Friday, November 2, 2012

barrio stock market report for 11022012

barrio stock market report for 12022012.


Kingsville,tx . Now from our command post here in sunny downtown Kingsville, here is urbano yosabatodo..Hello big spenders how are we today.  Well it’s Friday and paid day for many. Of course those that are expecting a check due to some other reason, just hang in there, it’s in the mail.  I always have problem on payday. Just don’t know how to save money…. Shoot man there ain’t never enough money to save? But things are looking much better. Now for that award winning barrio stock market report :

Los taquitos have had a jump start here lately. We noticed a sign que said two taquitos and a cup of coffee for $2.25. Now that a slight jump on price, but all indicators show que los taquitos will not go up on price till next year. For some reason taquitos do not go up on price during the holidays. Huh taquitos ended the week at  $1.85 each, coffee is extra.

Los tamales are a different story. Los tamales do go up and down on price during the holidays. At the present time tamales are going for $5.00 a dozen and are expected to go up to $6.00 for the holidays.  But several tamales brokers are a bit worried because the hood, well our side of the tracks are think on passing that city law were folks couldn’t make tamales at home. That is still pending. Here we go again con “el tamale war of 1997”

Las empanadas have remain kind of stable since this past. In  March  they to a jump from .69 cent each to .89cents each.  I promise we will never ever again see them at four for a dollar. Never again.

Now for that market that we can’t say, has been really unstable.  Since the raid at los primos bar and grill and the cops finding at least twenty pounds of weed, it has been kind of hard to locate any at a reasonable price.  But there are always those folks that are willing to take the chance and providing all those who need it for medication. A twenty kind of still looks like a twenty.  I don’t know , I have been told

Las tortillas ended the week stable but steady going up, ended the week at $1.59 a package

La barbacoba de cabeza ended the week at $6.00 a pound.

And finally cheap beer. Several years ago , esta pincha vato from somewhere in Dallas was complaining que beer was too expensive at bars. So we did and still do recommend that you buy a twelve pack of the cheap beer and a drink several at home before you go out. Then jump on that car, que you are still paying on and stick your head out the window and drive at about 75 mph. now we do guarantee que you will have a buzz before you get to the bar. Now the new hairstyle you got is free. Cheap beer remains stable at $3.65 a six-pack.


Ok raza got to go and  have fun this weekend and if you do go out don’t take all your money because that payment is more important que esta party con el shortly…

 I am urbano yosabatodo: “if you can’t eat it don’t buy it”…

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