Friday, November 21, 2014

westside warrior news networkd for 03262009

Westside warrior news network for 03262009.
Kingsville,tx. Hi folks lewis mojo lewis here with our award winning barrio headline news. Man oh man do we have some good news for you today:
Barrio jail closed down.
Barrio leaders buy old electric chair.
And Topless jobs for jobless folks in the hood.
El compadre martry chapa saw how lots of folks are jobless and are willing to do almost anything for money. Well, since martin chapa is the owner of La Onda record shop, he decided to hire a few new employees, but since the job market is prompting a growing number of men and women in strip clubs, he decided to hired topless cashiers. Si If you think that you can turn things around in my record shop come on down and apply for a topless cashier. Martry tell us que he has flexible schedules and fast cash as tips. So come on down and see if you make that more.

In other news, It seems que barrio leaders from our side of the tracks came up with the idea of purchasing an old electric chair they saw on sale on barrio want ads. The barrio leaders decided to purchase the chair and place it inside the barrio community center and use it as a tourist attraction, alongside the oldest tree in the county. Si says, Eliseo Everett, we have a plan to bring more tourist into the hood, that usually don’t visit this side of the tracks. This chair can bring in lots of bucks.

And finally, a serious notes, It seems que there are many questions of why the barrio jail house was closed down and el constable cadena suspended for a week without pay? After this reporter did some investigating we found out that inside the small brick building across for the barrio community center, some inmates had the run of the place. In some cases the prisoners were having sex with their jailer girlfriends, bringing in recliners, taking drugs and chatting on cell phones supplied by friends and guards according to outside authorities. In some cases the doors to the cells didn’t even lock, but apparently no one tried to escape- perhaps because they had everything they needed inside the jailhouse. Further investigations will be done.
Gee sorry to hear about our constable but we are sure he will be alright.

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