Monday, August 31, 2009

cchwnn: human touch con maria la vandia.

Barrio news network con maria la vandia: human touch080312009.
Kingsville, tx. Well I am back and in good standing. I want to thank Daniel for this great chances he is giving me, again. I know I have messed up in the pass but who hasn’t. I promise I will keep focus on my work and stay out of bars and stories that take me to bars. Chinga did that make sense?
Anyhow todays story is called the human touch. This is a story of a party I attended several years ago. It was a party put on by a few coeds and I was invited to eat dinner. Well like usually I love to attend this kinda free food sort of thing.
So here is the case, these three girls had the food step up real nice, it was the beans, the rice, the meats and then the salad. Well like I mention before I love to get there early, well in this case, check this out. As I passed through the chow line, I was served my portions and as I move along the line I noticed a freaky little fly, flying around the food. Well as I move on to the other room I for some reason or another turned back an noticed that the fly had fallen in side the pot of fresh beans. Now I saw that but the girls didn’t see me see the fly fall inside the pot.

Now here is where it got kinda funny. As I am watching these three girls looking inside the pot and wondering what to do with this small little freaking fly.
What would you have done? lets make sure we understand the issue here. A fresh pot of beans and we just served one of out 30 persons outside waiting for dinner. Do we throw away the fresh pot and skip the beans. Or do we just turn a cheek an remove the little fly and stir the pot a bit an nothing happen or just #### it and mix that fly con the rest of the beans.. ?

Well , what would you have done.

I ammaria la vandia.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

hejola report for 08262009

hejolia report for 08262009.
Kingsville,tx. Now con el barrio headline news General Fideo vermicelli, olay once more time, we are here waiting to get an update on our los tres staff missing staff in Athens, Greece. We have not got word neither from the missing three nor bill diaz y el ojo barrio private eye.
Now for the headline news for today;
Barrio street lights are replaced,
Barrio constable trying to solve several robberies during this weekend,
And drug bust at housing project.
El barrio housing security officers arrested one person and released seven on a cocaine bust. It seems que several persons were smoking weed at the pool area and someone called the el barrio housing security.When they arrived they found an unauthorized pool party going on. On their search of the beer and other stuff not allowed in the pool area, one officer found 68 little packets of cocaine.
One woman was arrested and the others were released. It seemed que none of the persons that got busted, weren’t residents of the housing projects.

Further news, El local constable is seeking barrio members help on solving this weekend of three home robberies. It seems que this folks knew what they were doing says the elected constable. The items that were stolen, were fishing robs, lawn movers, several bikes, several thousands of feet of water hoods, and two t.v’s and several stero
The good thing about this crime say el constable que todo las cosas were marked and should be easy to recover.

And finally el barrio founding fathers and mothers were honored today con the replacement of four street lights in the hood. The lights were replaced by the city fathers of both sides of the tracks. We still need at least several thousands to be replaced and hope que el hood will be under bright lights at night again.
With hope and we will see what happens.
Ok raza there you have it and how about them san anto boys little league team. Y que viva Mexico also.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

hejola report for 08252009

hejola report for 08252009.
Kingsville,tx. A special report on the crisis in Athens: now from Athens bill Diaz,
Heaveno raza, we have just arrived here in Athens, it about 400am local time. We will meet with local authorities in the situation concerning our los tres missing staff.

El ojo barrio private eye has come along and is going to assist with or without their permission of the local city county, district, state, regional, and finally federal agencies. El ojo has said que we will find our staff. I promise..
Now we return to our local news..
Now from the front door of our command post, here is Urbano Yosabatodo, Heaveno, raza, como estan todos….?
Now for the headline news for today;
Kids in the hood prepare for school,
Parents refuse to meet new school dress codes,
And teachers and schools employees go year round school.

It was announced today que los barrios schools for all levels will be going all year round. It is about time, was what many of los families in el barrio wanted. At least we know que our kids are getting the education they need. And the attention they have needed for years. It just seems que our kids weren’t getting the education says la mother of eight kids. Heck I need help in caring for this kids and the school is one source to keep an eye on them for most of the day. At least it allows me to find a job and a career. A teacher and a parent and a student conference will be held sometime in the future to review the new school plans.

A riot almost started yesterday in front of many of the schools in the hood when at least half of the kids in the hood were sent home for not meeting the new school dress code. It seems que this year the schools are making it mandatory that all student need to wear the new school uniforms. The grey and light blue uniforms have not been made available at our local barrio stores. And since many of the barrio members hate to drive across the tracks to large stores, and the WESTINGHOUSE BARRIO MALL has not opened it back to school store,has made it impossible for parents to purchase the uniforms.

The school administrators have extended and waived the school uniforms policy till sept. 20 of this year. At that time there will be no excuse for not having a uniform and students will be send home if they do not comply with the dress code.

Barrio leaders will meet at our barrio community center to survey the hood and see which families will be unable to purchase the uniforms. It was reported que each uniform cost around $45.00 each. Shoot we will be real lucky to see how many families will be able to purchase these uniforms, said a uniformed sourced. We are trying to have a fund raiser to see if we can purchase some uniforms for those children that their parents can’t purchase the required uniform. There should be no child left behind just because he or she doesn’t have a uniform, says a barrio parent.
And finally all the kids in the hood will be back in school sometime this month. This years our barrio’s attendances goal is to have at least 85% of the barrio kids in school. Compared to pass years el barrio has struggled in making all kids to attend school. This year parents will be called on for their support in making sure que when the parent goes to work the kid goes to school. No ann.’s or its, butt’s, that is the law.

So raza if you are driving in a school zone make sure que you drive slow and respect those adult-cross-the- street-guards helper’s con mucho authorize con su whistle.

Well there you have it; I am Urbano Yosabatodo, good day...

Monday, August 24, 2009

hejola report for 08242009

Hejola report for 08242009
Kingsville,tx. Hello how are we doing today my name is bill diaz con a this week’s barrio award winning headline news.
barrio zoo closed for the rest of the year.
Several farm animals arrested late Saturday night.
And finally, Hood member also hit by falling bomb.

Yesterday afternoon el constable cadena and his staff went to the site where Eliseo Everett claimed que as the naval air station pilots were practicing a bomb fell out of the sky and nearly hit him. Everett 53 became a local news celebrity. Mr. Everett, who owes his ex-wife more than $10,000 in overdue child support, had not heard or knew of his whereabouts until his face popped up on almost ever TV Station and newspaper. He was arrested this morning at his home.

Yesterday afternoon all the volunteers along con los vatos loco firefighters finally captured all the little critters that some terrorist let loose on or about 9:OO pm this pass Friday night. It seems que someone must have come in Friday evening an opened all the doors to all the animals that are housed up at third floor of the mall where the zoo is located. The owner Ramón Ruiz Garcia told us que it was an act of terror and that this childish act causes the owners of the mall to shut down for the weekend. Ramon tells us que almost all the mollusks, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, insects, segmented worms, and arthropods were recaptured, but a few insects like roaches and bees got lost or escaped the mall area. A small reward is being offer in the return of these insects. No one has taken claim of this criminal act.

And finally, Several farm animals were arrested this weekend where ducks, chickens, rabbits some cows, and few bulls, two horses, three sheep, seven pigs, and one llama were taken in for questioning. If anyone has any idea to whom these pets belong too please contact us.

Well there you have it for today , counting down towards tejano roots, it could be our year.

Friday, August 21, 2009

barrio stock market report for 08212009

Kingsville, tx. ONCE again here is urbano, como estan todos mi big spenders? While other stock exchanges and dealers are free to trade con those listed stocks, in practice, brokerage firms route most of their orders to that other exchange. But for best execution at the best price here en el barrio, our barrio stock market has been rated number one by some big ass spenders here in the hood.

As the data throughout this section shows, the barrio stock market continually provides the best prices, the most liquidity, the lowest trading costs, the lowest volatility and excellent transaction speed and certainty in our hood, how about yours?
Let’s now go to our award winning barrio stock market report:

Los taquitos: La familia Gonzales owners of las tortillas del hood announced a jointly efforts to strengthen making of taquitos and will improve its research analysts and initial public offerings. These initiatives are in support of a new joint regulatory initiative among the still existing taco stands and those that make taquitos at home. El barrio Exchange Commission has address these critical areas before. Los taquitos were down this week at $1.10 each and coffee is extra.
Los tamales: this week it was announced by our own barrio tamale broker manuel Gonzales que we will be seeing some major changes inside el tamale world. With the decrease of corn leaves and a mild summer there should really be no major concerns concerning this matter. Los tamales ended the week at $5.50 a dozen a bit higher than a few weeks ago.

Las empanadas: El barrio community gardens will hold its annual barrio meeting at our community center this weekend to discuss this winters crops and how much of their products will be used this coming xmas and new years. Its easy to say que they the makers of las empanadas are willing to use our product but are they willing to pay the price. Las empandas are more filling than before which was a great victory for los barrio consumers. Las empanadas ended the week at all high $.75 cents each.
La barbacoa de cabazea: Well since the creation of several llama farms and the increase of feral hogs, many barrio farmers had dropped their concerns con esa mad hog and cow diseases muchos de los barrio members have really cut down on eating barbacoa de cabazea. La barbaco ended the week at an all time high of $6.50 a lbs.
Las tortillas: Wow man have you seen the price of this circular produce. My god tortillas have gone up so high on price que many are wondering if the modern chicana is going back to the old days of making their own tortillas at home. Las tortillas ended the week at all time high of $1.35 a dozen. Pesse hejola.

Cheap beer: Well since football season is back and los cowboys have been winning some games muchos store owners tell us que they are selling beer likes its going out of style. Cheap beer ended the week at $3.56 a six pack.

Well raza their you have it for today, I am urbano yosabatodo. Have a great tejano day. Count down towards tejano awards in alice.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

hejola report for 08192009

hejolia report for 081920009.
Kingsville,tx.Now from Smokey rooms and stony bars here is the man with the plan, Bill Diaz……
Hi again, raza Como estan, now con our award winning headline news….
Several barrio members in the hood filed a complaint against the assigned person to be landlord. He has been accused of entrancing tenants home and tell them how to live. There is a law against this kind of action and we are willing to take it to the extension of the law, If needed, says Juanita.
Poor vato doesn’t know what he is doing, says one of the complainant on this man. he can not come into our home and tell us how to live OR clean OR sweep or whatever…..esa.
The owners of the apartment did not return our call, to comment on the action of this poor vato……
In other news,Two elder women were arrested after the security at a store across the hood thought they were stealing mechanize from this over rated, jacked up price Store, along the railroad tracks, yes on that side...After doing more detailed investigation by both the barrio law representatives y los dudes from that side of town, seemed to agree que they over reacted on this matter, And falsely accrued these poor ladies. And in addition,The merchandize que they were accused they stole was stuff they had just taken from the give away cloth center. Well after the dust settled in, it seemed que this folks were were released. And given a 5 dollar bus fare for them to get back to thier side of the tracks....

now a live report from ST JUAN NORTENO,in a a main hit area y it feels kinda scarey...
hello raza como estan. Well it is funny, how people are. We forget que we stick together and go down together… but does that rule apply … when it’s a matter of life and death….. I’m not sure.

We are noticing que in those areas que were hit con more than other areas, which by the way there were areas that were less hit…. Tempers and things in their lives are a bit tense, says one volunteer at a volunteer center for volunteers. our bare necessities is more than what we need , says one of the victims.. but we here aks . what is the bare necessities….? You tell me….
The point I am making are several. One can have needs, que are not the same besides the basics, water, light, etc……if possible…
But is the message we are giving one that real matters to an one.? I am sure que I don’t really care how you feel nor how you see things. Just let me live my life in my little world….and I promise I will never cross your path. Back to you Bill….
Ok I guess st juan que things are pretty bad in some areas……
St juan ; not really bill things are ruff here man, I Swear….
Ok thanks dude and will have been told que St. Juan will continue to walk north east towards the republican convention sometimes soon. We are hoping que he will catch up con the other staff almost there…….
Anyhow and anywhere, I am Bill Diaz,,,, good day.

“your business is my business and my business is none of your business”

Monday, August 17, 2009

hejola report for 08172009

Hejola report for 08172009.
Kingsville,tx. Hello once again I am bill diaz con this weeks hejola award winning barrio headline news,
ortro way arrested for robbery.
billy Barron wanted for criminal domestic violence.
And finally ten vato’s get arrested a conjunto dance.

Last night was a revised of Monday nites big bad ass dances here in the hood. Everything seemed to be going alright until so guys decided to dance con las commadres while los compadres were taking a smoke break. Well when they came back an noticed que las tres commadres were dances con a few mojados . chingo de chingaso were laid and ten raza were arrested including but not limited to a few commadres..
Yesterday afternoon el constable was called to the 710 west Richard regarding bill barron. It seems que when el constable got to that address, Sally wally Barron Canales Diaz, was waiting for him to file a complaint against her husband Bill. It seems que sally had just washed her hair right before el constable got to her home. The reports says que Bill argued with his wife sally, because sally had not cooked anything for dinner. Well it seems que when she began cooking in their very small kitchen, billy also started making spaghetti while eating crackers y some squeeze cheese. Well while they argued inside that small kitchen, billy boy squeezed cheese on the kitchen floor. So sally went outside and squeezed some cheese on his brand new truck. Now he came back and squeezed some cheese in her hair before fleeting in his brand new truck. El constable is asking el barrio, for help in solving this complaint. If you have seen or heard from this billy barron please contact the constables office. A small cheese reward is being offered.
And finally El constable cadena y a bunch of el ojo barrio private eyes barrio security force666, arrested Jose Molina for robbery of a barrio taco stand located at the corner of third and west wells. The law dogs learned who the vato was after a few witnesses saw him go over to the barrio cellular phone center and pay his bill located a few blocks down the street.
Well there you have it for today. We are counting down towards tejano roots. It could be our year.

Friday, August 14, 2009

barrio stock market report for 08152009

Barrio stock market report for 08152009.
Kingsville, tx. Raza como estan I am urbano yosabatodo con this week’s barrio stock market report.
Los tamales, which are perceived as a good investment. It also explains why long-term purchases of tamales that you can buy now for a cheaper price than pay more around the holidays. The sooner you invest on those tamales, then you will not have no major rush or any problems during the holidays looking for then. the greater the chance that something will intervene to erode the investment's value them tamales will only decrease the chance of not eating them for the holidays. Los tamales ended the week at $5.50 a dozen.
Los taqutios, A fresh set of inflation worries have kept beef and pork investors on edge the past two weeks, since el senior rubio from Wisconsin now the owner of one of the few llama farms inside the hood. but reports on housing and economic growth eased some of those concerns. More and more folks are making their own at home. In the long room its so much cooler. Los taqutios ended the week at $1.50 each,
la barbacoa de cabeza was up from last week $6.50 lb. Easy con el con la manteca..
cheap beer down from last week $3.52 a six pack.
Las empanadas: We are sick and tired que esto empanada makers just don’t fill the empanada like they use to. Las empandas ended the week at $.85 cent each.
Las tortillas:Las tortillas have come a long way since this passed sept. we felt que too many tortillas were just too stuck to each other. We did win that victory and hope que this tortilla companies listen to us more often. Las tortillas ended the week at $1.25 to 1.75 a package.
Barrio want ads.
X7518l : real good deal on used tires and rims. We have all sizes, orders need to be placed two weeks in advance in order to find them on someone car. And for the that person who though they were real funny, we don’t have a tire that one size fix all… hejola.
X5896: we still have five live turkeys for sale or trade. A few in good health, the others you decide. Call sooner than later, need to sell them.
X4583: used bicycles and parts and accessories for sale or trade. Will take 21 year kid or older. Must be house trained.
X7518l : real good deal on used tires and rims. We have all sizes, orders need to be placed two weeks in advance in order to find them on someone car. And for the that person who though they were real funny, we don’t have a tire that one size fix all… hejola.
X2514l: used playboy magazines and dirty pictures books for sale or trade. Will trade for personal pictures. Please note que some book pages might be stuck.

Barrio realtors report: The city council and city commission have tabled the dumb idea of proposing que todas las front lawns de los barrios on the Westside be cemented. The city leaders have decided to give the new members of the hood a chance go decide what they want to do con todos esto.
Well there you have it folks have a great day, and we are counting down towards this years tejano roots.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

hejola report for 08132009

Hejola report for 08132009.
Kingsville,tx. Once again I am bill diaz con todays award winning barrio headline news.
la commadre Susie arrested for hiring a hit man.
Barrio prepares to open restrooms to transsexual.
And finally barrio constable cadena shots vato.
Late last night el constable cadena y several of el ojo barrio private school students tried to serve an arrest warrant for suspicion of gambling at the home of Henry p. Garcia. When the constable knocked on the door, it seemed que everyone in the house being to run outside the house knocking down the constable and several of his so call swat team. In his efforts to get up el constable pulled his gun, Mr. Garcia tipped over and fell right besides el constable.
Now el constable gets up and pulled his gun out and was reported in saying “ Uh-uh. I know what you're thinking. Did he fire six shots or only five? Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you got to ask yourself one question: do I feel lucky. Well, do you punk?
Mr. Garcia is reported to have said “who you calling punk punk”. Well somehow el constable accidentally shot the unarmed Garcia. El constable says que no charges will be filed against him but for sure against Mr. Garcia and the other ten vatos who were also arrested at the same raid. Oh by the way Mr. Garcia was rushed to st. pauls medical center for observation.
If things weren’t bad enough for those vatos who dress like la commadre , it seems que happy days are here again. This week a justice of the peace has accepted a complaint from David Lopez Little, who by the way was Mr. gay vato Kingsville for 2006. Mr. Lopez known for dressing like a woman has been arrested several times for using women’s bathrooms. The judgment allows men and even women who dress up the opposite to use public bathrooms based on how they are dressed without getting into trouble. A special bathroom will have to be building at all public places lab “what ever you are dressed like”. Many shop owners were worried que they might not be able to afford to build an extra bathroom.
Yesterday we found out que el constable cadena y some real cops from across the tracks have come over to the Westside to arrest maria perez and charged her con hiring a hit man to help her try and kill six person, so she could steal a brick of cocaine. But in turn it turned out to be “barrios mama luz queso fresco cheese”. According to el constable, ms. Perez had peeped inside this folks window and saw this large block of crubly, white, barrio-cuisine cheese on their kitchen table and thought it was a big pile of cocaine. The report says que she had plotted to return that evening and kill anyone in the home old enough to testify against her. pesse hejola.

Ok raza there you have it counting down towards tejano roots.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

ex convict selling guatos

Ex convict selling guatos? 08122009
Como estan I am maria la vandia con this very special repot.
Yesterday afternoon we had a chance to visit con a man who has paid his debt to society by spending the last three years in prison. Mr. Orlando Munoz, was released a few months back and came out real inspired by opening his own business.

While in prison he picked up a trade and was released with a certified Chef, with this in mind he started his own traveling meals company named “ Un Guato will travel”! Yes you got that right un guato is the name of his company that specializes selling homemade Potato salad.
What he does is he sells guatos of potato salad, in several baggie sizes, two fingers $2.00 a baggie, three fingers $3.00 and he sells them by the oz for $3.00.
Si, says Mr. Munoz, it was a long hard road by I knew when I got out I had this vision off starting my own business, and so far things have been going well, business is good and I have had no trouble con the cops with the name of my company.
We plan on expanding our company to across the tracks and than maybe on the net. It’s a big investment and interest and I just hope que “UN Guato will travel” will catch on.
Ok folks there you have it a big man con a big vision. I am Maria La Vandina.

hejola report for 08122009

Hejola report for 08122009
Kingsville,tx . Como estan I am bill diaza once again back from that long vacation our creator took and too dang lazy to write. But we are back and do we have things to report about. Now con today’s award winning barrio headline news:
Some Barrio family member prepare for terror this coming weekend.
Increase of concrete blocks and other barrio surveyor kits.
Westinghouse barrio mall update under reconstruction.

For some reasons or another many barrio members are either buying or trying to make their own underground bunkers. And in doing this an increase of concrete blocks and lots of garden tools have been sold all over the barrio on both sides of the tracks. City officials will beef up barrio inspections of such bunkers and to make sure they meet some code.

La familia garica is preparing for lots of terror this coming weekend. Its their 25th family reunion and they have lots of their cousins y primos not well trained in the hood, como son de rancho. La family is asking lots of the barrio members not to come over unless you have a case of beer and lots of guts. Porque estos son puuuro borricasso….. something like that. They have gone as far an hired several barrio security666 forces to watch over the hood this weekend.
And finally el Westinghouse barrio mall is moving real slow in meeting its deadline in reopening its doors. It’s not in the near futures says a spoken person for the mall.

Well there you have it for today. I am bill diaz for our barrio war torn area.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

the caucasian evolution for 2010

Cchwnn: exclusive report con maria la vandia : “the caucasian evolution”.

To read the exclusive interview con Russell rusty Ruffneck, the leader of this new barrio group, please visit our website:

Chicano cable hot wired news network (netscape).

The people, events and circumstances that are covered by Chicano Cable Hot Wired News Network are make believe. And for any reason your name, or event, or circumstance resembles something that really happened is just a coincidental. This Web-site is an entertainment site. This is not real news or real events. It is mostly make beleive and people perceive this as real news. View this site in jest. If you think this is actually real news or believe to be either racist or promoting racisism... then you're an idiot more than i am.

Hello my friends I am maria la vandia con an esta exclusive report on a brand new orgainzation that has teamed up con our own barrio group “let me put the finger on you committee”. This new group is called “the caucasian evolution’, headed by a former city redneck comissioner Russell rusty Ruffneck, who by the way is married to la prima Maria gomez ruiz.

Based on mr Ruffneck’s comments, this organization is calling for all caucasians to stand together on this bothered days. Mr ruffnecks : hello my brothers and sisters, at one time we were all caucasians. I remember when there was only two kind of people and that was black or caucasian. We want to assure all the members in this here hood, that I am my Maria are very proud of. We have lived here for as long as I can remember. So we are calling all you caucasians with the same feeling of what is going on, that we must take a stand.

This immgration issue has divided many families and friends. But what better is that now we know who are friends are. First of all let me thank a barriooo group that has joined our new evolution an that’s “ let me put the finger on you committee”. Its people like this that will help us keep those illegals out off our hood and keep them mexicans away from those low paying jobs, that we need. But today we are calling for all barrio members, that want to stand up for our american way and that’s the only way, to have our own protest.

Yes, we “ the caucasian evolution” will be having a our day of protest. Our protest will keep on those barrio business that hire and cader to them boys. We are calling a boycott to all the mexicans resturations and stores and shops that had illegals working. We are also asking all the unemployed causcasians to stand and help do those ugly, dirty, sticky, low wage jobs, for one day. For those farmers and ranchers come by our office on our great day and we will have caucasians that are willing to do them job them boys do in the fields, hot shops, and them odd jobs. So join us barriooo members on this great day.

Well there yu have it folks I am maria la vandia and “the caucasian revolution” is schedule for this coming fourth of july. A march and many things are being planned here in the hood along con “let me put the finger on you committee”.

We will continune to cover this story and its impack in our hood. Cchwnn stand that we do not support this group nor believe in what the heck they are trying to prove. I am maria la vandia from our command post here in kingsville tex.

Monday, August 10, 2009

hejola report for 08102009

hejolia report for 08102009
Now from our command post down that sunny street with no street lights at night Bill Diaz....
hello or shall I say Heaven-o..
Now the headline news:
City to continue cracking down on stuff that don't look right in the barrio,
Barrio housing shortage study/petition found in city hall father's closet,
And funeral home makes impact at westinghouse mall...
Our city fathers noticed after the rains que mucho del barrio members belongs got swept across the railroad tracks, making that side of town look like this side of town. What are we to do says one city mother after removing trash and tin cans and other stuff from here front lawn yesterday...
I know she said it’s coming from over there, yes, as she points across the tracks. We need to let them know que their homes and front lawns need to look like ours,,,,she cried, not ours looking like theirs.... That is why we are proposing que the city pass a law que people lawns and home meet a standard code set by the people living across the tracks. The new proposed law didn’t say which side of town was going to be used as the standard code; we here on this side or they there on that side. Only one major problem, raza, is que el barrio is down hill from the tracks.

CHICANO CABLE HOT WIRED NEWS NETWORK was provided this weekend from an unknown source A BOX LABELED BARRIO HOUSING RESULTS. It seems que ten years ago la raza passed a petition, that lead to a city hearing, that lead to a study, that lead to a steering committee, that lead to a full committee, that lead to the city recommendation, that lead it to be tabled for the next schedule meeting and was never brought up again.....the results indicated the lack of adequate housing and lack of adequate street development and a bigger problem, lack of adequate drainage and sewer lines and drainage .We here plan to follow-up on this matter at a future city meeting...lets hope they don't ask to see those results....

I am more than sure que the city is going to invest a few dollars to do another study on the study that was done . And if they wanted to see the old study, of course it would be impossible due to the fact que we have that study at our office...what a nut shell.....
We will keep you in touch. And hope to present the city father's with the idea of presenting this study as a result of our study we which you and I know que this study is the study they did but will be presented to them as a new study because not too much has changed since this study was done ten years ago......we will keep you informed...on the result of this study....

And finally, the WESTINGHOUSE MALL management gave el barrio some good yesterday morning, it seems que the mall, that's the WESTINGHOSUE MALL will be opening a new business there. La familia Moya, owners of the chain funeral home in our fine barrio, has decided to move their center office to the mall. La familia Moya will continue its fine service it has provided the hood this passed twenty years, with its reasonable rates, instant credit, and long long term payment plan.... Mr. Moya says People are dying to see us.... come on down and see our new location con muchos give a ways and drawing for a free que onda,,,,hejolia.....
Well there you have raza . A little bit of heaven, for all of you..
your business is our business and my business is none of your business".... good day,,,

Thursday, August 6, 2009

spookys westside warrior news network 08062009

Spookys Westside warrior news for 08062009.
Kingsville,tx. Now from our guy at the end of third street in Kingsville here is Lewis mojo lewis with today news.
Hello again my friends, how are today? Its been sometime since I last wrote but I am back. You see my friend there lots of things that have been going on out here but I know for sure that the police are going to have to do something about it. What are you referring to you ask? The street lights man. We have at least ten blocks on our side of the tracks and not one single street light is working. My god its dark here man. You know I don’t mind being black but that does mean we have to live in black. A few weeks ago several city officials toured the this side of town and many of them didn’t realize how bad it was over here.
But since they have not been seen since then, one has to wonder if our city offcials real care about our hood? I am more than sure that in your hood you might be having the problems, but you know this problem can be solved real easy. How you ask, how easy? Sure, just vote them out. Look somehow and somewhere these fools got elected and they need our hood votes to stay elected. So lets all get together and protest the lack of awareness and the lack of city services done here in the hood. Look, we are just like you, we pay taxes . Ok I feel better now for some headline news:
Sister finds treasure inside a chair she purchased at garage sale,
disabled man and blind woman drove each other home,
and finally three drunks drive one car.

Yesterday afternoon brother John and brother Bill and Little joe were caught driving the same Landcruiser unlicensed within four hours of each other. When the car was pulled over the first time the two passengers were told to leave the vehicle unless they could find a sober driver and they said they could. El constable cadena told us que "For him to pull over the same car twice in one night and take in two drink-drivers is unusual, but for it to happen a third time is very disturbing."

The saga began when el constable cadena pulled over a blue and white and red Toyota pick-up heading to the east side breath-test the driver just before 10 am Saturday morning. There brother John was taken to east side watch-house to recorded a blook alcohol reading of .267,five times above the legal limit.

Now check this out on the way back from east side el constable cadena noticed the same Toyota pickup around noon headed back to the hood. Here el constable stopped the Toyota and tested the driver for his alcohol level. Here, brother Bill was also way above the minimum level of alcohol level, and was arrested and also taken in to the east police center. Now here is where it got ugly, within an hour el constable noticed the same truck pulling out of a local tavern in the hood so he pulled it over and discovered que little joe was also recorded a blood alcohol reading above the minimum, and arrested him also.

El constable cadena had to give a press conference that afternoon at a local church to answer question on why he had arrested them brothers. El constable told the crowd of about 3 people que its not something that occurs every day and that the three brothers involved were not only a danger to themselves but all the road users. You all would think that after seeing two of your brothers arrested for drunk-driving in the same vehicle on the same day that third bro would learn their lesson. The constable wanted to thank the their family for not allowing anymore relative to drive the truck home. One of the people in the crowd asked the constable why he didn’t tow the truck in the first place? The constable didn’t have an answer.

In other news, el constable cadena told us que A woman who is wheelchair-bound and "virtually blind" drove her boyfriend seymore Goode home after an evening of drinking, parting and cussing because he was so drunk. She repeated the same story at a court hearing yesterday afternoon. Ms. Sandra gullet told the judge que after crashing into two parked cars, and running over two dogs, told the judge, that she was not doing too badly until her legs seized up and her eyes "went blank". She told constable cadena the arresting officers, I am virtually blind. And I had a provisional drivers licence a year ago but I did not take the test as I’m scared of the road. She continued to explain to the judge que she went blank and my leg seized up and froze and couldn’t even move the braked and the clutch. She continued to say que had her hands over her eyes and really didn’t know where she was going. She wa given a ticket for driving without a licence, driving with no insurance and a ticket for driving without due care and attention. She was also banned for three years and fined $2000.00 by the way her ban from driving did not affect her use of a disabled persons scooter.

And finally ms letty Lichanburger had been going to garage sales for 30 years and taking good-natured ribbing from her family all the this time. now, the tables have turned. Ms lichanburger has found more than $3,000 in bills dating from 1928 to 1953 in the bottom of a high-backed chair she bought at a garage sale — for two bucks. Since the owners of the chair had already moved and nowhere to be found she legally owned the money. No comments were made anywhere in the hood about this miracle and waited 30 days to see if anyone would report the money missing.

Well folks as you can see good things come from sitting down all day. I am lewis mojo lewis good day from the dark side of town.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

hejola report for 08052009

HEJOLIA REPORT for 08052009. Cchwnn. Kingsville,tx. NOW FROM THE SHORES OFF OUR FRONT LAWN HERE IS BILL DIAZ, Hello wrestling fans y como estan….now the headline news, La comadre breaks leg at little league game, funeral home in mall stir guest ions, and gas price stable for the day..
Yesterday afternoon los vatos locos volunteer firefighters were called to Ramos park to assist con la comadre melva Nunez, who seems to have broken here leg after chasing her tenth foul ball of the afternoon.
You see la comadre melva has 5 children and the two twins playing, and to try and buy each one a snow cone could be an expensive afternoon. So melva figured que if he & oops I mean she, anyhow if she could retrieve several of those foul balls she might just save several bucks… A park attended mention to us, whose name we promise que we would not mention (frank), que this was not the first parent to get hurt this season chasing foul balls. Oh yea this year has been the furthers of several years que parents and other adults are chasing foul ball since the price of snow cones has gone up to $1.50 each this season.

It seems que la comadre Melva was hit from behind by a nine year little girl also with the same intention, get that foul ball for a free snow cone. It took the real emg. unit at least one hour to get to Ramos park and assist los vato;s loco volunteer firefighters con la comadre injurer;
The Westinghouse barrio mall owners approved the leasing of space to La familia Mora, who are owners of the chain funeral homes in the hood.

As I walked in the Westinghouse barrio mall yesterday while doing this report, I wondered que if a funeral home was really appropriate in the mall. But as I walked through the mall I began to think it really wasn’t be too bad of an idea.
Let’s see, it would the perfect place to meet people or get people to go to a funeral since they are already there. The funeral home will be located at the corner of the mall, it would provide the grieving family a chance to walk it off. Also the mall who have a full range of services que folks won’t have to go all over town to purchase greeting stuff like flowers, fruit baskets, greeting cards, and especially la comrade could get their hair and nails done, along con el compadre suit being cleaned and that hair cut he’s been needing for several years.

But the most exciting part of the funeral home in the mall is que folks don’t have to go home once they have visited the corpse. In many family, it’s a tradition to go to the grieving family home and drink and eat dinner….but since you are at the mall already, they can drink and eat their, and saves la comadre from cleaning after all have gone.

The Mora’s spoken person released this statement on their new location ” we are very excited in expanding our services to everyone in the hood, and now with our low prices and easy payment plan and layaways, we see an increase of our services;. The owners of the Westinghouse barrio mall did not say when the Mora’s will open their doors.

And finally the gas war is on in the hood. On the strip. La calla cien, which is the main drag for el barrio, gas prices have gone up. It seems que ever gas station is trying to see who can get the highest prices in the hood. From $1.50 to 6.50 a gallon is what most of the signs in front of those stores have posted..

Anyhow raza thank god for el dodge que tengo yo…from our command post I am Bill Diaz, alive and well…

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

hejola 08042009

Hejola report for 08042009.
Kingsville,tx. Hello once again mi raza tejano how are we doing. I see that we are in a bit of a stand off con esta vato George Strati, con su new song “el rey”. Is it good marketing or just plan county? Now for our barrio headline news:
Two get arrested outside dance hall,
Five honor over saving several chickens,
And finally the barrio vato goes to college.
Just yesterday morning a few vato’s who managed to get their g.e.d. during the summer were accepted at our locao community college as freshmen. But the sad part of this whole trip was how expensive it is to go to college now a days. Since both vato’s live below the poverty level the were able to get some free aid but were concern con tantos loans they have to borrow in order to pay for this ordeal. We will keep track on this vatos and their adventure in college.
Now for other news, five men and women were honor late last night at our barrio community cruz rojo center on their brave efforts on saving a bunch of chickens on the express way from getting run over. Si, says el constable cadena que estos folks were on the express trying to round up estos pollos and nearly got run over. At that time they were arrested for being on the express way but charges were later dropped. Good job raza.
And finally, it started as a contest for the best polka dancing couple and ended up as a free for all outside the dance hall when a few contestants bumped into each other during the contestants. El constable is not sure how or why but it seems que looked like when one many a dance turn con su partner que it knocked down several of the other dancers. Chinga and than shit hit the fan. The arrested dancers and a few on lookers were arrested.
Ok raza there you have it for today, counting down towards the end of the year. oh yea.

Monday, August 3, 2009

hejola report for 08032009

Hejola report for 09032009.
Now that woman from nowhere land here is la china cano de china Nuevo leon.
Hola raza here we are again. And lets quickly start con a brief report from those two on their 80 days around the world tour, david duran y vernoica la lesbian.
здравствулте! снова. мы теперь входим в северную часть Украины и своего холода вверх здесь. я буду duran Давида и vernoica на нашем путешествии мира внутри 80 дней сегодня мы остановили на большом названном городке сериями Luts'k. factorys. мы обработанные очень хорошими. я буду duran Давида и back to фарфор.
Ok thanks guy from the land of Ukraine. Anyhow folks lets go to our headline news for today.
Three women arrested for shoplifting at mall,
Increase of cockroaches alert,
And finally plans on still on for sept 16.

Our founding fathers and mothers have informed us que plans are still on for this year’s sept.16 parade and party time at our Westinghouse barrio mall. The parade route will only include the other side of the tracks. Our barrio committee on keeping things fair and let me put the finger on you group will address the problem of why the parade cannot come into our hood since the majority of la raza leave on this side of the tracks.

In other news a barrio alert went out this weekend que a army of reserve cockroaches had been seen coming into the hood from across the tracks says our cockroach specialist Jose Martinez Jones. Si raza be very aware que they are headed your way. So if you have noticed an increase in your normal cockroach population, they are part of that invasion. What to do you say, that will be covered on our next report. But for now keep on killing them and stepping on them as you go through life.
And finally three barrio women were arrested yesterday for selling balloons without a street vendor permit across the tracks. La sister Munoz, rosa one and rosa two and rosa three were taking into the police station across the tracks. While be questioned they were asked when and where they got these balloons from. Since the women did not have proof that they had purchase this balloons sometime last years,. They will have to wait for court in jail. Many barrio members are mad due to the fact que estas women were good girls and have never ever done anything wrong. Well almost anything wrong.

Well raza their to have it for today.