Thursday, November 21, 2019

hejola report for 11202019

Barrio stock market report for 11212012/2019.


Kingsville,tx. Como estan I am urbano yosabatodo con this weeks barrio stock market report for this Friday. Sometime in the next few days I will have my end of the year economic report for all you big time small time spenders. But for now let’s get right to that award winning report:

Las  tamales, well don’t say I didn’t tell you. As indicated in other barrio site the increase of making homemade tamales has increase by at least 18 percent ( based the number of people in our block vs. the number that make their own tamales)now that increase do expect the tamales to go up everywhere you go. Las tamales ended the week at a all time high of $6.50 a dozen in some case up to $10.00.

Las tortillas, well this market has its ups and downs but this week it ended pretty stable, tortillas both flour and corn. Flour small pack of 12 @1.52 and corn small pack of 12@1.35 .

Cheap beer, this market has just taken an increase, six pack ended the week @2.95 a six pack.

Las empanadas, that special holiday treat, which is an all around treat now a day’s end pretty stable at $.89 each. Or a non so fresh pack at those quick stops on the freeway for about$2.00 a pack of 4.

La barbacoa de cabeza going for about $0.50 lb. and big increase, llama not available this week.

 Los taquitios ended the week at $1.59 each and coffee is extra.

Barrio want ads:

#4875639: several used bicycles, buy the whole lot or only the ones you need.

#889799: Easter chickens and ducks still available, still have some color on them, make offer for all ten chickens and 15 ducks. All still walking and look in good health.

#983455: several women clothing all sizes’ make bit for all the lot.

Barrio realtors:

Ok we got a house that is for sale but needs to be moved off the lot, from the corner of wells and third street moved to the corner of wells and fourth street.

Ok raza got to go. Have a great Tejano day.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

hejola report for 11192019.

Hejola report for 11192015/2019.


Kingsville, Texas. hello again I am Bill Diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news:

Barrio residents paranoid about folks from across the tracks.

No more new folks wanted here.

And now some darn bad news.

We live in modern day America, wouldn’t you say. Let’s look at it this way, we live in the year 2015/ but now its 2019, and have the mentally of pre WW Two. How damaging is that to our present society you ask? Just listen to Fux News. Fear has always been the key stone to many who don’t know better, but then we live in pre WW Two, what would you expect? It so easy to convince raza que have no idea on how things work but they seemed to know, even if they don’t understand still stand with the understood.

Some barrio apartment owners and folks wanting to rent their homes out have all agreed not to rent any of their properties to folks that don’t look Hispanic. It’ hard to determine who they are now a days but if we spot one of them, they are not wanted here and will have no place for them to live at, one of the home owners said.  After the meeting all five home owns and two apartment owners felt better now that someone had listened to them. By the way the meeting ended due to the fact that the meeting was helded at a day care center and  were speaking to  children under the age of 5. The meeting ended when all the children had left.

Yesterday barrio leaders and a handful of barrio residents were mad and were willing to protest a new mall project to be built on our side of the tracks that would attract folks from all over especially the ones from across the tracks. Several barrio resident felt que they folks need to stay over there and build their own mall, we just don’t want them here, who know what they might do if they cross the tracks. As a matter of fact one of the protesters said que they were going to ruin things for everybody, I mean everybody, like before, remember, you remember!.  After someone asked what they had ruined before, the protester said he/she couldn’t remember what they did but did promise they would do it again! You remember..

Ok raza make sure that bunker you have has at least enough food for two days.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

barrio stock marker for 11132019

Barrio stock market report 11132019 booooo.
Kingsville,tx. Como estan big spenders I am Urbano Yosabatodo con this week’s barrio stock market report. Lets start con higher education. Chinga compadre if you y la comandre are planning to send junior y la hija to college well you better start saving for them. I have always wonder si la raza save to send pancho y pancha too college? I am more than sure that at least 99 percent have not.

But don’t worry there is always federal aid and state aid and of course si pancho or pancha are a chip off the old block its possible an academic scholarships and on and on. Wow, now is that heavy or not? But then there is always el tiya y el tiyo y el grandpa y grandma. And if you own your owe rancho them there those few cattle you have been saving for that rainy day.

All and all college education is not getting any cheaper. I am sure that there are lots of reports and studies to tell us on how inflation and our poor accounting skills don’t help in managing that kinda funding to sent them to seek a higher education.

Chinga what ever happen to those days que a high school graduate was bad ass and you could still work en el rancho.

Now for that award will barrio stock market:

>Las tortillas were up from last week $1.35 a pack.
< cheap beer up from last week $6.52 a six pack.
>los tamales were up due to all the walking esta vato does which he calls inflation $10.00 a dozen.

> la barbacoa de cabeza was up from last week $8.50 lb. Easy con la manteca..
>las empanadas were really up this week at $.69 cent each, but down compared to a few years ago during this time.
^los taquitos were stable this week at $1.50 each coffee is extra.

Ok raza there you have it for todays barrio stock market report for 11132009.

Friday, November 1, 2019


Hejola report for 11/012019.


Kingsville, TX. Hello Raza I am bill Diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news;

More good news adds to the old bad news.

Sock dance schedule for this weekend.

And finally winter baseball brings out the same bull chitter.

Yesterday  at one of our young baseball game a group of unsportmanship parents and coaches were allowed to enter this year baseball classic, in the past this same parents and team members had been barred from coming over to our side of the tracks to play ball. But after a few inns that seems to be going well an umpire made a good call but against estos ways. After 30minutes  of complaining about calls and pitches and far and foul balls, the baseball committee agree to give this a- holes their entre fee back and told them to get the hell out this park and don’t look back until the door hits on the way out. No charges will be filed.

El Centro for old Chicanos will be holding their annual sock dance at the same location they have held it for the last 30 years. But this year a few rules have been changed, one was que you will have be at least 67 years old to get in and you must be able to dance a few songs, or you will asked to leave the hall.

Yesterday la senorita Mary Perez was awarded $1000 from a contest she entered. After her name was posted inside our barrio newspaper of when and why the award was going to be given to her. That’s the good news, now the bad news. When she showed up to the award center, almost all her 250 relatives and some she hadn’t seen in years showed up to see if they were going to be given of the piece of the award, very disappointed on the results when it was announced que she was only going to get $15 and some changes due to the fact que she owned money to the government. Mary told us que she was glad to have won the award and now owes less than before.

Ok Raza play ball and have fun.