Tuesday, February 28, 2017

hejola report for 02282017

Hejola report for 02282017.


Kingsville,Texas. hello again raza I am Bill Diaz con today’s award winning barrio headline news:

Barrio leader Tomas Trumpas set new rules for youth baseball programs start this week.

Barrio announces compadres awarded for feyos winners.

And finally barrio fun run re-schedule and re-named for this weekend.

Our park and recreation officers informed us que this week was the opening of youth baseball season for 2011. He wanted to inform all the parents que they need to act like their age out in the park. The park staff will not tolerate any misconducts by players, parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, friends, coaches, managers, bill collectors, drunks, gays, single persons, and who ever goes by the games. So if you cannot act your age, don’t go to the games.

Barrio leader Tomas Thumpas announced that the fourth of July fun run was going to be move to april 5, and the April fool’s day fun run would be moved to the fourth of July. There was really no reasons given just that the “here boy fun run” was still going to be held through the hood and all the barrio folks have been asked to let their dogs loose so this year’s finishing times would be a bit faster than last year. So if you are not ready for the run you still have several months to get ready for that April fool’s day run in July. Pesse hejola.

In other news, the annual feyo contest was held in a secret bar and announced the winners of this year’s Feyo contest, who were Johnnie be Good Morales, and Juan Pena, both men were awarded a free trip to the pluga across the tracks and a few meal at the local net and boat. Congratulations feyos.

Have a great Tejano day.

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