Wednesday, August 21, 2019

hejola report for 08212019

Hejola report for 08212019.
Kingsville, Texas. Hello again I am bill diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news;

Barrio bingo games overwhelm;
It seems that if you are going to get married make sure you have reserved the location way ahead of time, this these to be the case when several brides and bridesmaids showed ready to celebrate a bachelorette party at the barrio bingo house. The problem was the no one told the owners of the barrio bingo house about the party arrangements. La Prima Maria said we came here to listen some good music and have fun and not to listen to a guy yelling out numbers. After a few tense moments thing were arranged and the bingo was going to start at a later time so this want to wives can get some of their future frustrations out of their system!

Vacation pictures right here at home:
El barrio Viva la Tour vacation agency has a service that can save you chingos do money. They offer a fake vacation trip to any iconic destination! Crazy Lou Chavez owner tell us that his fake vacations package offers your photograph superimpose you in a photo from the most popular vacation spot, such as barrio flea market, 2 tons of fun Tejano gay bar, Westinghouse barrio mall, barrio trail on a bicycle, swimming at the Frio River, and so on, for you to post on your barrio social media, and a ton of postcards also. All this for a low price of $99.99 so you can have a legit vacation or justified time taken off from work, you know what I mean. He told us why not!!! Oh by the way there is no refunds for your dignity!

No dummies allowed;
The brand new Barrio drive in El Rancho theater has a real strict rule on how many people you need to bring to the drive inn without been charged double; the theater drive inn has a $10 per car load, or 5 bucks a person. This opening weekend it refused to let 22 cars and 10 trucks that didn’t meet the minimum requirement of person into the area. In some cases a few number of people had several mannequins, dogs, pigs, ducks, and even a donkey dressed like real folks.  The owner said that don’t let this be you next time, because we aren’t going to let you in to nowhere!

Barrio man in big trouble;
We all know that our relatives are not the best roommates to have living with you. Nick O’bma Ruiz was arraigned last week with two counts of abuse of a corpse and one count of criminal mischief after he snored his grandparent’s ash think his relatives were hold out on him. It seems that his mother was fed up with his drinking and marijuana use and asked him to leave. A few days later his mother found out that Nick had snort his parent’s remains that were stored in a shoe box in his room. When the constable confronted Nick, he said he didn’t know anything about any ashes and denied any involvement. Later that day Nick here, texted his mother and told her that he would snort her remains when she dies also.
Ok raza if you have your aid come in don’t spend it all in one place.

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