Monday, February 20, 2017

hejola report for 02202017


Hejola report for 02202017.


Kingsville, Texas. Hello again I am bill Diaz back from a non-pay vacation with our award winning barrio headline news;

Barrio Tomas Trumpas cardboard image posters appear.

Trumpas accused of smoking lettuce!

And all I want is your tortillas!

I guess the old saying that says one does not fall into excellences one must strive for it don’t apply over here!

Yesterday at a rare press conference esta bato Trumpas say that he wanted to go across the tracks that he has condemned and steal all the material that in is needed in making tortillas. He said why all those fools over there and not the fools over have to buy expensive stuff to make our own tortillas when we can go over and just take their tortillas and the stuff needed to make them here. Many of the people present at the press conference were not sure what hell he was talking about!

Many in the hood are wondering how long will it take to remove Trumpas from office. One comment circulating in the hood is that he smokes Lettuce! You see base on what I know about herbs and I have a herbal booklet that you can buy  says commader Nancy Lopez, it is possible to get high on lettuces that and make you do stupid things and say stupid thing. Ms. Lopez is a leader in the hood due to the fact que she owns the only herbal shop and knows about the different kind of weeds that are in the hood!


Yesterday el constable Cadena had to decide rather to remove a cardboard image of barrio new leader (who by the way hasn’t been run off) Trumpas that was placed at the corner of third and Wells Street. He told us que it could be a joke or a joke on us. He decided to leave it on the corner for a few more days so pets can relief themselves.

Ok raza lock your doors and window the bull chit is getting deep!

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