Monday, September 26, 2016

hejola report for 09262016

Hejola report for 09262016.


Kingsville,texas. hello again I am Bill Diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news:

El compadre Trevino arrested again.

Yet another compadre arrested for stealing women underwear since 1995.

And finally el compadre Juan  janitor arrested.

Juan Lopez was arrested this past weekend in possession of a suspected stolen human brain that he stole from a medical research center located across the tracks. The brain was found under his ex-wife front porch that had been laced with his marijuana home embalming fluid. He will go to court in a few weeks. It was kind of funny says el constable because Juan was already known in the hood for “Brain Dead Juan”.

El compadre Ernesto Martinez believe he had gotten away with stealing womens underwear since 1995, but just last week he suffered a heart attack, and on his deathbed, in a fit of remorse, told a guard at the hospital the he had been the man stealing underwear and had to get it off his chest before he died. However the folks at the st. pauls medical center saved him and wanted to take his confession back. He was arrested yesterday and facing several years in for robbery and burglary.

And finally Its seems that some relatives never learn, after spending several months, than weeks, than days and a few hours behind bars. El compadre had that bad habit of asking women for piggyback rides. He was arrested twice in three days.

Ok raza have a great day.

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