Tuesday, April 13, 2010

paris del helles daily for 04142010

Cchwnn: Paris del helles daily for 04142010.
(Bonjour de nouveau je suis Francisco Delgado Gaulle avec aujourd'hui Paris Del Helles Daily. Le défaut de la reproduction sonore ont des choses être ici folles. Il y a eu des grèves des émeutes y et qui sait quoi encore. Oui le raza ceci avait maintenant continué pendant des jours et nous avions observé des fenêtres à notre septième bureau de plancher ici à Paris. Le tourisme a souffert un peu étant donné le que ce des rioters s'étaient concentrés sur d'autres parties de

ville. L'odeur du gaz lacrymogène et l'odeur de la fumée est très distincte dans le ciel. Ainsi avec toute la ceci nous vous rappelons maintenant Kingsville, le Texas notre poteau de commande et diaz de facture, êtes-vous des types là ?)
Hello once again I am Francisco Delgado Gaulle with today Paris Del Helles Daily.
Wow has things being here crazy. There have been riots y strikes and who knows what else. Yes raza this has been going on for days now and we have been watching from the windows at our seventh floor office here in Paris. Tourism has suffered a bit due to the fact que these rioters have been concentrating on other parts of the city. The smell of tear gas and the smell of smoke are very distinct in the air. So with all of this we now take you back to Kingsville, Texas our command post and bill Diaz, are you guys there?
Hejola report for 04142010.
Kingsville,tx. Hello again raza como estan. Man oh man does our creator like to start shit. Anyhow here is our award winning barrio headline news:
Standoff at Wells Street, goes into one week,
Barrio getting ready for this weekend clown fest 2006.
And after Easter consumer warning handed out by volunteer firefighters.
Los vatos locos volunteer firefighters would like to inform barrio members on not to consume too much left over candy from this past Easter. Si raza there has been many of you out there have being real good during lent and now that lent is over don’t blow it. That don’t mean que once lent is over que you can go crazy y back to your evil ways. Things here at the firehouse have been real quiet and we hope to keep that way. And we also want to remind all the kids in the hood que we thank you for doing a great job on that BARRIO RECYCLE CAN HUNT, a huge success.
In other news the whole hood is bracing its self for this weekend’s BARRIO CLOWN FEST, to be held this Saturday and Sunday at the Westinghouse barrio mall. The constable has hired a few extra patrolmen to help us keep this fest under control. This year’s fest will include several clown unions and a bunch of clown associations and a few independent clowns are expected to attend this year’s clown fest. The clown fest had been cancelled for the last two years due to the fights and riots this clowns cause every time they gather. We are hoping que this year’s clown fest we clowns can come to some agreement on getting all this clowns unionized.
And finally let’s go to Lewis mojo Lewis cons a follow-up on that stand off on Wells Street.
wha da dilly yo? ah be lewis mojo lewis here wiff dis here update. well da city leaders gots decided ta give da residents o' 500 block o' south wells street uh week from yesterday ta move all they sheeit from da ocuppied city street dey gots takened over da last tweny years. at dat tyme da city will take legal action against dis here tweny five residents an' two little chiquaquqw. dis here folks who in da last week gots helded city workers back from cleaning dat abandon street. well da residents gots helded dis here workers at bay con sticks an' roxors an' uh water holes. we's will keep ya informed on any new things dat might be happening here. ah be lewis mojo lewis. in the hood.
Ok thanks Lewis mojo Lewis and we will wait to see what happens con that stand off on Wells Street. I am bill Diaz from our command post have a great tejano day.

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