Wednesday, April 1, 2020

barrio headline news 0401202

Barrio headline news for 0401202.
Kingsville, Texas. Hello again I am bill Diaz with some good old information. Starting sometime soon will we have a once a week report from our own south of the border Jose Morales, who by the way is under the cover there. He will keep us updated on the real things going on, our new coverage “Las Nuevas “NOTICIAS SIN MIERDA’’. Hope to keep you informed on the real world. But for now here is our award winning barrio headline news;
Unemployment higher that the employed;
How can that be, you say unemployment higher that the employed, well it’s that easy. Look we base our information about the hood pertaining only to our block, you know the hood. Well anyhow we just found out that from all those that were employed are now unemployed and will join the rank and file folks that are already unemployed. So that means that we have more unemployed now, than ever before that were employed. Unemployment higher that those employed. Got it.
Relief coming now or never;
For those who are way over the head and having too much education than they can handle has had its affects in the hood.  How many now think that our barrio leader has done its best for the folks in hood? Well I’m still waiting? You see don’t think that this vato, Trumpas is doing it for a good cause, well he is not, when you have education persons responding on this free money coming and start believe this leader, well you got something coming= NOTHING. How in the world all of a sudden you change teams and start to follow the yellow brick chit road we have been living in. Please don’t whoe your life away for a simple check that you might not even get. But instead believe that happen days are coming when we get this clown out of office.

County not waiting on Obamacare, instead relying on trumpas Non affordable care:
Wow you want a tongue twister, barrio leader is determine to help barrio residents with some kind of nonaffordable health care, by recommending that folks really don’t need any health care, just eat more beans and tortillas and rice and that should keep that corona handover virus away. If you believe that then you are a bigger moron that our barrio leader Tomas Trumpas.
Family members need jobs to keep them busy;
It’s hard to understand education family members when they have nothing to do but write bull shit on matter that they have no business with. How can an unemployed family member make comments on things that they darn well are very aware of.. Tell me? How can a family member educated and living on borrowed time think they are having an impact on our barrio economic when their overhead is way above their level of income, when they have no income at all.  So go ahead brag about how great thing are when you have no role in making thing better. Oh by the how is that welfare phone doing..
Well that should do it folks and there is nothing good about estimating over 200,000 persons dying..

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