Friday, January 16, 2015

westinghouse barrio mall newsletter 01152015

Westinghouse barrio mall newsletter 01152015.
Kingsville,Texas. Hello again raza I am Gloria Guerra con today’s award winning barrio news:
Barrio mall re-open after terrorist notification.
Tattoo shop owners rally outside our office....
And finally some darn bad news.
The dust has not settled yet from all the protestors here at our office, the bad news is that our creator (Daniel) has made every effort to work with this people that are complaining about the issue concerning tattoos. So for now we will not write or make any comments about tattoos or our fellow Christians.
A few grown men and women rallied around our office at the corner of third and wells protesting the last few day’s editorial about Christians and tattoos. El Hombre de la Tinta (Juan Luna) the owner of the two tattoo shops in the hood told the group que the Hejola report should not be getting involved con peoples free will choices and nevertheless religion issues. He also said que they were going to keep the pressure on Bill Diaz, that whatever woman or man Veronica la lesbian, and that trashy Maria La Bandia. How dare this people talk about tattoos when they themselves might have one, the question now is do they have one? More on this matter later, but for now eat my grit.

El constable Cadena was responding to a terror note left at the front door of the mall a few days ago. But after close review it was not a terrorist note but a red slip letting the mall know that the water and electrics will be shut down due lack of payment. I guess if you got a notice that things were going to get shut off would be a terror in one’s mind.
Ok raza have a great taboo day, lol.

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