Monday, March 14, 2016

hejola report for 03142016


Hejola report for 03142016.


Kingsville,texas. Hello again I am Jonathan Barrio with today’s spring break headline news:

Barrio family Spring break starts with a bang.

Ten arrested after ten arrested.

Church tent goers surprise when the tent was gone.

And now some darn good news.

Ok, so we got lots of complaints about us making some much of a big deal over a little deal. Dang how much do you want for $5 bucks.

Wow people really have no respect for anything nowadays.  El brother Matt D> Gomez, a local self -proclaimed minster of his tent church called “under this tent we pray” we very surprise this morning when someone or somebody stolen his tent and had no clue of who stolen it or why? El brother tells que it must have been them insurgents going through spring break. A large reward is being offer if found, amen.

You see it could have been real easy if everyone would have gone home after ten or more folks were arrested at the corner of third and wells firework display. Well it really was an unauthorized event and the crowd gather and didn’t want to leave after the constable told them the show was over. So the constable took it on his own, and arrested ten more folks for stealing some of the fireworks didn’t go off and were just laying around. The constable told us we just can’t have that here in the hood with its not even a holiday!

Many in the hood don’t owe guns but they sure owe a lot of fireworks that went off on a blast this weekend at the corner of third and wells. It seems que la commadre was going with her children on a spring break road trip across town when all of a sudden the packages on top of their car went off like a bomb and kept shooting fireworks for about ten minutes until they all went off. El constable Cadena tells us que it must have been a cigarette butt thrown out the window must have landed on top of their baggage’s and step the whole thing off. Charges are pending but their car has a new look to it, looks more like a convertible!

Ok raza drive safe and remember oh Johnnie Law if looking for you.

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