Thursday, January 28, 2016

hejola report for 01282016


Hejola report for 01282016.


Kingsville, texas. hello raza I am bill diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news:

Barrio 918 alert missing cats and dogs.

La Girls del hood group want more equal time.

Hood home interior busted.

And finally some darn good news.

We just got word that city and barrio leaders are establishing a way to shut down the internet around 2 a.m. every day except weekends. One leader told the group que way too many folks were missing work due to the fact that they were up all night using the net. Barrio leaders were not too happy about this matter due to the fact that only several few hundred folks have that kind of bucks to stay up all night.

El senor Henry Gomez was arrested as he acted out his own home interior program and had nothing to do with the real so call company. Gomez had been giving his barrio home interior displays in home that folks believe que he was on the up and up. But reality skunk in real quick when those families that had hosted his program were robbed when he went to their family bathroom. He managed to roam around folk home taking whatever he could hind in his pants. Charges will be filed against esta vato.


El constable posted a 918 alert throughout the hood because there were at least 27 dogs and 32 cats missing within the last ten hours.  The constable told us off the record que it could be those hillbillies that just moved into the hood, but there was no proof of them boys stealing, killing or even kidnapping them poor little pets. Oh by the way them boys opened up a Chinese restaurant, named “chon hill boy odd house meals”.

Yesterday the gang called “la girls Del hood”, an organization made up of divorces women rally for more equal time at bars. The groups wanted to let people know que even though we don’t have a job, and are not looking for one, we do have time to go bar hoping. Please note that in order to be a member a woman can’t have children or have children under the age of 32. You see, says one of the girls, that’s what this club is all about, we want women to have a good time without having to leave a bar too early because they have children at home. Another member told us que this thing about job hunting is not going to happen, we expect them jobs come looking for us. (Good luck).

Ok raza the word for today is good luck.

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