Tuesday, January 30, 2018

hejola report for 01302018.

Hejola report for 01302018.


Kingsville, Texas. Hello again I am General Fideo Vermicelli con today’s award winning barrio headline news:

Crack makes a big come back:

It seems that regardless of what sex you are and how small your clothing fits you there will always be a crack showing. Barrio educated person told us today que more and more cracks are been seen by all ages and it’s disgusting that many of our children have to see grown men and women cracks in public!


Fight between men and women increase for the month of December 2017;

Barrio study showed that an 85 % increase occurred during December where family members fight the most. The study showed it wasn’t sure what it could have been the reason but every indication show money problem was the major factor and alcohol was the second reason. But we all know that!

And finally barrio prepare for 2018:

Yesterday the barrio welcome wagon approved its budget for 2018, by increasing it by $12 more than last year. We are very excited about this huge increase in our fiscal budget. The budget for this year totals $12 plus $12 more is a sign that Trumps tax cuts are helping the hood. Yea, right!

Ok Raza don’t spend that stimulus check in one place!

Monday, January 29, 2018

barrio stimulus check for 2018.

Barrio Stimulus Check for 2018
Kingsville,tx. Hello again I am General Fideo Vermicelli with some dam good news for the hood. We just got word from our barrio founding fathers and a few mothers that the barrio lotto 2018 will be giving out 2018 Barrio Stimulus Checks for those families that might be eligible. The only major problem is how much money is there to give away?
Now with that information is Johnnie el quemo!
Si thank you Fideo, well the major problem is that el barrio lotto was able to generate about $2000, this past year and the barrio lotto folks decided to give the left over funds, of course after administrative cost. So here is the breakdown on how much will be available for those that might be eligible?
Total funds : $2000.00.
Administrative cost 20%= $400.
Cost to print forms =$100.
Cost for el primo to deliver forms=$200.
Cost to let people know = $300.
Total cost for stimulus check program=$1000.

In addition there will be a tax charge of 38% from the $1000. That will be available to give away. That equals to $380. Now ,leaving a grant total of $620.00, to be awarded.
Then of course, there the issue of local tax and state tax, and federal tax, and barrio tax, which come to a total of $358. Leaving available $ 272 for our barrio stimulus check for the year. After that a small lotto fee of $200 will also be add on. Alright that leaves you a grand total of $72.
So as you can see Fideo, its lots of money for a few folks. So don’t lose hope and be sure and be looking for that check.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

hejola report for 01232018

Hejola report for 01232018.


Kingsville, Texas. Help again I am Maria La Bandia con today’s award winning barrio headline news:

Barrio over react on barrio shut down;

A group of barrio members were able to remove barricades that were placed at the end of third and Wells thinking that the city was going to shut down more streets on our side of the tracks. It always seems that the city instead of repairing streets they just shut them down, well not this time said Oscar Westworth Saenz. We will sit here as long as it takes to make sure no more streets will be closed instead of being repaired!


Ten protestors arrested at barrio city hall;

Another false alarm happened this weekend that caused a handful of barrio resident to be arrested after they were told que the Christmas lights will not be turned off this year. At least ten persons were arrested after they took it on their own to start removing them lights from several building in the hood. You see the barrio resident have a good reason to remove them due to the fact that they will be billed to keep them on for the rest of the year. We don’t need any more bills …

And finally barrio members waiting for refunds;

Yesterday a barrio leader said that there will be very little refunds send back this year for those persons that claimed senior citizens not related to them. You just can’t go and claim folks on your taxes if they ain’t part of your family. And if you do than you just might have to redo them taxes to get it right.. so if you already have plans to cash that check you better think about it…

Ok raza and for those haters, we don’t forgive or forget.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

hejola repot for 01102018.

Hejola report for 01102018.


Kingsville,tx. Como estan I am bill diaz con todays barrio award winning barrio headline news. But before we get to it le’ts make sure we know that the i.r.s. is always watching you. Now for that dang report.

Barrio cash cab get rob.

City and county leaders lay out goals for our side of the hood for 2018.

And finally illegal gambling up for 2010.

This pasted weekend was the most the constable and barrio task force 666 had arrested in illegal gambling. From illegal Mexican bingo to regular bingos, card games , dice games, fighting cock games, dog fighting, arm wrestling, leg wrestling and big boo contest were all shut down this week on a giant effort to lower the crime in our hood. The constable tells us que almost 25 person we taken in and later released on bond. Many of the folks were elder men and women, especially the big boos. You wouldn’t believe who was involved. The constable tells us que many of the folks that were arrested were winter Texans looking of some excitement. The trial for all this gamblers we will be held in a few weeks.

Yesterday afternoon city and county leaders presented their goals for our side of the town for 2018. One of the biggest items was to reduce the number of outside bathrooms, better known as odd house. The city and county have determined que 35 percent of the hood still didn’t have inside bathrooms. Our goals says henry smith, one of our city leaders, is to encourage our good friend to bring their shit inside their homes. In doing this, the city is thinking of offering some low interest loans to those folks that might qualified in order to improve their homes. If you are interested and still have your shitter outside please contact our barrio community center for more details.

And finally Juan Salinas reported that the only tricycle cab on our side of the tracks got rob. He told the constable que three men on three bicycle managed to pull him over and took all his money and the back tires of his three tire tricycle. Mr. Salinas also stated que he will be out of business for a few days until he manages to up con two more tires. If anyone has any information pertaining to this matter please call the constable.

Ok raza have an awful day,, lol just joking………

Well there you have it, have a great tejano day.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

hejola report for 01092018

Hejolia report for 01092018.
Kingsville,tx. Hello again I am Bill Diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news:

Bears and packers fans strap it on con Dallas cowboy fans at football cook out.

Shooting at the corner of third and wells leave several die.

And finally law suit file against el constable cadena.

Yesterday afternoon, la families Gamez filed a law suit against our own constable for chopping the 35th oldest tree in the hood, that was located on wells street. The law suit states that the constable trespassed into the Gamez back yard without permission and chopped their tree down in order to get to them boys shooting chickens. The law suit did not include the two boys because they had permission from the yard owners allowing them to climb that tree. If the constable is to be found guilty he could pay up several hundred dollars in fines and some time doing some community work.

It seems que someone always has to spoil things for others. That was the case Saturday night when a large number of chickens were shot dead and a few got away. The shooting was set off by several young Hispanic trying to see if they could hit a chicken coop that was located about three houses doing wells. This young men climded a tree and just starting shooting. The constable was able to get those boys down from the tree by chopping it down. Charges are pending.

 And finally, Yesterday afternoon for some odd reason a few dozen Dallas cowboys fans attacked a football cookout con chingos de Bears and packers fans. After the constable and his barrio task force 666 broke it up a half dozen of cowboys were arrested and some were taken to ST. Paul’s medical center for observation. The bottom line was que the Bears and Pack outnumber them cowboys. How about them boyz.

There we have raza, stay home and stay warm.