Tuesday, March 21, 2017

westinghouse barrio mall newsletter for 03212017

Westinghouse barrio mall newsletter for 3212017.


Kingsville,Texas.  Hello I am Gloria Guerra con our newsletter that we are force to share space with you know who. But putting that all aside let’s get to our mall correspondent General Fideo vermicelli.

Well Gloria things are not going to smooth, it seems que a last year, during the annual clown fest, and a mall customer was hit in the head by a flying sex object and causing extensive head and shoulder injuries. It seems Baudelia Hawkins, tells this report que the mall should have had better security knowing que those clowns are out of control, and she is seeking more than $40,000 in medical bills, and barrio emotional stress and punitive damages. And by the way she gets real upset when she sees a clown. Gloria we will be going to court in the real near future.

(Ok thanks General. Now let’s go to our gal Blanca Blanch Blanco).

Si Gloria, we don’t think that this law suit will hold any ground. But talking about our mall, a group of locos better known as the only barrio poltergeist group “poltergeist de la Tierra de aztlan” will gather this weekend for their first group meeting. The mall has allowed them to stay overnight when the mall is close to see if the mall is haunted or any weird poltergeist activities going on while the mall is close. Back to you Gloria boohoos.

(Ok raza there you have it now back to the command post).


Now let’s go to our “ocean front properties mall”, just west from the corner of third and wells.

Hi there I am mall manager Hilma Dalia Hawkins, from Hawkins’s barrio properties. We are very pleased to provide you, el barrio shopper with the best darn customer services to make your spending money much easier and enjoyable. We consider ourselves the best mall in the hood or better known this side of tracks, just west from the corner of third and wells attracting customers from all over the county. And we do promise to be friendly, convenient, and promise to maintain our properties both inside and outside and keep the mall area clean and inviting. We have hired real security personnel and do promise to maintain a safe and secure environment. Have a great day and don’t forget if you can’t eat it don’t buy it.

Ok Raza so now we have a barrio mall and a west-side mall just west from the corner of third and wells, again Raza come on down and don’t forget we don’t accept major credit cards nor real cash, monopoly, and always remember “ your business is our business and my business is none of your business”.

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