Tuesday, February 16, 2016

hejola report for 02162016

Hejola report for 02162016.


Kingsville,Texas. hello again I am Bill Diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news:

Vato arrested con Maria La Vandia doll obsession.

Two barro vato’s wanted to rob liquor store, but one shot himself and the other one was stabbed.

Leader of vato’s loco volunteer firefighter asked to move.

And some darn good news.

La Raza seems never to let me down, and now we Raza complaining about stuff they heard on that wolf tv station. My god Raza let’s just face it, if the shoe fits please take it off your making a butt out of yourself. It seems that all of a sudden we think people are taking advantage of our system, look who’s talking!

El loco Arthur Flores, chief of the vato’s loco volunteer firefighters was asked to move himself and his wife and his seven dogs from the el barrio community center, where the volunteer are located or it was going to shut down the upstairs rooms where he had taken his residence. The chairman of el barrio community center told this reporter que we didn’t mind it for a while, but it’s been years now and he said he would move out in a few days, seven years ago. There is a different between sleeping in the center and living in the center. Charges are pending.

It seems que more and more raza are trying to move on up the chart of higher income by attempting more armed robberies. That was the case con Juan y Juan Jr. attempted to rob again Billy’s boys liquor store at the end of third and wells street. When the whole thing was over it seems que juan jr. shot himself on the foot when he dropped the gun after he was surround by law dogs and Juan was stabbed in the right leg by the owner of the store. Both were men were arrested and charges are pending.

Since Maria la vandia released her 2008 Maria la vandia Barrio dolls, a vato named David Junior, has collected all seven models of Maria’s dolls. But this weekend David was arrested at one of the barrio malls after a mall police man spotted an array of rated x magazines, in his front seat of his car. Once the police searched the car, they found women’s underwear, and the entitle collection of naked Maria la vandia dolls all lined un on the back seat of his car. Furthermore, when they went to search his the trunk they found a bunch of Polaroid photos of all Maria la Vandia dolls naked and their heads cut off. Charges are pending.

Ok gringitos and gringitas great job, and don’t forget where we came from, Raza?

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