Thursday, June 6, 2013

tejano manifesto 2013

 Tejano manifesto, the art of trying to resuscitate Tejano.


Kingsville, TX. My name is General Fideo Vermicelli; I have been assigned to present this Manifesto on Tejano by our creator, so here it is;

Tejano manifesto 2012, the art of trying to resuscitate Tejano.  

Have you noticed lately on how the Tejano moment has expand its wings in all areas of media connections? If not that’s cool, it really doesn’t matter. If one person had decided to take it on his own to represent Tejano in their own little world, would we mine? I know I wouldn’t, but then there are some Tejano that might take omission to that believe.

Let me explain, when a handful of folk decided to try an tackle the issue of Tejano and how to improve its situation for the future, doesn’t really matter what they said, or does it? How many times have we heard the same stuff over and over by the same stale veined persons and groups that have really done nothing about la onda but profit from it?

Now I am sure that many will disagree and very few will agree that we all need new blood but does it have to be from the same old veins? It’s funny how many try to predict and dictate to other how it should be, but in return they are the ones that don’t have clue to what it will take.  It makes no differences what group one belongs too or starts to organize, it a matter of principal and how you go about it.

This all reminds me of when our creator was student body president of the university he graduate from. Of course he wasn’t the norm age of pasted elected leaders but a grown man at the age 35.

Now the problem was how university admistrators were going deal with grown up man, when in the past they have been dealing with younger students with no political experiences. From old issue of what type of ice cream should be served to how mandate the usage of student fees and so forth in the present and future?

This manifesto only represents the ignorance many have of trying to come up con solutions when they don’t even the see how our future is already headed for? But yet it’s the same old veins that will keep the blood flowing about Tejano matters, to new users and it will be same old veins that will try to bring down Tejano if you don’t see their way.  I will quote a good Tejano partner of mine that asked me where Chicano cable hot wired news network went wrong. My answer was “I was trying to be a good guy”.

When we first create our news services, own goal was to confront those same issues, and those individuals that we thought could come up with answers to many questions pertaining to Tejano. Yet, we failed and moved away from being confrontationally, instead we just went along and tired not to step on anyone toes, or make waves that might cause us some friendships, we did failed.

In trying to salvage our own soul, and reputation as a Tejano leader we abandoned our original intention, but instead lead us to believe that good guys don’t win anymore.  I am Fidel Vermicelli, keep it Tejano.

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