Tuesday, January 19, 2016

hejola report for 01192016


Hejola report for 01192016.


Kingsville, Texas. hello raza I am Alcardio Samudio con today’s award winning barrio headline news:

Barrio redneck arrested.

Raza protest “two tons of fun bar”.

Fight breaks out at tailgate party, again.

And now so darn good news.

Barrio leaders have all agreed to repair as many streets the city budget can afford without closing them instead. All right. Oh I did fail to mention that could be about maybe one block out of 52 blocks. Now the question is which block?

You know once in a while we can understand way Dallas Cow fans can be a bit upset them boys aren’t going nowhere again, but them Dallas fans don’t seem to understand you can’t go to a tailgate party for those teams moving up dress like a Dallas Cow fan. Well these bunch of fans that live in denial believe that it’s still their team but in different color uniform. Well after a few cases of beer and partying some of the other team fans got a bit fat up with how great the Dallas team was started a fight and kick a chit load of cow fans and ran them off from the location the party was being held. Thank the lord by the time the constable got there them boys fans had already left. But the constable was able to find lots of cow fans stuff left behind, he told me dang today is my lucking day.

It came out of nowhere when at least 7 persons showed up with protest signs and slogans at the two tons of fun bar, which by the way it’s the only Tejano gay bar in world, anyhow they seem to be complaining about letting dogs and cats and some farm animals inside the bar on Thursdays and Thursday only. One of the protester told us how in the world can you allow this to happen, I can understand letting them vote and stuff but go bar hopping, my god! Keep your pets at home or back yard where they belong. No arrest so far.

Many think that rednecks are a certain kind of folks that believe in what they believe and if you don’t believe what they believe than you are not one of them. But around here a redneck can be a white person who lives in a small town or in the country especially in the southern U.S., who typically has a working-class job, and who is seen by others as being uneducated and having opinions and attitudes that are offensive, well this weekend it ended this believe due to the fact that Juan Martinez was accused of being a barrio redneck when he went over to the folks BBQ party asking them to lower that Spanish chit music. After several of the party goers chased him back to this trailer, he tried returned back to the party with his gun, shotgun, and a few bottle rockets but he never made across the street due the fact que constable arrested him for all of the above.

Ok if you haven’t hug a Tejano today, please do.

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