Thursday, November 15, 2012

eclusive interivew con Tony Guerrero, la sombra 2012

Exclusive interview con Tony Guerrero, La Sombra, 2012.
San Antonio,Texas. Hello mi raza como estan? I am Santa Cecilia la que te canta, con on the road again interview. This week our bicycle takes us to san anto to meet up con a widely popular man that has made musical history in his own way, Tony Guerrero, de la sombra. Now for that interview.

Sc; helloTony como estas, can you please give me a hand of this bicycle?

Tg: Sure! Give me your hand, I don’t want you to fall off your bike, BTW, I’m doing GOOD! GRACIAS A DIOS!... :)

Sc; gee sir where should we start? Let’s talk about the earlier days, how old were you when you left Aurora. Illinois and why??

Tg: I was in about 20 years old when I left, I left cuz there was many more shows to do in texas....,

Sc; what made la Sombra want to move to Corpus Christi, Texas?

Tg; Well, We couldn’t keep going back & forth to Chicago after every weekend, So we moved to CC Tx.

Sc; when you were growing up sirs, who were your major influences to get into la onda tejana?

Tg; I would have to say, My Mom Maria, and My Sister, Maria Luisa, Listening to My Mom and Sister sing every day, Got Me hooked on music....

Sc; did you parents play an important role now and then?

Tg: My Parents are Both passed away, QUE NUESTRO SENOR LOS TENGA EN SU GLORIA, I LOVE & MISS U's BOTH, MOMMY & DAD, They sure did play a B.I.G. Role in My Life! They raised me showing right from wrong, I have NEVER drank or smoked in My Life, NEVER done any kinds of Drugs, It’s hard to believe, cuz of da bizness Im in, BUT IT's TRUE! :)

Sc; wow that is something, not to many people know how big is your family, can you tell us a little bit about your brothers and sisters?

Tg: I have 2 Brothers, Cruz & Gavino, 6 Sisters, Wicha, Jela, Pipa, Chuca, Yoli, and Kiki, Those are their nick names, And 2 Brothers that passed on....

Sc; does it make you feel old sir when you heard other successful popular groups give you credit as their major influences for the “flamboyant-in your-face musical presentation?

Tg; Na, I NEVER feel OLD! LOL, It does feels pretty cool! GREAT! To know that we have influence other Kids to make a better choice in doing music, than taking another route and be get in trouble....

Sc; how hard has it been on your personal life travel all over the country and how much traveling do you do today?

Tg: Well, It really has never been hard, I've always love to travel, And da good part about it, was dat We were ALL FAMILY IN DA GROUP, I take dat back, There was a little hard part about it, We would go on tour for 6 months, Go back to Chicago for 2 weeks, Then hit da road again, Dats something we did for like 5 or 6 years, Dat means, We hardly saw our Families in Chicago, To top it off, Those 2 weeks dat we would go back home, We would also work....

Sc: hasthere been a time sir that you wish you might have started another career?

Tg; Yes, From da very begining, I had just tookn a test for a job at da post office, and I past it, But I decided music was wat I wanted to do....

Sc: from thethousands of performances you done, is there still one that stands out?

Tg: There are so many dat stand out, Through All da USA & MEXICO, Everywhere we went, go, They're always waiting for us with open arms.... Some FANS, FRIENDS, Even cook for us, when we get into their Cities....

Sc: many still consider you guys a band from the past, in your opinion is la Sombra still on top of your game?


Sc; yea thats what i want to hear, do you believe in vampires sir?

Tg; Only girls dat try to give you a hicky.... lol, :)

SC; i know some of them, how many musical awards has la sombra won?

Tg; We have MANY AWARDs, GOLD & PLATINUM RECORDS, Our Latest singles, Which were release on May 31, 2012 #1 "ES UNA FREAKYTONA" Which Features My Son "DZ" Won song of the year At The Tejano Globe Awards, #2 "NO TE PERDONO" Both songs have Hit da #1 spot on so many radio stations in da USA & MEXICO, Since they both were release, SO DATS WHY I SAY, WE STILL ON TOP OF DA GAME, BUT ONLY THERE, B-CUZ OUR FANS PUT US THERE, ON TOP OF DA GAME..... :)

Sc; Tony many in la onda, don’t like for us to ask the question the way we ask it. In your opinion is la onda tejana dying?

Tg; I dont know if it's dying, But it’s not wat it used to be....

Sc; if given the chance to speak with a group of young musicians what encouraging wordswould you say to them?

Tg; Always look forward, never look back, wats behind is already behind, There will always be ups & downs, IF IT'S UP? LET IT TAKE IT WITH YOU, IF IT's A DOWN FALL, DONT! LET IT TAKE IT WITH YOU,

Sc: has there been a time that you and your family had different perceptive on the future of la sombra?

Tg: Yes, But everything getz worked out....

Sc; and finally sir, is there anything you would like to share with your fans fromaround the world?


Sc; ok tony one last question, is there a traditional thing you do before any performances?

Tg; A PRAYER.... :)

Sc: now tony I want to thank you sir for this interview, do you mind if you can give me a hand back on
the bicycle and allow me stay overnight with you guys?

Tg; SURE! NO! PRO! BLEM! O! :) Thank you SantaCelia!!!! :) GOD BLESS!!!!

Sc; as I ride up and down the hills on my way back to Kingsville,I can’t stop thinking how great it must be to have a job like mine,
I am santa cecila la que te canta.

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