Monday, January 25, 2016

hejola report for 01252016



Hejola report for 01252016.


Kingsville, Texas. hello raza I am David Duran con today’s award winning barrio headline news:

Barrio prepare for alien invasion.

La commadre arrested for assault.

Community preparing for the worse.

And now some darn good news.

It always seems that to get someone’s attention now a days’ on public media, all you have to do is post how Tejano is dying. How many freaking times does it take to tell folks this false statement? Tejano is at its best and its keeps on growing every day. So for those that have nothing else to write about get a second job. Looking to make this kind of statements when you only get out to go to the store doesn’t say much does it?

Not many residents here know much about anything regardless if they see or hear the news on barrio cable tv. But yesterday many were given an alarm that many more bad thing were coming their way. So since it’s almost the end of the month many were not able to go the store and stock up on needed supplies such as but not limited to beer, beer and toilet paper. But a few know que we heard this before. But once the first of the month starts we will want for that warning again.

It wasn’t a pretty site nor was it a nice site to watch la commadre dragged down the street in her grandma underwear when she decided to take the law into her own hands. The incident happen around 2 a.m. when she hear her husband el Compadre Chuy Munoz trying to sneak in their home through the bathroom window. Once el compadre manage to get in the home, la commadre assault him with a broom and a mop and chased him outside for a few blocks until she realize que she was in her underwear. Once she decide to walk back to her home el comadre slapped her on the head a few times  from behind and she didn’t even see him coming and dragged her back in the house where he called the cops. Both were questioned and la commadre arrested.

Yesterday afternoon the largest crowd ever to gather at the Westinghouse barrio mall to welcome a new make believe Texano group E. T. y Invasión Extraterrestre. They were here promoting their new cd “ Invasi’on de La onda Tejana”. Their tour dates will be announced with a few days.

Ok all you ET fans, beam me up Scottie!

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