Wednesday, June 26, 2019

hejola report for 06262019

Hejola report for 06262019.
Kingsville, Texas
Hello again I am bill diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news:

Barrio leader new slogan “whip it good”;
Yesterday afternoon at a very large gathering of 5 people, 2 mules, 10 ducks and a few chicken chit chicken were in attendance at Tomas Trumpas re- election rally encouraging everyone and everything in the hood to buy his new slogan items A “Whip” some butt in 2020... Yes he told the very large small group that we are going to whip-ass and turn this country around. At the very end of his presentation the only remaining persons and animals were 2 chickens and donkey.
“Whip” carrying person gets his butt kicked:
After attending a Whip rally some of the attendee felt that they could take it on their own and use it on members of the hood just to realize que it was a very very bad idea! Juanita el Donkey and Manuel el pato walked into a well-known Gay bar and decided to whip up some butt inside the bar but suddenly realized that the boys weren’t going to give in that easy resulting into get their butts kicked. Charges are pending and the constable is asking for the public or anyone to let hinm know about 2 stolen whips that were reported stolen. A small whip-ass reward is being offered.
Trumpas kids reported spit on :
How can anyone or anything do such a disgusting act like spitting on Juna the oldest daughter of barrio leader Trumps. The incident occurred again at the barrio only gay bar “two tons of Fun”. El constable told us que the followers and barrio leader relatives should stop going to bars and cocktail lounges that they know that trouble will be brewing. Charges are pending, but a small clue was forwarded to the constable about some folks were caring a whip!
Ok raza make sure que you whip, whip good!

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