Friday, April 13, 2012

exclusive interview con web jefe abel, tejano journal 2012

Exclusive interview con Web Jefe Abel, Tejano Journal, 2012.


San anto, Texas. Hi Santa Cecilia con on the road again, this week our travel takes us to san anto, to interview one of the very first web site owners not to ban us, many years ago, and that is Abel, con Tejano journal. But enough of that, let’s get to that interview.

Sc: well well well, Mr. Abel it’s really nice to see meet you sir, by the way can you give me a big hand off this bicycle?

Tj: Okay, let me get my back brace. Ah, there. Now put your shoes and shirt back on.

SC: hey hey,let’s start by asking I am sure you got a lot of beef from Tejano, by allow us to post our barrio news and interview on your web site all this years, is there any regret by doing this?

TJ: No, no regret ... yet. Everyone seems to have gotten use to the barrio news. Sometimes it's even funny.

SC : what trends have you noticed on your website that have not changed all this years on la on tejana?

TJ: oh, people bringing up that we all need to do something to get tejano music back to where it used to be. A lot of people are doing their part so hopefully one day we'll get our break again and put Tejano back on the map.

SC: throughout the years, it seems que only a handful of diehard tejanos have remained with their posting on your site, is there any way to determined how many hits you get a day from non posting persons?

TJ; Yes, there is way and I used to keep track of it for years and post it on my web site so my advertises could see it but I haven't done that anymore. It was too much work and unless I get a big advertiser (like some beer or liquor company to pay big bucks like I once had) I won't be doing anytime soon.

SC: The other day we got some negative remarks that we will not share the name of the persons of course, but would like to see what you think. They felt que when we interview the person for TMA , we didn’t ask hard questions on matters from the past leadership and programming. Do you think que there are reason why we should dwell in the past activities and confront those who were respond able, in areas such as funding, and profits and low attendances or just report on the future of TMA?

TJ:Well, I'm sure that those that were "burnt" will always try to bring up the pass but in order to progress, we need to forgive and forget (like I have) and just keep positive. By the way, all of the people that work for TTMA in the last 10 years have treated me great. But at the beginning I did encounter a few problems. I prefer not to bring the pass up anymore cause I know it'll only hurt the present TTMA that I feel are doing the best they can to keep Tejano alive.

SC: what is your review with the increase of Tejano websites throughout the year, would Tejano journal ever consider having music to your viewers delight in the background?

Tj:All of these new Tejano web sites are great. The more the merrier. Playing music in the background is a good idea but it will take up a lot of bandwidth. So I'm not to thrill about that.

Sc: what changes have you noticed con la onda Tejana since you first started?

Tj:Well, the most obvious is the decline of Tejano radio stations. It's great having all these internet radio stations but not everyone can listen to them while driving.

SC: is Tejano journal website really a place to share important issues that other Tejano websites have not done?

TJ:Yes it is. Everyone that I meet and talk to seems to read the Tejano Journal even if only a few post. Everyone knows that if something happens, it will be posted on the Tejano Journal. Let least links to where the information is will be posted. That helps everyone from having to visit dozens of web sites just to see if anyone has something.

SC: lately we have noticed que all posting have been kept pretty positive about la onda, does that surprise you que folks have just stopped complaining about such things and not limited to this, Houston livestock show programming, Tejanos not been recognized by major musical awards, and so on?

TJ:Well, give it time, it will pop up again and it should. We need to keep bringing these issues up until we see some changes.

SC: how does one get to post dances and other Tejano programs on your website?

TJ:They simply just need to register in order to post tejano related stuff.

SC : I notice some time ago que there was a drive to add pictures to certain posting and then it just stopped, what happen to that idea?

TJ:What happened was I kept coming into the Journal and see extremely large posters. A lot of people don't know how to reduce the size of their photos before posting them. I'll have to add logic to my Tejano Journal to automatically control that. Until I do, I can not allow anyone to post photos. Also clubs will take over and start posting banner, posters, etc taking over the Tejano Journal like it has happened before.

SC: is there anything you would like to share with the millions of tejanos that read and post on your website?

TJ:Only that the Tejano Journal belongs to them. If they don't post their information, then the Journal is useless. But as long as people keep posting, people will keep coming back.

SC: again sir you have been a great friend and a great Tejano leader, when times are hard sir many just need a helping hand, can you give us a hand back on this bicycle and point south to hwy 281 sir?

TJ;Okay, let me get my back brace. Uh .....

SC: as I leave one of the very first tejanos website that we started posting on, just thinking about how great this man is, I am Santa Cecilia la que te canta, good day.

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