Tuesday, August 13, 2013

howdy hejola report for 08132013

Howdy hejola report for 08132013.


Kingsville, TX. Howdy partner how things around your neck of the woods is,

I am country pancho with today’s this here award winning howdy barrio headline news.

Constable respond to neighbors heard screaming.

50 cats, 12 raccoons, and 58 rabbit’s found at Westside residents.

And finally la commadre arrested for nudity.

It seems que el barrio or better known as Westside, ran into a bit of a large amount of women  protesting yesterday evening at the only all nude strip tavern. It seems que las commadres didn’t realize que la commanda Amanda delazona was the main stripper and the owner. However charges might be dropped says el constable cadena due to the fact que in the public interest this tavern is registered as an adult art gallery, where by law the indecent exposure law does allow nude models that so happen also dance. The barrio judge will hear arguments in ten day when the trial set for sept 2033.

The barrio human society or better known as let me save you little critter ass, were called to  A resident at the corner of wells and third where they found inside the home, 50 cats, 12 raccoons’,And 58 rabbits’. El senor y la senorita Juan y Juana la Cuban are being charged con chingos de Counts of having animals in their home without a permit. In addition los Cubans tell us que all These animals were being raised for the barrio zoo located at the Westinghouse barrio mal. But once el senor Ruiz the director of the barrio zoo, told this report que who in the hell were la familia Cuban, and why would they want any more cats, raccoons, and rabbits when we already have more than enough. Charges will be filed. Oh by the way all the animals were turned loose around the corner of third and wells.

And finally, Yesterday afternoon, el constable cadena y su barrio delta force666 responded to several calls Made by neighbors who hear blood curdling screams. Once they, el constable y su staff got there,They found el barrio theatre group was rehearsing their one act play, “la LLorona”. Once the constable realized what was going on, they notice que it wasn’t really an emergency, they called off all the cops that had surrounded the place.

Well raza there you have it, you all come back now…..

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