Friday, January 22, 2016

hejola report for 01222016


Hejola report for 01222016.


Kingsville, Texas. hello raza how are we this beautiful Friday? I am Gloria Guerra con today’s award winning barrio headline news:

Barrio members moving on up!

Community college hiring barrio’s pets.

Corner Drug stores opens up again.

And now some darn good news.

Who needs medical care when someone gave you OJO? Well we have a new medical solution for that, STAY HOME!

Droguería de la esquina will be opening its door this coming weekend located at the corner of third and wells. The new owner Martin Lopez Gomez Martinez Henderson tells us que it will have the cheapest prices around and there should no major problems in getting your prescriptions done, and refilled and a bit more. So tell them you heard it here and you will get a 95 Percent discount on your first purchase and hope it’s not your last.

Now that school has started up at all levels, we were informed that our community college has several positions need to be filled asap. Now the odd thing about this, they wanting to hire your farm animal pets, yes you hear that right your farm animal pet has the chance of getting a job, career, and long term benefits. So let’s get that pet that doesn’t do anything all day but graze, and take it and submit its application asap. There is nothing wrong with a second income coming from a pet.

Yesterday ten families including all their pets were honored at the 11th annual let’s fix someone’s home up committee. The committee was created to help families climb the latter of success and one way was by living in a nice home. So with this in mind ten lucky families received a chit load of stuff to clean their homes, wash their clothing and even a few hand push lawnmowers to maintain their front yards.  It’s going be a great day and we just can’t stop singing Moving on up?

Ok raza let’s get out today a look for that job we always wanted, and don’t feel sorry about yourself, look around you and see how many can’t do what you can do? Think about, it could be worse, get up, take bath, and comb your hair and let’s do it, now if you don’t how long can one be a couch tomata?

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