Friday, November 20, 2009

barrio stock market report for 11202009

Barrio stock market report for 11202009.
Kingsville,tx. Hello once again mi raza I am Urbano Yosabatodo con the only barrio stock market on the net that you can really really count on. For today we are so freaking worried about this bit about people using corn for fuel. Chinga believe me raza las tortillas y la masa will go sky high sooner than later. Now for that darn award winning report;
Los tamalas, buy them now at the going rate of $5.50 a dozen , buy raza buy.
la barbacoa de caveza remains stable at $5.50 a lb.
Las tortillas remain stable at $1.35 a package of 12.
Cheap beer just got more expensive at $4.56 a six pack but we did find that bud lemon 18b pack pretty darn cheap.
Las empanas remain stable at $.75 cent each.
And today we have an extra idea that we will monitor the price of chicken. Look chickens are very interesting little animals. Raised on a farm and of course ex president of my senior 4-h club we felt que the county fair was something we all were always excited about. Well until we bought those 50 chickens and hoping que we could show at least three. Oh the price of chicken was moderate going at $.89 a lb. but we discovered it a $.19 cent a lb. wow.
Los taqutios remain stable but going up at the end of the month , taquitos ended the week at $1.50 each.

Barrio want ads:

X56862: several chickens and rabbits still available for sale. This flock is from this passed Easter. Make offer.
P54696: used t.v. for sale. It was big screen, now it's a middle size screen make offer.
U78933: used car and truck tires for sale. All sizes, we do special orders.
S98345: girls clothes for sale. All sizes.
I8934d: gay clothes for sale, some sizes.
T567390: straight tejano man clothing for sale. Only worn a couple of times, due to the fact que he turned gay, chinga chinga..

Barrio realtors report;
We have a few lots for sale, some fence posts and some bales of hay.
Ok raza there you have and have a great day. Remember, if you can’t eat it don't buy it.

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