Thursday, August 22, 2019

hejola report for 08222019

Hejola report for 08222019.
Kingsville, Texas. Hello again I am Bill Diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news;

Hey dude;
Last night el constable Cadena was responding to a report of a car crash at the corner of third and wells. When he got there he found one of the drivers, had gotten out of his car and removed all his clothes before started to walk across the street. As el constable tried to arrest him Sam Diaz, he hit the constable with a rubber ducky in the head. With the help of several homeless people and a lot of pepper spray they were able to subdue Diaz and was charged with assault on a county government official. Just to let you know that the constable was not too badly injured con el changaso to the head with that rubber ducky, but Diaz was taken across the tracks to lalaland hospital for observation.

Bomb threat what;

When the barrio Westinghouse barrio mall received a bomb threat this pasted Saturday, it didn’t take long for the mall manager to empty the mall area. When the task force 666 and los vato loco’s volunteer fighters along con el constable searched the mall ground area didn’t find nothing that was because the threatening phone call actually came from across the tracks. Marcos Garcia was arrested for making the threat and was reported that he called the wrong mall where he had just been fired from western eastside mall, and not the Westinghouse barrio mall.

Fake pet isn’t real;
Yesterday el barrio constable got a call from a vato that had been watching a cat that hadn’t moved in several days. So el constable called in Henry Garcia barrio dog catcher to see if they could catch the cat and give it a blood test to see what was wrong with it. When Garcia approached the cat it didn’t make a move nor any attempt to escape. After getting a real close look it seen that it was a fake cat stuffed by a taxidermist. The constable told us que it was clearly been placed as a prank, in additional to that it seems that someone had been moving it around the neighborhood. The department decided to discard the cat "to avoid any further calls."

Ok raza have a great day.

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