Wednesday, September 26, 2012

hejola report for 09262012

Hejola report for 09262012.


Kingsville,tx. Hello again mi raza and now for our award winning barrio headline news:

Constable shoots sex doll by mistakes.

El compadre hopalong morales arrested.

And finally, barrio man tries to steal boat.

Sometimes things are not just right, that was the case of esta vato trying to steal a small sail boat that was locked up behind el constable office. Esta vato thought that no one had seen him pull away with the trailer and the boat half on it. About three blocks down the road the boat made its way  off the trailer and onto the side walk. As esta vato loco tried to put the boat back on the trailer, the constable on patrol the area, decided to lead him a hand. Once the constable got closer to the boat he noticed que it was his boat. He arrested the vato and took him in. when the constable came back for the boat it was gone. Chinga. El constable is asking for your help in locating that sail boat. If you have any idea who took or where the boat is, the constable promises to give you a ride on it.


It seems que el compadre Morales felt que he needed to take his horse, silver, for a late nigh ride. The only problem was that he was intoxicated and was naked. As he rode his horse around the hood, some barrio residents  felt que he wasn’t no lady Godiva on that horse so many took it on their own to call the constable.  As the constable toured the hood looking for that male version of lady godiva, he came across him at the corner of third and wells street. After several hours of being chase through the hood, he finally gave himself up and asked permission to go to the bathroom. The constable arrested him and his horse. Charges are pending.  

Yesterday somehow el constable cadena got his chit mixed up and raided the wrong trailer home. It was in the middle of the night when el constable and his barrio task force 666, wanted to practices what they had just learned at some training they went too this pasted weekend. In following the instructions given to them, they forgot to make sure they were at the right address. When they got to the wrong address, they noticed a person standing by the window with some kind of weapon, the constable and his task forces didn’t wait to ask question but opened fire on the person standing by the window. Once they shot it with at least 125 rounds they moved in closer to look at their kill. When the dust settled it turned out to be a very expensive sex doll. Charges are pending. Oh by the way they gave up on the original bust.

Ok raza we will be on vacation till Monday morning, have a great weekend and wish the creator a happy birthday.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Exclusive interview con el web jefe ( Tejano Journal) Abel Hernandez,2012. ?The
end of era, Tejano Journal?. Cchwnn. San Antonio, Texas.


Hello again I am Blanca Blanch Blanco, and I am Santa Cecilia la que te canta,
con this exclusive interview. The creator has asked both of us to do this last
interview con the web jefe. In our opinion of one of the most outstanding and
one of the most lasting Tejano websites that provide up dates on Tejano
programming, history and daily debates about la onda. We are talking about Abel
Hernandez del Tejano journal, that is expected to shut its doors down this
coming October. We found it very important to do this interview to recall all
the good memories and recall some of the major discussion that it had on its


Now for that interview:
BBB: gee abel for giving time to do this interview, and can you give us both a
hand of this bicycle y care con Santa she is sitting on the handle bars?


Ah:Yes sir. Welcome back.


BBB: well let’s start con how did it all come about and how long were you on


Ah; Back toward the end of 1994 I had been on the internet for about a year
learning all about email, web sites, ftp, etc. I was surprised with all the
information on the internet including photos and music. So I learned how to
create a web site using HTML and created a small personal web site on my
company's intranet. I called it "Abel's Home Room". I had a blackboard as my
background with those words written on it. After browsing for a few months I
noticed that there were no tejano music web sites or for that matter any
mexican web sites with mexican photos or music. The only thing I found were a
few universities with a history of mariachi music. So I bought a scanner and
started scanning my cassettes and moving my music and photos onto my web site.

I also decided to move my web site to the other side of my company's firewall
to make it visible to everyone out there but since my company had their own web
site, I had to use a different port for my mine. It was now February 1995 so
I decided to use port 1995. Those that were on my web site back then will
remember that in order to get to my web site, they had to type
http://someipaddress:1995/ lol U memeber.


I found a co-worker that was creating his own web  hosting network so we decided
that I would help him test it by moving my web site over so I registered the
domain name ""  This was in August 1995.


So my tejano music web site started in Feb 1995, became in Aug 1995
and will end 17 years, 7 months later on Oct 3, 2012.


SC: oh yes we remember,you know abel as we have talked about this before, TJ was one of the first Tejano websites to give us permission to post our barrio satire news and later
the posting of Tejano interviews, what was in your mind in allowing us to use
your website as a stepping stone?


Ah; Well I always did allow anything that wasn't tejano/mexicano related as long
as it didn't get out of hand. And you were no exception.


SC: in all this years abel what were some of the major discussion that your TJ
talked about the most?


Ah: That's easy.  What are we doing to keep Tejano alive and get it back to what
it was before the decline?


Sc: was there ever a time that you were fed up con tanto discussions about the
same thing and nothing address on how to come to some solutions?


Ah; Well, not really, I was just tried with all the fighting that would always
come up after some great discussions.


BBB: now let?s talk about the new and improved TJ, gee man, I think you created
a monster now, I mean now your viewers and new and old TJer can post pictures
and one can even see who they are responding too, did you think that it’s a
start of a new era for you sir?


Ah: Yes I do.  I thought of doing this a few months ago but just now decided to
go for it and see what happens.  I was very surprised at the turn out.  I now have
over 1700 friends with almost 464 registered on the Tejano Journal.


BBB: economic has always played an important role in ever Tejano life, now that
your new TJ website is more reasonable, do you think you will get a larger
crowd and in some cases bring back lots of the older TJer that left for one
reason or another back?


AH: It sure looks like it and I sure hope so.  It was a lot of fun back in the day
and it can continue being a lot fun in the future.


BBB; do you believe that it will be easier to address new and for sure some of
the old issues on your new facebook site?


Ah; I think it'll be about the same.  I already had to delete a message and almost
another one.  Some people will never change.  I have allowed photos on my site web
before but it got out of hand so I stopped allowing it.  But now I have a big brother
(facebook police) to  help me with any major problems.  I hope I don't have to
make my Tejano Journal group private but I will if I have to.


BBB: I a great Tejano fan and Tejano leader Mr. Viejito once said that there
were thousands of raza that visited your website and some of them never really
posted but would drop bye to see what major Tejano issues were being discuss,
do you think he was correct in mention that TJ was a leader in the recording
the progress of la onda tejana?


Ah; Yes because I would meet a lot of people at different events that would always
say that they would read the TJ everyday but had never posted anything.  I think
that was the case with most of the visitors on my web site.


BBB: Abel I’ve mention this before, Tejano and chicano websites have come and
gone, when one writes the history of Tejano Journal many years from now what do
you think they will say about 20 years from now?


AH; Well, I hope they will say, "Remember the good old days at the Tejano Journal?"


SC: well abel is there one last word that you think you need to share con your
fan base really from around the world?

Ah: Yes.  Remember, the Tejano Journal didn't "end".  The web site hosting ended.
The Tejano Journal continues on a new platform so .... continue posting!


SC/ BBB: again we want to thank you for your support and allowing us to have
posted our first news back in 2004, and we want a big Tejano hug for both of us
and if you don?t mine can you take us out to eat?


Ah: Sure it was my pleasure and it's my treat. You can choose any two items from
the dollar menu.


SC/BBB;  all right sir,, when it come down to it , we feel that Abel Hernandez lead the way in
which many tried, to let la onda tejana aware que we are caring people and are
very proud of what we have accomplished con nuestra muscia, and don’t never
forget that we all stand together for the betterment of la onda, regardless
which side of an issue you find yourself in. have a great Tejano day and see
you all at that new place.


Monday, September 24, 2012

hejola report for 09252012

Hejola report for 09242012.


Kingsville,tx. Hello raza David Duran here, Bill is on assignment. Now for our barrio award winning headline news:


La commadre y el compadre arrested for dwi, pi, and who knows what else.

Another barrio parent arrested for drinking and driving and towing.

And finally some good news.

La tortilla company at the edge of third and wells will close its doors this weekend. La familia Torres told us que it was about time to retire because he and his wife were just too old to run the business. Since we don’t have any children we figure que it was just too much for us and will close its doors this coming 2033.

It seems that this weekend brought out all the drinking parents out.  Late last night el grandfather       Joe Morales was arrested when el constable spotted him driving his 1985 chevy with his two grandchildren behind him,were being towed on their toy hot wheels car. The constable told us que he was only going 20 mph, but when he pulled el senor Morales over he smelled like alcohol, and was arrested because his driver license was suspended a few years ago. Charges will be filed.

Yesterday was a prime example of why parents around the age of 28 to 43 should not drink and drive.              El constable cadena arreste la commadre Maria Garcia, y su new husband, el compadre Martin Gomez, were arrested for driving intoxicated and just plan drunk. In addition to all this los dos parents seemed not to have mined strapping their 3 children ages 7,10, and 12 years old to the hood of their car. The children were not hurt but we can see what alcohol does to parenting. Charges will be filed. The children told us que they were having lots of fun.               

Ok hey raza take easy con the booze. I am David Duran, have a great Tejano day.

Friday, September 21, 2012

barrip stock market report for 09212012

Barrio stock market report for 09212012.


Kingsville, TX. Hi, I am back and ready to rock and roll on our report for today. The barrio stock market is brought to you by VATO SUPER GLUE, the one that promise to find your chit at home when youre get back. Vato super glue dont leave home with out it


Before I get to that report lets talk about the future of las tortillas and the rest of the goodies. You see man has now decided to use corn and other farm goods to create some kind of energy. What does that do for our hood! Raising the price of tortillas an cooking oil, chinga I think Ill walk.


Now lets get to that report.:



>Los taquitos up ten cents from last week, ended the week at $1.35 each coffee is extra.


>Los  tamales are on a steady increase, which we noticed a few weeks ago, ended the week at $6.25 a dozen.


>Las tortillas, also were up this week with an increase of at least 25 percent from last week, ended the week at $1.45 a pack of twelve.


< la barbacoa de caberas remained stable, ended the week at $6.50 a lb.



And that cheap beer getting cheap. Six pack ended the week at $2.95.


Barrio want ads:


Item #. 75846:  used bicycle for sale. Has no tires but a used rim. Make offer.


Item#56841: used women underwear for sale. All size, make offer for lot. Please note super g-stings. I bet size 43, easy.


Item #56243; let over Easter rabbits and chickens for sale. Some in good health and other you decide. Make offer soon.


Item # 54216: use tires sale, have all size but need a few days to get the ones we don’t have, have  to look around the hood. Do have or some special rim that we found at the corner of wells and third street.


Barrio realitors report:


Oh yea we still have that ocean front propriety in palito blanco for sale. Its three lots and the water is about 25 miles away.



Well raza there you have it and have a great tejano day.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

hejola report for 0920212

Hejola report for 0920212.


Kingsville,tx. Hello again, I am bill diaz con todays award winning barrio headline news;

Esta vato loco arrested.

Cowboy protest continues.

And finally, some good news.

Oh yea we all looking for some good news once in awhile and that was the word we got that la family lopez got yesterday. It seems que one of the lopez family member gave out a hot check for $250 and all the family wished was that their school check was in the mail in order to avoid the extra fee’s a bounced check is charged ( $75.).  Well low and behold, the check came in the mail and all was back to normal at the lopez home. Thank god there is a god. Now folks is that good news or what.

A handful of gay men and gay women and some tejanos were asked to leave the building they have been protesting form several days now. It seems que many in the hood don’t believe a word the city is saying about being able to dress like a cowboy during the weekend. As you might remember this pasted weekend was a real harsh one for many cowboy fans. The leader of this group Leroy Cumbia Jones, tells this reporter, look we don’t care if the boy’s win or not, but let us dress up like cowboys or cowgirls during the weekend without being harassed.  The city leaders will review this matter sometime in 2033.

Yesterday afternoon, esta vato loco was arrested at a campaign fund raiser, when he was address some major issue for his re-election this coming November. El constable was not made aware of the warrant esta vato loco had from a few years back. The police from across the tracks arrested him and took him to jail over there. El constable cadena will file a complaint con our local county judge against those men in black for not working in a cooperative way. Oh by the way the where about of esta vato loco is unknown?


Ok raza have a great day.

chicano manifesto, 47 percent 2012

Chicano manifesto:  47 percent, esta vato loco runs for re-election, 2012.


Kingsville,tx. Hello I am General Fidelio Vermicelli, con this manifesto. We now know where we all stand,

Regardless if you work or don’t work, we know where we stand. When in most cases our hood has its share                                                                                                         of those folks that are mostly fit into that 47 percent of descried by some rich folks from across the tracks.          

I will only refer to our hood, in our hood is made up of lots of Chicano, a few Mexicans, some white folks of course married to some Chicana or Mexican and our share of African Americans, better known as black people.  In our hood we have folks from all ages, all levels of education and a whole lot of disables persons and a hand full of proud Americans veterans. Many are hard working people that have learned that the American system is what we make it for us.

 Many in some cases work and many don’t work. Many have families that work and many have family members that don’t work. But one thing for sure we realized already had an idea is that we are part of the middle class in the hood. We are proud of the homes we have, the cars we own, and the business some of have own. But then the reality settles in and debts come with all this success.  We know when things get ruff we hang in there, we know when things get a bit out of hand, we try our best to balances our lives with what we have.

But this balance in some many cases comes from our government assistants. Regardless what the source, in some cases  we do get subsided just like farmers, bankers, and of course cooperation’s and educational institution, and local governments and even fin aid to better ourselves. Now the question is  who are those in the hood that get this help, well in some cases, folks from all aged, all levels of education and a whole lot of disable persons and of course that hand full of proud American veterans.

Regardless of what that dude from across the tracks says about our 47 percent, we know deep in our hearts many do not take advantage of such status but are thankful for the assistances. When we can send millions and millions of aid to foreign countries and help them maintain a very simple way of life, than why not us?   

We are not asking for a new home, a new car, a new street, or many even a raise in our pay check, we stand firm que we are the middle income in our hood when it comes down to it and we will do our part but don’t use us as a tool to determine the need for others in other hoods.


What is the point, I don’t have one, but I am proud to say that when I look outside my window, I know I am better off in some cases than the person living next to me. If you believe in the American barrio’s, and if you believe in the American hoods, vote for esta vato loco, and I promise an chicken in ever home and a chicken in every pot.                                                                                   

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

exclusive interview con Ilyssa Saenz, 2012

Exclusive interview con Ilyssa  Saenz, 2012



somewhere in dusty Hebbronville, Texas. Hi my name is SantaCecilia la que te canta con this great and exciting interview con IllyssaSaenz. Now for that interview.


Sc; hello Ilyssa can you do me a favor and help me off this bicycle?

IS; Sure!



SC: let me start, how in the world does a young woman from Hebronville, a tiny community in south Texas, accomplish so much in such little time. Let me deliberate, first off, can you tell us a little bit about that contest that you won at the age of 12 and what it did to your musical career ina yearly order?


Is: I competed in the contest called “Buscando La Doble De Selena” when I was 19 years old. It was a contest sponsored by Telefutura’s Escandalo TV in Miami, Florida. Winning this contest is a huge honor for me and I couldn’t be happier to have that title. But I do have to point out that no one will ever replace Selena. She will always be number one and the Queen of Tejano Music. I think that this contest was a great way to celebrate her and the impact that her music had on young girls all over the world.



SC: how do you feel when they call you “ la Doble De Selena”and how did that come about?

Is: It is amazing to have that title and it will always be one of my most memorable accomplishments. But Selena is irreplaceable and will always be recognized as the Queen of Tejano Music.


SC: working con la familia de Selena, I noted that you have a recording contract con Q productions, how is that going?

IS: It is great! The entire Quintanilla Family has been so nice to me and I am very thankful to them for giving me the opportunity to record a cd with their label.



SC: how many Tejano awards have you been nominated to and what is your feeling about being en la onda tejana?

IS: I love to sing Tejano Music. It has always been a passion of mine. I feel something special with this music and I feel that since it is a part of my heritage, it’s the perfect genre for me to sing. I have been nominated twice for “Best New Female Artist of the Year.” Although, I have never won, I consider myself to be very fortunate to be put into a category with so many talented ladies who are the future of Tejano Music and I am so thankful for that.



SC; how young were you when you first starting singing and did you ever feel that you would have accomplished so much?

IS: I have been singing since I was 5 years old. I started off singing Mariachi Music and then later on switched over to Tejano Music. Since that age, I knew I wanted to sing for a living and as of now, I’m just so happy that I am getting the chance to do that. Also, a big reason that I have been able to fully commit to singing Tejano Music for a living is because of the support of my family. I am very grateful that they have supported me throughout all of the events that I have been to and all the decisions that I have made regarding my career.



SC: on all the traveling you have done, has it taken time from being Ilyssa Saenz from a small town?

IS: Not really, I try my best to stay as grounded as possible. For example, I am still attending college because I think that it is important to get an education. I know people say that all the time, but I really do believe it. 



SC; what is in the future for Ilyssa?

Is: I am beginning to start recording songs for my second cd. I am excited to get back into the studio and hope to be able make an album that many people will be able to relate to and that they will enjoy. Also, I plan to do a lot more touring this coming year and I hope to be in as many cities as I can. I am also looking forward to meeting as many people as I can.  I would like to thank my fans who have supported me and my music and I hope I get a chance to meet them as I travel.



SC: what part of the music business do you find very difficult?

Is: Being a new artist, it is sometimes difficult to be accepted. But it’s just like any other thing in life, dues have to be paid and in time recognition will come.



SC: how do the people in your home town think about your great success?

Is: My hometown is wonderful. I always say that even though we are small, we have a big heart, and it shows by their support of my career.




SC: can you tell us about your latest single “EstoyContigo” and how is it doing?

Is: Estoy Contigo is probably my favorite song from the CD. It was written by Mr. Quintanilla for Selena so I was extremely honored to have the chance to do this song. In a way, I consider this song to be like my tribute to her. She was and still is such an inspiration to me that I couldn’t think of any better way to recognize her for that.



SC: base on your very young career do you see la onda taking a down fall or do you see it getting better as you get more into la onda?

Is: I think that with all of the up and coming artists, la onda will only continue to grow and influence people. Tejano Music isn’t going anywhere and will be around for generations to come.




Sc; if given a chance to do all this again, what chances would you do with your musical career?

Is: I most likely wouldn’t do anything different. I try to look at all my experiences, both the good and the bad, as things to learn from. The only thing I would tell myself is not to be so afraid to take risks. Sometimes risks are needed to be able to see rewards.




Sc; if someone were to ask you to speak with a group of young people wanting to get into la onda tejana,what encouraging words would you tell them?

Is: I would tell them to make sure they gave it their all. Performing all around the United States is the best way to introduce yourself to Tejano Music. In my opinion, that is the best way to emerge yourself in Tejano Music. Plus, you will meet so many new people a long the way, and that is very exciting.



SC: and finally IIyssa what would you want to share with all the fans you have from around the world?

Is: First, I would like to thank all of my fans. The only reason I am able to sing and perform at so many events is because of them, and I really do appreciate that. I also hope to be able to provide them with great music and to be able to keep traveling to different areas to perform so I can meet them.



SC: well girl it’s getting late and dark and I still have to ride my bicycle back to Kingsville, can you give me a ride up Benavides and I will go from there?

IS: lol I sure will!!! Huh,, its that way, no its that


SC; pesse hejola, my god how young are our future Tejano artist for the future doing, here is one perfect example que la onda is alive and well, I am Santa Cecila la que te canta ,, good day.

hejola report for 09192012



Hejola report for 09192012.


Kingsville,tx. Hello raza como estan, I am bill diaz con our award winning barrio headline news:


Barrio man body found buried.

Barrio burglar injured while on the prowl.

And finally barrio cat woman sadden by large amount of taquchas .


We all know that ever hood has a cat woman somewhere in the hood. Well here in our hood our middle age Anglo women was alarmed yesterday evening when she went out to feed her tribe of cats (18) and noticed a few new ones. It was dark and was not wearing her glasses, So  she started to feed what looked like small baby cats, but instead she was feeding a group of baby taquchas. Once her friend from across the street asked her what she was doing, she didn’t realize que they were baby taquchas, she made a run for her front porch and got her shot gun and took several shots at them things. After the dust settle she killed at least three taquchas, but injuired 8 cats, two dogs and a few windows were blown out from her home. No charges will be filed.


El compadre Henry Flores, was arrested late last night after he had broken into an apartment building under construction. The report states que after el compadre Flores had ran shack the first floor and had loaded his van with chingos de goodies, he decided to check out the second floor. But instead of calling it a night he entered the second floor and accidentally fell out a window resulting in a broken back, hip and arm. He was found in the morning by some construction workers and was rushed to st. paul’s medical center. Charges will be filed.


In other news,Yesterday afternoon la commadre  Juanita Saenz was arrested for trying to hide her boyfriend’s body in her back yard after he collapsed in bed. El constable is not really sure what happened but is investigating this crime.  But all indications, the constable stated, pointed that they were having ruff sex. Now the real question is who called the constable.


Ok raza have a great Tejano day.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

exclusive interview con Briana Lokura, 2012.

Exclusive interview con Briana Lokura, 2012.


Somewhere in McAllen , Texas. Hello mi raza I am blanca blanch blanco con on the road again interviews, today our bicycle takes us to deep into the valley of south texas to meet up con a very young exciting Tejano artist, BRIANA LOKURA, so enough of that, let’s get to that interview.

Bbb; hello my dear como esta, can you please dear give me a hand of this bicycle?


Bl: Hello there, I'm good thank you. And of course I will.


BBB: first of all how young were you when you first performed in public?

Bl; 13 years old


BBB; has there been times that you want to just stop singing and maybe do something else?


Bl: No... I've never had the feeling that I want to quit but I would love to be a Dj on radio for a whole day. I think it would be fun :)


Bbb; I understand that you have been nominated for several Tejano music awards, tell us a little about the Tejano globe awards?


Bl; This year has been a great year for us. Our latest album "NUEVO HORIZONTE" has done very well. It has opened up some doors for us. I was also nominated Best New Female Artist for the year Tejano Music Awards with this album presenting the song "Te Presumo" A big thanks to Tony Vasquez for getting ,Our product in the door to for the Tejano music awards. <3 o:p="o:p" tony="tony" u="u">

I also found out I'm nominated for Best New Female Artist for this Year Tejano Glob Awards. I'm super honored and humbled by the nomination alone. To be included in these special events in recognition for our hard work is truly special and exciting!


Bbb; I see you have performed in some big events, can you tells about some of the most exciting ones you can remember?


Bl: This past year I got to go to Chicago for the first time in my life. I absolutely feel in love with Chicago! The best part of all was the people there. They welcomed us with love and kept telling us how much they enjoyed our show. That to me was awesome! They we're truly a incredible crowd and I can't wait to go back!


Bbb; do you have a backup band when you perform?


Bl; I always make sure I have my musicians ahead of time for a gig, but yes there's been the occasions when a musician can't make it all last min. Fortunately we know a lot of musicians that we can call to come jam with us.


BBB: how much traveling do you do and how hard has it been in your young career?


Bl: We do quite a bit of traveling. The music industry is not easy one to be in and it's twice as hard for a woman to make her mark in the Business. I think a lot of people don't realize that it takes a team to make one person or the group work. When you have a strong good dependable team behind you that's KEY!


BBB; do you plan on going to college one day and get a degree?


Bl: I actually went to college and graduated. I am now a licensed masseuse.


BBB: do you believe in vampires?


Bl: Um no I don't. LoL

I LOVE the movies of Twilight though and I can't wait for the last one in Nov!


BBB: if give the chance to speak with a group of young people wanting to get into the music business, what encouraging words would you tell them?


BL; I think a lot of people misconstrue the meaning of actually doing music. A lot of people think it's all about glitz and glamour when it's really not. I find being in the music business is very lonely because you can't always trust everyone and not everyone is out for your best interest. But I would say to anyone that if they truly truly loved working with music and NOT hoping to get rich or famous over night I would say to give it all and go for it! Music is therapy and good for the soul.

BBB: what is in the future for Briana?


BL; I'm currently working on four different projects. I have a big love for music in general and love to be involved in whatever I can. The two main projects I'm working on right now is my next tejano album and a English album. We are still in the pre production stages for my tejano album. Surprisingly the english album is moving a bit faster. The English album is a jazz, R&B soul feel. I love, love, loved Amy Winehouse, Adel, and Lilly Allen. This album is most definitely inspired by their music.


BBB: is the anything you would like to share with your fan base from around the world?


Bl; I would just like them to know that I truly appreciate with all my heart all the love and support that they've given me. It truly means everything to me!


BBB: well Briana I want to thank you for your time in doing this interview and now my little friend can you give me a hand on this bicycle and point towards kingsville?


Bl: Thank you so much for your time and why yes of course I can give you a hand I'll even give you a standing ovation LOL and I hate to break it to you sweetie but I'm really bad with directions.. Boo me! Sad face! LoL


BBB; well as I head north on hwy 281, I tell myself que la onda tejana is alive and well, I am triple b and have a great day.

Monday, September 17, 2012

hejola report for 09172012

Hejola report for 09172012.


Kingsville,tx. Hello again mi raza I am Bill Diaz on our best behavior now que people can see who we are, but now for our award winning barrio headline news;

Storms brings out the roaches.

Two men and three cats arrested.

And finally Mexican independents day celebration end early.

While everyone was having a good time, it seems that there is always someone to messing things up, well that was the case yesterday evening. Right before the last band was going to perform at the Westinghouse barrio mall a few drunk non tejanos pero chicanos started some chit con some of the single women listening to the music. At one time one of the non tejanos decided to practices his skill in dancing a polka, but a Germany style, yea you know the one que you kind of hop along, anyhow the non Tejano pero chicano didn’t realize que this woman’s husband had gone to the men’s room and when he came back found his girl trying to resist the non Tejano hand  as a jested that she didn’t want to dance. But before you know it her husband smacked him on the head that caused a major fight at the dance. The program director had to shut the place down, charges will be filed.

In other news, Late last night two men along con three cats were arrested at the corner of third and wells where this two vatos were trying to give cats away. It seem very likely says el constable que esto ways stole them cats and were trying to sell them. All five of them were arrested and taken to jail. If you know of anyone looking for some missing pussy give us a call.


And finally, Yesterday after a strong storm hit the hood a number of calls were made to el constable to let him know que chingos de roaches were found everywhere. El constable told this reporter, what’s new!


Ok raza make sure a look at our new photo Named “ the peru guy moves in the hood”.