as they made a run for their mariachi life. Charges are pending against Mr. Brown for unlawful use of a hand gun and firing it at a bunch of unarmed Mariachi band.

The number of protestors has increase from two persons to 7 persons. They have been protesting the corner store at third and wells for several days now, due to the fact que they are not taking food stamps anymore. It’s unfair, says one of the protestors, we work hard for these stamps and don’t need to go across the tracks and spend them there. No arrests have been made but el constable has placed his blind in one eye dog on alert.
Ok raza got to go.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

hejola report for 10122011

Hejola report for 10122011.
Kingsville,tx. Hello my friends, Bill Diaz here con today’s award winning barrio headline news;
Barrio electric hotwired services burns house down.
Ten men and women arrested as a new movement enter the hood.
And finally gambling house shut down.
It seems like an old grocery store but once you got inside the place it looked more like some casino is las vegas, or something like that. The reason we busted this place after the city and county leaders made it legal to gamble in the hood, que it was paying out in cash, which is against the law. All the folks busted will be charged.
Yesterday afternoon the barrio butt bus, a moving strip bar was shut down at the corner of third and wells. It’s something that lots of big town have nowadays, says el constable. It was a business of providing adult entertainment on the move, in this case it was an old school bus, painted red, white , and blue con the words : express yourself entertainment. All the workers, driver, dances, and whoever was there were arrested and charges will be filed.
It seems que once you get your wires cross, it might be the end of someone’s treasures. That was the problem con Bill Escobar, the owner of Barrio electric hotwired services, when they were asked to rewire Gonzales home, a two story home located near the corner of third and wells. After they thought they had finished their job, and pull the switch on, it went so fast, que we didn’t have a chances to stop the fire from spreading, says Bill. The home went down fast and quick, not even the barrio loco volunteer firefighters had a chance to fight the flames. Charges are pending after an investigation is done by the real fire marshal from across the tracks.
Ok raza got to go.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

hejola report for 10112011

Hejola report for 10112011.
Kingsville,tx. Hello again I am bill diaz con today’s award wining barrio headline news:
La commadre Christina gives free pole dancing lessons to Christians women.
Barrio career day gets lots of heat.
And finally la commadre removed from courtroom.
El compadre Juan Diaz, attorney at law, asked la commadre Maria la chicona Morales, a paralegal from his office, to sit with him in the court room during a pre trial hearing for his client. But instead the judge agreed with the defending lawyer que she needed to be removed from the table due to her large breast that in his opinion was only there to get the attention of the jury. The hearing will continue today.
El barrio educational board are looking into a complaint or shall we say several complaints that during barrio career day, Eric Diaz, a barrio plastic surgeon, was allowed to describe his specialty, in which he does breast implants. During his demonstration, he passed out a saline breast implant to the class so the kids could handle it. Many parents were out raged and told the school officials career days sure isn’t what it us to be. No charges will be filed.
In other news, Christina Perez, a well known stripper and owner of the now closed two tons of fun men’s bar, has turned her life to God, is now offering free pole dancing classes at the barrio cruz rojo community center. She told this reporter que her dance lessons are the same as when she was working as a stripper but now everyone is wearing clothing and only dances to Christian onda.
Ok raza have a great day. You too Albert.

Monday, October 10, 2011

hejola report for 10102011

Hejola report for 10102011.
Kingsville,tx. Hello again, mi raza I am Bill diaz struggling con our creator but we are back. Now for our award winning barrio headline news:
La commadre passes out on witness stand.
John bee Goode Morales shot three times.
And finally, commadre busted for being in the nude.
She has had problems in the past says el constable when he went and picked up la commadre Nifia at the corner of third and wells, sitting there in the nude. It seems que she forgets things and sometimes it just aint right. In this case she forgot to put her clothes on when she went to the corner store. No charges will be filed but are thinking of locking her up for awhile.
It seems que some people just don’t learn. That was the case con John bee Goode Morales. It started off at the corner of third and wells, where John was caught stealing a stereo from inside a parked car, and the owner took a shot at him with his 22 rifle and he managed to get away. As he was fleeting the scene of the crime the store owner across the street saw what was going on and he also took a shot at him, injuring ole John boy. When John finally made out of the hood, he decided to come back and pick his car up, the constable cadena was waiting for him and he resisted arrest, so he was shot again, finally hit the ground and was arrested. Dang how many bullets does it take to bring a vato down?

This pasted Friday morning a hearing was being held in which la commadre Debbie Luna, a clerk at the only barrio bank, was testify against a vato charged with robbing the bank this pasted summer. As she was being asked questions, she began shaking and all of a sudden, she passed out while seated in the witness box. A primo of hers’ approached Ms. Luna, and he removed her shoe and held it to her face, hoping she would come around, but without success. He explained que Ms. Luna was ill and subject to blackouts, and sometime by sniffing on her own shoes she would come around. Barrio volunteer firefighters were call and were able to bring her around. She was asked to come back the next day and finish with her testimony.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

hejola report for 10052011

Hejola report for 10052011.
Kingsville, tx. Bill diaz here con today’s award winning barrio headline news:
El gordo Gomez gets new trail.
Barrio man fled empty-handed after attempting to rob barrio bank.
And finally, Greg Almond Torres arrested for stealing 5 foot mannequin.
El compadre Greg Almond Torres loved his wife so much que while shopping at a real mall across the tracks, he noticed que a high styling dress shop had a mannequin that looked like his dead wife. So he decided to return that evening and stole her from the front window display. Believe it or not it wasn’t the first time someone had tried to steal her from this showcases. So what the owner of the shop had done was wire the mannequin to an electric out let that would shock you if you made any attempt to move it. Torres was said to have dropped her as he tried to pull the mannequin out of the show case he had just rammed with his car. But the electric shock was so powerful que it knocked Torres out and as he fell to the ground he busted his head and passed out. The law dogs had no problem in arrested him at the scene of the crime.

A unknown barrio man approached a barrio bank teller with a note for her to hand over all the money. But instead the teller told the barrio man que she was closed and had to go to the next window. In doing so, the next teller scolded him for breaking into the front of the adjacent line and asked him to remove his hood and hat inside the bank. The constable is looking of a barrio member, 5’5” tall, brown hair, hazel eyes, wearing a hood and a baseball hat, weighting around 200 pounds. If you have any information about this man or person, please contact el constable.

This week el justice of the peace el ojo barrio private eye granted El Gordo Gomez a new trial after he had been convicted for robbing several elderly people who claimed that they were robbery by a blimp looking person. El gordo Gomez claimed that el constable cadena had been unfair when they gather a bunch of fatter persons than himself for a lineup. He also claimed que this was an attempt to make him stand out in the lineup, when all the other fatso’s were ask to be sitting down, except him. A new trial is schedule for a January of next year.
Ok raza have a great day. Oh tejano day.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

hejola report for 10042011

Hejola report for 10042011.
Kingsville,tx. Hello again I am bill diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news:
El barrio brew new beer takes over.
Nick vela lucky streak comes to end.
And la commadre arrested for playing doctor.
Andres Perez, age 56, was arrested Saturday morning after the constable was informed que Perez had hit his son, age 15, on the head with a spoon, which made it bleed, Perez refused to take him to the hospital but instead attempted suture the wound with fishing line, which apparently got infected. Once he took the kid to the hospital, that’s when they called the cops. Charges will be filed.
Nick Vela, two weeks of holdup customers in front of a Barrio ATM machine came to an end this past weekend when el constable cadena arrested him at a local bar. It seems that in the eight out of nine robberies, the ATM security cameras had photographed him. But the funny thing says el constable is que when we posted his picture all over the hood, its seemed que lots of barrio people called in eager to rat him out, and that’s how we found him. It seems que all the callers had dealt with him in the past and he either owned money or had ripped someone off.
Yesterday el senor Mario Moreno, told this reporter que el barrio brew, the owner of the only beer company in the hood has released a new barrio alcohol drink called, “ El Pisto Beer”, it contains up to 10 percent alcohol by volume. This new beer will replace the old Barrio Beer, “EL Brew Beer”, which was the number selling brew in the hood. El Pisto will only be sold at drug stores, and the going rate will be $2.99 a six pack.

Ok raza have a great day.