Wednesday, October 12, 2011

hejola report for 10122011

Hejola report for 10122011.
Kingsville,tx. Hello my friends, Bill Diaz here con today’s award winning barrio headline news;
Barrio electric hotwired services burns house down.
Ten men and women arrested as a new movement enter the hood.
And finally gambling house shut down.
It seems like an old grocery store but once you got inside the place it looked more like some casino is las vegas, or something like that. The reason we busted this place after the city and county leaders made it legal to gamble in the hood, que it was paying out in cash, which is against the law. All the folks busted will be charged.
Yesterday afternoon the barrio butt bus, a moving strip bar was shut down at the corner of third and wells. It’s something that lots of big town have nowadays, says el constable. It was a business of providing adult entertainment on the move, in this case it was an old school bus, painted red, white , and blue con the words : express yourself entertainment. All the workers, driver, dances, and whoever was there were arrested and charges will be filed.
It seems que once you get your wires cross, it might be the end of someone’s treasures. That was the problem con Bill Escobar, the owner of Barrio electric hotwired services, when they were asked to rewire Gonzales home, a two story home located near the corner of third and wells. After they thought they had finished their job, and pull the switch on, it went so fast, que we didn’t have a chances to stop the fire from spreading, says Bill. The home went down fast and quick, not even the barrio loco volunteer firefighters had a chance to fight the flames. Charges are pending after an investigation is done by the real fire marshal from across the tracks.
Ok raza got to go.

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