Tuesday, April 30, 2019

hejola report for 04302019

Hejola report for 04302019.
Kingsville, Texas. Hello I am primo Bill Diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news:
Los primo son gringitos;
It seems that to most relatives that have inter-race marriages seen to forget from where they came from. That was the case yesterday when a long lost primo visited la prima and lost primos for a short while. It seem que el long lost primo couldn’t stand the flies at the barbeque party that they asked him to leave along con su pincha flies. ESTA Vato...
Corner of third and wells construction:
Yesterday barrio leaders told barrio residents to avoid the corner of third and wells due to the major construction going on. After asking a few barrio residents what did they think about the construction going on said, what construction! You mean them holes in the street, oh them hoes! Oh I see.

And finally tax returns;
Yesterday a truck load of refunds checks were brought into town after they had been send to the wrong side of the railroad tracks. You see we have Westside and Eastside same address and some have address and so don’t have address, anyhow if you are missing a refund check come on by the barrio justice of the peace and check to see if your name is on one of them checks..
Ok raza see you later esa..

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