Thursday, April 30, 2020

barrio headline news for 04302020

Barrio headline news for 04302020.
Kingsville, Texas. Hello raza how are we doing and now for our award winning barrio headline news:

Barrio dentist not well;
El barrio dental council made up of 4 humans, 2 horses, 1 goat and 1 mule found el barrio dentist guilty of several hygiene violations, including frequent hand-washing lapses, failure to sterilize instruments that he had taken off treatment trays to clean his own ears and fingernails with, and, more than once, urinating in his surgery sink. The council said it needed another hearing to decide whether Hutchinson's habits impaired his treatment of patients.

Hoe’s on the raise;
Following a three-year investigation by federal and local, and barrio authorities in our hood; the owners of at least 10 massage parlors were arrested last night and accused of running prostitution establishments. Among the investigators' findings was that, to reduce the cost of supplying condoms, the salons urged customers to use plastic food wrap, which management bought in large quantities. Barrio District Attorney El ojo barrio private told us, "I really don't think about (plastic food wrap) in the same way anymore."

And finally some family values;
Hermin Rodriguez, 41, was charged with assault for stabbing his wife several times (after an argument over her alleged infidelity); police said that following his attack, he apparently handed his knife to the couple's 2-year-old son and said, "Now, you stab Mommy."
the manager of Barrio Pawn Shop told us que a customer came in with his diaper-clad boy of about age 2 and handed the kid an AK-47 from the store's shelf, instructed him how to hold it in order to "mow (people) down, kill everybody," and told him that "Daddy's going to buy you this chopper." The manager, incredulous, said he took the gun back and shooed the pair out.
Ok raza have a great day, and shooed the hell away.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

barrio news for 04152020

Barrio headline news for 04162020.
Kingsville, Texas. Hello again I am Bill Diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news:

Relief checks, eligible and issued;
Some of the biggest misunderstanding pertaining to this barrio stimulus checks is only because you are eligible don’t mean you are going be issued one. And if they do issue one to you, the real question would be am I going to get it?

Dancing in the street;
You would have imagined a miracle had happen along the corner of third and wells when a ton of humans were dancing in the street. After a few hours of this nonsense el constable Cadena was forced to break it. As we all know this celebration was only a responds to checks being received. The five women were asked to break it up.

Half naked;
Today barrio leader Tomas Trumpas gave an issue warning that if you are staying home, please make sure you have clothing on to either throw the trash or look for your mail. At least twenty calls had been received that folks were walking around half naked outside their homes.

Home school;
At least 15 senior citizens were so excited that now they were going to be able to get a GED or a High School diploma now that they are taking classes on line. So of the seniors really didn’t understand how home school works, were allowed to use a mile long sting and two tin cans to get their home work from the main office at the home. Some tell us that they can’t wait to get the diploma along with their check.

 Barrio unemployment goes down;
In most parts of the country the unemployment is its highest it’s been since the great depression, but not in our hood; since the unemployment reported at the highest level already, the few jobs that person have gotten lower the unemployment rate for now and  that is good news for a whole lot of folks in the hood.

Have a great day an stay happy.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

barrio headline news for 04092020

Barrio headline news for 04092020.
Kingsville,Texas. Hello again I a Bill Diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news;
Barrio stimulus relief;
El barrio leader Tomas Trumpas said que starting sometime soon, at the end of this tunnel he saw one night in his wild dreams; we will have a great hand out to all the barrio members needing a hand out. This hand-out better known as a stimulus relief package will relief some of your bill but not all your bills but some bills. Please sit near the door of your home and when that relief truck goes by stop it and ask if your relief is on aboard.
Relief for barrio members making more than$50,000, own back taxes, default on student loans, and late of child support;
Relief center open now or never;
Yesterday at the “it’s now or never center”, barrio members are urged to come on by and get some free food and stuff you might not need. So of the things they are giving away are pinto beans, green beans, black beans, lima beans, navy beans, split beans, kidney beans, lentil beans, adzuki beans, black eye beans, and whole lot of other beans. Believe me if you go and get some of these free stuff you will get some real good relief.
And finally small business loans;
It seems that all a small business need is a loan to keep them above water in additions to the loans they already have. There is one catch too it, you must have at least 500 workers and are still working and might be eligible to submit an application. Now pay attention, in some cases this loan could turn its self into a grant and you might not have to pay it back. Now if you believe all that than you must be from palito blanco and you own ocean front property there.
Ok Raza whatever you do don’t waste your time listening to esta pendejo Trumpas he couldn’t tell the differences from bull shit and shineola…

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

barrio headline news 0401202

Barrio headline news for 0401202.
Kingsville, Texas. Hello again I am bill Diaz with some good old information. Starting sometime soon will we have a once a week report from our own south of the border Jose Morales, who by the way is under the cover there. He will keep us updated on the real things going on, our new coverage “Las Nuevas “NOTICIAS SIN MIERDA’’. Hope to keep you informed on the real world. But for now here is our award winning barrio headline news;
Unemployment higher that the employed;
How can that be, you say unemployment higher that the employed, well it’s that easy. Look we base our information about the hood pertaining only to our block, you know the hood. Well anyhow we just found out that from all those that were employed are now unemployed and will join the rank and file folks that are already unemployed. So that means that we have more unemployed now, than ever before that were employed. Unemployment higher that those employed. Got it.
Relief coming now or never;
For those who are way over the head and having too much education than they can handle has had its affects in the hood.  How many now think that our barrio leader has done its best for the folks in hood? Well I’m still waiting? You see don’t think that this vato, Trumpas is doing it for a good cause, well he is not, when you have education persons responding on this free money coming and start believe this leader, well you got something coming= NOTHING. How in the world all of a sudden you change teams and start to follow the yellow brick chit road we have been living in. Please don’t whoe your life away for a simple check that you might not even get. But instead believe that happen days are coming when we get this clown out of office.

County not waiting on Obamacare, instead relying on trumpas Non affordable care:
Wow you want a tongue twister, barrio leader is determine to help barrio residents with some kind of nonaffordable health care, by recommending that folks really don’t need any health care, just eat more beans and tortillas and rice and that should keep that corona handover virus away. If you believe that then you are a bigger moron that our barrio leader Tomas Trumpas.
Family members need jobs to keep them busy;
It’s hard to understand education family members when they have nothing to do but write bull shit on matter that they have no business with. How can an unemployed family member make comments on things that they darn well are very aware of.. Tell me? How can a family member educated and living on borrowed time think they are having an impact on our barrio economic when their overhead is way above their level of income, when they have no income at all.  So go ahead brag about how great thing are when you have no role in making thing better. Oh by the how is that welfare phone doing..
Well that should do it folks and there is nothing good about estimating over 200,000 persons dying..