Friday, October 31, 2014

holiday special barrio alert report for 10 31 2014


Holiday Special Barrio Alert report for  10312014.


Kingsville,Texas. Now our special guest and correspondent el Constable Cadena, hello mi Raza I want to thank our creator for allowing us to print this very special holiday report that you should take a look at, and now our award winning barrio headline news:

Barrio Libro de la Cara’s asking parents not to post children pictures.

Halloween is to night and a new group plans on looking out for you.

And finally so darn mad news.

We were just informed que la familia Carlos Omaha Cortez, have told us que all those persons that bought the home made candy, tamales, and corn on the cob are being recall due to some mix up on the formula and should not be giving them out tonight. If you want a refund please let us know before 10312033.

A group called “Barrio On Alert” will be looking out for all of us during this next few days. They have promised us that if you need an escort or a ride home they will set it up for you and this also goes out to those men and women that plan on getting blasted out of their minds while dress as a Halloween character, it makes no differences what state of mind you are in and find yourself in need of help call us up at 918Barrio.


Yesterday barrio leaders and the owners of Libro de la Cara’s barrio on line website all agreed that in the future parents are urged to not post their children picture due to the large volume of child predators and during the holidays. We love our children but we are not going to advertise them on line for everyone to keep note. Again this just a warning during our holidays, let’s keep everyone safe.

Ok raza for all you kinky men and women keep that chit at home.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

hejola report for 10292015

Hejolia report for 10292014.


Kingsville, texas. Hello raza how are we doing today, I am Bill Diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news:

Barrio man wins law suit con disable toilets.

Warning called off for the rest of the day.

And finally some dam good news.

The hood is reminded que Halloween is just around the corner and remember that the barrio curfew for children under the age of 47 is 2a.m. for everybody else also don’t forget the permit.

Barrio warnings were issued throughout the day warning barrio members que there were two white men dress in black trying to rob and assault anyone and everyone. The whole hood was in a panic stage. My god says one of the barrio residents its worse that drinking cokes. (Editor’s note that there are only two types of persons in the hood either your white or black, In my case I’m a bit beige).


Yesterday we got word que the law suit filed by el compadre Daniel Perez had been giving approval and that certain restaurant and public places have to comply within a year. The law suit stated que handicap toilets were too high for handicap never the less regular people. You see he point out that you would have to be at least 6 foot tall in order to sit on handicap toilet and have your feet on the ground. By winning the lawsuit it is going to demand que all toilets sits not too be talker than two feet tall so short people could have contact with solid ground when they used them. All right raza.

Ok remember drive safe and watch out for children.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

hejola report for 10282014

Hejola report for 10282014.
Kingsville, tx. Hello Raza I am Fideo vermicelli con today’s award winning barrio headline news:
No need to explain, their just plain stupid.
Barrio gun control under sieges or something like that....
And now some darn good news.
Vote’s this year will be required to were their id’s on top of their heads if they are planning on vote, the reason the barrio leaders came up with this new rule, was so they can tell the differences between your butt and your face. Dang.
After an hour of debating for this year’s Justice of the peace, Russel rufus redneck point out during his debate con el ojo barrio private the current jp, que why should he sit here and explain ever point I make to stupid people? Well some in the crowd didn’t like his comment so they decided to leave before the event was over. As some made their way out of the room, Russell laid out one more comment, “hey before you guys leave take some tamales with you”! Oh yea we forgot to mention that there was free dinner and drinks for those who attended.
Yesterday a ton named Maria Anderson Molina (325) and Susana Green Munoz (256) and their smaller sister April Jackson Tellez (245) were arrested at the corner of third and wells along con some there ton friends, after they were told que their protest permit was for next weekend and not this weekend. Their protest was that they didn’t want the barrio leaders or anyone telling them when and when not they can carry their guns in public. But the constable pointed out that their permit was for a protest on new barrio ban on Tongs not guns.
Ok raza the moral of today’s news if you can’t read writing when its written than don’t try to read it.