Tuesday, May 12, 2009

barrio news network con maria la vandia

Barrio news network con maria la vandia.
Kingsville,tx. heaveno how are you , I am maria la vandia. I am really really mad con that chump Daniel lopez y su cchwnn. Since he don’t have anything to write about he goes about an post old stuff. I hate for him to keep on bringing my old pass up. But that’s another story.

Now for todays barrio news.

Well folks as we all knew and now know que since 1990 the increase in immigration has not hurt the employment prospects for many of us Americans. Yes the American worker. A study was released not too long ago and there is no evidence that increase of immigrations led to higher umemployment among Americans, said Rakesh Kochbar. Now the study however did not look at whether wages were affected. So who in the hell wants to dirty jobs that esta gente do? We all know that especially being here in texas. Look muchos won’t admit que they have at one time used mojados to do work around el rancho, your home, your yard, or even clean your home. You know it and so do i. Ok, so wha’ts the big deal? It’s the cartel my friend, it’s the cartel that is going to start that war at our southern end of this great country.

Now how about this for a summer vacation. Anytime a barrio member decides to take a vacation up north people there still think que you are a migrant worker. Si a migrant worker.

Now this is a story about such a vato that went to Wisconsin this past summer a few years ago, and details were changed a bit to keep the story more real. Most Texans in the 60’s we some what green bay packers fans. I know I was. Anyhow esta vato now that we will call chanito Johnson. Well chanito has always be and still is a packer fan. Anyhow that summer he had a change to go to Wisconsin con some friends. So chanito saw his change to visit green bay , in which by the way I have been there.

Anyhow chanito manages to get to green bay and got a change to visit Lambeau field but doesn’t have the funds to take the tour. Somehow he manages to come across a janitor or a person that works on the field. Chanito explained to this man que he wanted to just see the field and maybe bring back a small piece of that green green grass lambeau field is known for.

Well that wasn’t going to happened explained the janitor to chanito . so man if we were to allow everyone that visited our stadium take a piece of grass there wont be any grass leave.

Anyhow as the janitor opened the gate to the field, el chanito hauled ass on the field and started to eat its grass. Here the janitor called the cops and our boy chanito got arrested for trespassing and eating lambeau field grass. When he was takened to jail and was taken to court that same day. The judge fined him three hundred dollars for trespassing and required chanito to stay in jail until he passed all the grass he had eaten.

The moral of this story I quess is “dreams come true just don’t blow it”.

I am maria la vandia for barrion news network ,,, good day.

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